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Hillary Clinton Thinks That Unregistered Gun Carrying Gangsters Will Follow Gun Control Laws



  • Hillary Clinton Says More Gun Control is the Answer to Gang-Related Gun Violence
  • The democratic front runner thinks that more back ground checks are the answer and gun makers should responsible for gun crime 
  • Clinton failed to maintain that the same laws were in place in cities and states for recent mass shootings

During a March 13 CNN Democrat Town Hall in Ohio, Hillary Clinton responded to a question about gang-related gun violence by pushing stricter gun control for law-abiding citizens.

She was responding to comments from questioner Vashitta Johnson, who talked about a seven-year-old boy being killed and his five-year-old and four-year old siblings being wounded in a gang-related attack. The questioner was clear: “This incident was actually a gang-related retaliation shooting.” She also mentioned a shooting in which another five-year-old was shot while lying in his bed, then asked, “What programs would you implement in poverty-stricken communities in this country in an effort to decrease this type of violence?

Clinton then responded to the question of gang-related violence in the same way she has responded to any question about guns throughout this campaign cycle. She claimed “90 people a day are killed by guns in our country,” and she said “a shocking number of those killed are children.” She then pushed for “comprehensive background checks” — the same types of background checks they have in California, Colorado, and Paris — and called for “[cracking] down on the makers and sellers of guns.”

She said gun makers have to be held “accountable for the use of their products.”

A few points need to be made here. Number one, Breitbart News previously reported that Clinton’s claims that “90 people a day are killed by guns” in America is baseless. She literally adds suicides into “gun violence” numbers to swell firearm-related deaths by 66 percent. This opens the door for her to talk about “33,000” Americans killed by guns each year — as she did Sunday night — instead of looking at the approximate 10,000 to 11,000 Americans killed annually via firearm-related aggression, much of which is the kind of gang-related violence witnessed in Chicago and other cities with strict gun control.

On top of this, Clinton pushes for “comprehensive background checks,” which are the very checks that are already in place in California, Colorado, and Paris — the locations of the most high-profile mass shootings and/or shooting sprees that occurred October through December of 2015. Three were shot and killed on Halloween Day 2015 in Colorado Springs, 130 were shot and killed during the terrorist attacks in Paris on November 13, three were shot at killed at Planned Parenthood in Colorado Springs on November 27, and 14 were shot and killed in San Bernardino on December 2. Comprehensive backgrounds were not even a hindrance to these attacks.

And Clinton’s suggestion that we should hold gun manufacturers and sellers liable for the criminal misuse of their products is simply a recipe for eliminating gun manufacturers and sellers in America. How long would knife makers last if held liable for the criminal misuse of their products? How long would hammer makers, baseball bat manufacturers, or car companies last?

This is why Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders warned of the dangers of Clinton’s approach during the previous Democratic debate, when he said that if we start going after gun companies whose products are sold “to a person who buys it legally, what you’re really talking about is ending gun manufacturing in America.”

Source: Breitbart

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  • Steve says:

    If they followed the LAW, they would not be criminals.

  • Gerry says:

    killery, the witch, is as ignorant as the day is 24 hours long. She is an embarrassment to the human race . Hopefully her new residence will be right along side all those criminals who follow the law looking out from behind bars. She was terrible as a first lady, terrible as sec. of state and she would be MUCH WORSE as ( I choke saying this) president of the U.S..

  • Gerry says:

    I not sure she actually believes it but will say anything to get votes from the gun-grabbing community. If she does believe it, she belongs in a mental institution not running for president.

  • Larry Chase says:

    because they are criminals and they steal guns to hurt people with and they do not care in anyway shape or form who gets hurt usually they are Gang Members !!

  • Cliff says:

    I guess it takes a CROOK to protect a CROOK.

  • Wally says:

    Only brainwashed mentally ill liberals believe the criminals will follow these laws. Hillary is not trying to stop crime she is following the socialist play book to disarm all the citizens so the government can control them easier.

  • RWE says:

    The descriptor “criminal” was invented to give society the ability to define those who don’t follow the law.

    Gangsters do not perceive the need to follow laws that in their view impede their own ability to succeed.

    Therefore, imposing laws to control firearms will only affect the law abiding. The net effect of laws regarding banning or controlling firearms weakens the law abiding person’s position and strengthens the law breakers position.

    The upshot of this is more gun violence. Law abiding people by definition do not break the law. Therefore a gun owned by a law abiding person as compared to a criminal will not get used for a criminal purpose. A criminal owning a gun is almost guaranteed to be used to further criminal activity.

    So I believe Ms Clinton is being disingenuous in her position. Anyone as well educated and politically astute as she, knows the facts. She is just trying to further an anti gun position by trying new and different tactics to gain a foothold for her overall agenda.

    The consolidation of a state owned and controlled monopoly of force. This then transfers society’s power from the people to the government. The very transfer our Founders worried about when they amended the Constitution.

  • Joe says:

    Because she is clueless! Democrats want their followers to believe that they make a difference and protect them from all the dangers they scare them with. Far from the truth. They use their loony legislations as an excuse to tax or charge them with hidden fees that mostly have nothing to do with their excuse for the bill.

  • dave mccue says:

    Be real. Hillary, like everyone else knows criminals break every law they think they can get away with. Laws to help keep guns out of their hands are a good idea. Also, if criminals can only get guns by stealing them, then it is up to the gun owners to keep them safely. Unavailable for thieves to get their hands on them.

  • Marfa says:

    I disagree because if they already don’t follow any other laws, why would they follow gun control laws? Seems pretty self explanatory.

  • BILL says:

    Only stupid people would believe that a gangster ( someone already on the wrong side of law–“gangster”) would give a damn about laws. They love unarmed people, makes their trade so easy to do and with less harm (to themselves), who cares about their prey?

  • gene says:

    no wonder bill had so many attacks on women with her logic

  • Gale says:

    They are breaking the law now. Why would it be any different with a gun law?

  • Daniel says:

    These people have unlimited resources for
    obtaining weapons. They control their interests by intimidation and force. They make their own laws and will not be fazed by government laws.
    If common law abiding citizens don’t have access to their own protection they will be
    at the mercy of these thugs etc.

  • david says:

    She is a idiot,has
    no concept of reality

  • Faith says:

    I have no control over what that dingbat Hillary thinks, but if she thinks criminals will follow gun control, she’s crazy as a sprayed roach!

  • Daren D. Theige says:

    Hillary has NEVER said anything in the vein of what this stupid post proclaims!! Wanting to make sure guns are only sold to those who are stable enough to own them is a good thing for ALL Americans. You morons who want gun vending machines on every corner need to have your heads examined!!!!

    • David Blakeman says:

      Daren, I will make you an offer. I see you and your family being accosted by an armed criminal. #1. Do I use my legally acquired, licensed to carry, concealed weapon to stop them. Or #2. Just mind my business and go on about my way? We don’t want to interfere with the criminal having a little fun do we?
      If you don’t want to own a gun, don’t buy one. And if you don’t want to have your rights taken away, don’t try to take away someones else’s rights.

  • Lou says:

    A good definition of a criminal is one who doesn’t follow laws. This would be just one more that they REALLY DON’T WANT TO FOLLOW

  • Yolanda Gianoli says:

    In what world Does she lives?

  • Dannie Watkins says:

    She doesn’t understand that the good follow the law I purchasing a weapon and bad guys get theirs from other bad guys. Their guns are bought from the under ground, with number ground off and not connection to the new owner. She just thinks that because the bad guys use them to hurt or kill, that anyone owning a properly registered gun is a killer to. I guess if someone got killed with a sewing machine needle, grandmas machine would be taken away.

  • Steve Bukala says:

    They violate the law now. What makes her think they will abide by it if she’s president?

  • BUD DOWNEN says:


  • alexander galindo says:

    They do not follow the LAW now..

  • William says:

    Gangsta’s, thugs, thieves and such have no regard for human life except their own

  • Dave says:

    Hillary does not listen to and internalize the facts. She fabricates so many falsehoods that she actually believes them. Criminals will always secure guns to facilitate their criminal activity. Taking away guns from law abiding citizens only makes it easier for the criminals.



  • Joe says:

    They are called criminals for a reason. THEY DON’T OBEY THE LAWS!! Enough said or do I need to draw pictures for you Hillary.

  • Mort Leith says:

    Typical ignorant liberal

  • Russ says:

    Gangster are already lawless or they wouldn’t doing what they do for the fun of it, just look at the kid killed robbing his neighbor for money and school clothes I mean really how he gonna get his money, guess he don’t need any now, just a suit for the funeral

  • Vern Schielke says:

    How stupid does she think we are..I had guns stolen years ago and they too one off a guy robbing a liquor store..
    got one back out of 8 taken

  • David Blakeman says:

    Here is an idea; lets make the politicians libel all for the crap that they try to pull over the eyes of the people that elected them into the offices that they hold. One year for every lie that they tell. Five years for every job they let go to offshore companies. Ten years for every sweetheart deal they make with the lobbyists. Fifty years for every life that they ruin while they make these sweetheart deals. And life without prole for even thinking that criminals would obey any law. How can anybody be that stupid? Oh! I apologize, they are politicians.

  • chuck says:

    Gangsters of the Hood never have follow any rules of good behavior.

  • A.w says:

    Why not take away there guns then let them go out in public and see how long they last

  • Terry says:

    Hildabeast is NOT stupid. She knows some people will buy this bs and vote for her and support her communist agenda without question !

  • Mark says:

    A lier never tells the truth about anything. Mountains of evidence to the contrary will never sway their narrative on opinion no matter how silly they look.
    Hillary is a big lier and that’s all she’ll ever be.

  • BUD DOWNEN says:


  • Pat says:

    Get real… Gangsters do not follow the laws now. why would they follow gun laws. The true gun owners are law abiding citizens trying to protect themselves & their families from the gangsters & other non-law abiding individuals. If Hilliary would take her foot out of her mouth & start living in the real world free of body guards & paid protectors who carry guns. Take her armed protectors away from her & she may want to carry a gun for herself…

  • Mark says:

    She doesn’t care about following the law herself so why is she going to worry about other lawbreakers. It’s all optics and phony speeches.

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