How to Become Wealthy in 5 Years | 10 Surefire Ways to Be Wealthy

Becoming a millionaire is not just about saving money and it does not happen overnight. It takes a lifetime to build up your bank account and grow it to billions of dollars.
But with the proper mindset and lifestyle, reaching a status of wealth is an attainable feat. Here are some tips from billionaires on how to become wealthy in 5 years.
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Proper Mindset on How to Become Wealthy in 5 Years
1. Believe in Yourself
The first thing to do to have a wealthy mindset is to believe in yourself. Always think that you can achieve anything even beyond your capabilities.
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Earning your first million is something possible just as long as you do something about it.
You may be faced with people who will doubt you. If this stops you, think and focus on your goal. Use all the doubts as fuel to push yourself further.
2. Enjoy Everything
Remember the saying “do something you enjoy and you wouldn’t have to work a single day in your life”? Well, if you have fun and enjoy every moment of your journey to be a wealthy person, then it would make your goal easier to achieve.
In relation to this, do something that you love and are passionate about. Getting there will require a lot of sacrifices and hard work but doing it while enjoying yourself can make things bearable.
3. Give Back
Giving back and spreading the wealth is a wealthy mindset you need to have.
Even the wealthiest people give back through charities. Bill Gates, who is one of the richest in the world, donated to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in 2017 amounting to over $4.5 billion worth of Microsoft shares.
It is their way of showing appreciation and gratefulness toward their success and fortune.
4. Be Healthy
“Health is wealth” and achieving your highest goals can't be attained if you are not healthy. Plus, how are you going to enjoy all your fortune if you'll be home lying in your bed?
Being tagged with billions involve protecting your well-being since you'd be required to spend a lot of energy as well.
Invest in gym equipment or have a monthly membership, perhaps take yoga classes, maintain a balanced diet, and most importantly get your health checks regularly.
5. Earn Faster
According to a study, most Americans earn $45,552 per year. You need to stay ahead of the pack if you want to learn how to become wealthy in 5 years.
You need more time grinding to stay on the right track and be faster than the average person.
What do you need to do? Stop procrastinating, learn from your mistakes, and learn from others' mistakes. This way, you'll know what and what not to do as you go forward.
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6. Have Multiple Sources
You don't think you'll become mega-rich just by having one source of income, do you? Obviously, the more sources you get money from the more money you get.
At the same time, getting money from different sources gives you the option to divide your finances properly and set aside more money for investing.
7. Build a Network
Building a network around wealthy people makes the process faster. With an open mind, you'll learn a lot from different people who share the same mindset making you be on the same boat as them.
This can also be an opportunity to build relationships that can lead to clients, customers, or business partners.
You can network with like-minded people by joining clubs, connecting and reaching out to people on LinkedIn, or going to charity events where wealthy people often show their presence.
8. Save To Invest
Saving and spending your money wisely is easy to say but saving your money for the intent of investing rather than spending can be a fast way on how to become wealthy in 5 years.
There are many ways to invest. Not only does it involve the stock market or cryptocurrencies. You can also invest in yourself to further your knowledge, buy more assets, and invest more in your business for it to grow even further.
9. Learn the Ropes
If you're just in your first year, don't forget about the basics and learning the ropes in becoming wealthy. The first is to educate yourself. Make sure you know about how money is made, how it is spent, the rules of tax, etc.
Next is to learn more about yourself. Get a financial mentor who you are comfortable with and who can guide you in becoming a successful and wealthy person.
10. Plan Your Finances Well
In addition to finding a great mentor, make sure you envision how you would spend your money and how you would grow them. Make sure that you earn more than you spend and keep your credits in check.
Watch this video from Kris Krohn as he shares his secret on becoming a millionaire in 5 years starting from $0:
Learning how to become wealthy in 5 years may be tricky. You need to do a lot of things to achieve it but the bottom line is it is possible. If you're trying to go on this path, you need to start now.

Do you have your own tips on how to become wealthy in 5 years? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.