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Is It Time For A Revolution?
Blonde in the Belly of the Beast, as she calls herself, makes some pretty valid points about the current state of our politics and what we can do to try and change them, but does she go too far?
Her remarks about how to strip away the liberals in power are well thought out. The weakness of the politically correct culture is, that given a long enough time span, it will eat itself. She points out how the liberal and PC elites have already begun turning on themselves. None are willing to recognize another's struggle as equal to their own, even when it comes from those equally liberal in nature.
While calling for a revolution modeled after the French Revolution, a very bloody one that saw the death of upwards of 95% of the ruling elite, is without a doubt harsh. However, I do get the frustrations that she is voicing.
After all, these are the people living comfortably in their walled homes as they casually steal and loot everything not tied down. Obama just sent $400 billion in taxpayer dollars to Iran. It has also come out that over half of the people that Hillary met with while serving as secretary of state had to pay to see her. That is only two of the many examples of their everyday corruption.
They have made us an oligarchy where the ruling elite get to stay in power regardless of how corrupt they are, how much they steal, or how much they lie. And because of our two party system, there really isn't much you can do about it.
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So what do you think? Does she have a point or has she gone too far? Let us know below in the comments.
I think we need to band together this is for sure, as a Patriotic People and as an Secret underground movement… I not a great communicator but I do know how to be Strategic when things need to get done …
We need people on the inside (Armed Forces – All Branches) (CIA / FBI / Sheriffs / All law enforcement agencies, Make Up Artist, Special Effects, Actors and Actresses, Stunt Men, Athletes, Etc ) that can see the ongoing corruption and are truly sick of it, that are open to working with such an underground movement to seek the Demise of those in Power,Wealth and Corruption … ( Clint Eastwood, Jon Voight, Ice Cube, Snoop Dog, Quentin Tarrantino, and many others are fed up with this corruption and would be great in our corner doing what they do best (ACTING) ….
We need professional computer geeks such as ” Anonymous ” to empty their accounts and leave no trace of themselves, to put viruses in their PC,s, focus on exposing them for Past Sins bring it to light without a trace of who did this Deed .. Break up marriages by having or paying for an Escort to be with either Wife or husband
of Congress and having pictures taken of the act (Hidden Camera’s in Hotel Room) use these people against
the Corrupt by exposing others …
Creating our own ” SPY’S ” and ” Agents ” with a Vow of Honor that is if captured they take a Cyanide Pill before they can be questioned or tortured … Everyone that joins is investigated – back ground checks.- put through secret test for Loyal and Faithfulness …
All our inside people ( Military / Law Enforcement / CIA – FBI would keep us informed of their movements, those on the inside that seek our lives …
On going training in Martial Arts, (Chuck Norris, Steven Segal, Jacki Chan, Arnold Swartznagger , Fitness, Endurance, Stamina, .. Acting
Need people in communications, electricians, mechanic’s, all fields of expertise that would work on breaking down those that are of the DARK SIDE …
Much planning is Needed if We / You ever want to make a DIFFERENCE and try and turn this LAND ( USA) around, Donald Trump needs all the support that we can give him because he too is ‘ SICK ‘ of the CORRUPTION in this NATION and WORLD ….
If this is not the time for Revolution when is? We have a few political and cultural elites absolutely running this country because they have money and can buy influence. Rightly, many folks follow the MSM because they want to protect their professional lives. But, the MSM only whores themselves out where the money takes them. That’s where the true Revolutions rightly belongs. It’s not among each of us but against the established folks who would manipulate the truth because it fulfills some aggrandized need they have to feel relevant. I think of the Soros’, of course the Clintons, the Bush’s, the Hollywood elites, who lead such utterly secret lives that no one even knows who they really are. They are the ones that need to die to become irrelevant!