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ISIS Is Still The Top Threat



On Monday ISIS released their latest terror video in which they execute 5 men who they accuse of spying for the British government. The main speaker of the video has a London accent and is the first English speaker ISIS has shown since Jihadi John.

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  • Phyllis says:

    ISIS is not a JV group. They have demonstrated that they are a major threat and they need to be dealt with before they expand any further.

  • pam sewer says:

    Too much to worry about since they can travel to any state, city or country

  • Harold says:

    The traitors in the government are the real threat, look at all the muslims the traitor in chief in stalled in the government, once they get them distributed around the country, we will be at their mercy once they get our guns. It’s all a scam. Their mainstream media brainwashes the people world wide.

  • Curt says:

    They are coming here and things will only get worse until we annihilate them all and start deporting all bad muzlims here already.

  • Alvin says:

    Our so called government is just one of the players in the world take over, Henry Kissinger stated obama was put in to get the new world order going, why do you suppose they put in a queer illegal communist in the government and allowed him to install all mu slims in the government and neither party protested, they gave him unlimited power so he wouldn’t be bothering them, all communists, look what they done to Sen Joseph McCarthy in the 50’s when he exposed 205 communists in the government while Eisenhower had us in Vietnam supposedly fighting communism.
    They put him in a mental facility and threw him out a 5th story window in the middle of the night, now they say he died of hepatitis in a Bathezda hospital. neat, how a man can commit suicide and then die of hepatitis, right.

  • Mark Prizasnick says:

    Obama is our top threat. He should read and follow the US Constitution!

  • W H Dering says:

    They are brutally savage and obviously capable of more than they have done thus far….they need to be destroyed !!

  • Carl Bujan says:

    This war against islamic terrorists will never end unless we change the rules of engagement. To win this war we must ripe them of the face of the earth and to do that sad as may sound innocent people will be killed. As in all wars through out history innocent people have died, there is know way around it.

  • TONY says:


  • Roger says:

    We have a great many Muslims in Dearborn Michigan and we need to watch this city for trouble to come. They also use to have a big community near the Ford Rogue Plant and it may still be there. If so we have more in Dearborn than we thought. Look out Lincoln Park !!

  • johl says:

    ISIS size, territory, all the middle east is in turmoil because each local territory is the enemy of the one next door, sources of income, etc.

  • Nofuckin Way says:

    KIll all these muslim bastards. Sand niggerss….

  • Leonard says:

    ISSI is just as dangerous as Obama . both have the same ideology to destroy the nation

  • Marshall Gravatt says:

    These are sick people an.d need to be put down, they are all tools of the Obama administration

  • Daren Theige says:

    ISIS is the result of Bush Jr.’s shock and awe!! We killed over 100,000 people, mostly women and children. Bush seemed to think we were operating with Autonomy. These people are trying to take their rightful revenge!! We should leave Iraq and the entire mid-east to those who live there!!!!

  • Steve Vondracek says:

    We currently have a problem in the USA which is a more immediate problem than ISIS, or whatever they are called. It is the Democrat party and their lock-step attitude in their never ending war against the Freedom of the people in our country, and their ability to pass “legislation” which makes it easier for our enemies to engage us.

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