ISIS Sympathizer Sent To Meet Allah
- A 24-year old ISIS supporter was shot and killed last night in Canada.
- Aaron Driver, the victim, was bound to a peace bond by local officials for his support of ISIS, yet he was reported to be involved in terrorist activities.
- Police officials claimed that when they investigated the terrorist activity Aaron detonated a device that harmed himself as well as another individual.
- The tip was phoned in by Aaron Driver's neighbor who claimed to hear “firecrackers” going off in his back yard.
Aaron Driver, 24, an ISIS sympathizer was killed last night by local police. The Ontario Canada native was under a peace bond with local authorities because of his “affinity” for the Islamic State, unfortunately, they didn't protect him. Police have claimed that the incident happened while investigating a “potential terrorist attack,” the small town of Strathroy.
The police informed Driver's parents that they shot and killed their son because he had detonated a device that had harmed himself and one other person. However, the identity of the other wounded individual has not been identified or released.
A senior police officer told the Canadian Press that Driver had a bomb that he was allegedly going to use to perform a terrorist attack in a public area.
The RCMP released a statement yesterday that said, “The RCMP received credible information of a potential terrorist threat. A suspect was identified and the proper course of action has been taken to ensure that there is no danger to the public's safety.”
Brad Ross, the executive director of the Toronto Transit Commission, said in a statement, “As a precaution, we issued a ‘see something, say something' vigilance notice to all TTC staff, as we do after incidents that occur around the world or if advised of threats closer to home.”
The “credible source,” apparently was a concerned neighbor of Adam Drivers, Maria Pereira. She claimed that she was sitting on her porch Monday afternoon when she heard, what she thought was, firecrackers coming from Adam Driver's back yard. She quickly called the police.
She said, “It was louder than fireworks and that's what started to worry me. And my dog goes nuts — he doesn't like fireworks. And I was just mad at that point because there was no reason to be setting off fireworks in the middle of the day.”
She also said that she wasn't sure if Adam was related to the family that lived in the house. About a year ago, a man, a woman, three young teenagers, and a young boy moved into the house. When Adam would come to the house, he never went in the front, he would go in through the back.
Maria Pereira said, “He wouldn't go in the house, he'd go in the back. I thought someone was living in the back shed because I could hear TV at some points and rustling, and my dog would go nuts at the back shed. I just thought it was strange how he would come over there and not even go into the house. He would just hang out in the backyard most of the time.”
Aaron agreed to a peace bond after he was arrested last year. When he agreed to the peace bond he was “consenting or acknowledging that there are reasonable grounds to fear that he may participate, contribute — directly or indirectly — in the activity of a terrorist group.”
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Leonard Tailleur, Driver's former lawyer, claimed there was no evidence that linked Driver to any form of affiliation with ISIS or any other organization.
He said, “It's shocking. Absolutely shocking, actually. He was generally looked to be low risk as long as there's certain things that had been dealt with.”
The peace bond regulations stated that Driver had to live at a specified address, and contact the RCMP if there was any change of address. He also was not allowed to have any connection with ISIS or any other terrorist organizations. He was not allowed access to a computer or a cell phone and was under constant police surveillance.
So either two things happened. One, Aaron Driver was involved with terrorist organizations. Or, the Canadian authorities were not fans of having an Islamic State supporter in their city and took matters into their own hands. I guess we will never know the truth.
SEE RELATED: It Pays To Be A Terrorist