Breaking News
Just Take These 3 Child Rapist Out Back And Shoot Them…

A prosecutor in Utah told jurors Tuesday that a young girl's testimony about being raped by three men while her mother was in a nearby garage smoking methamphetamine should be sufficient to find them guilty.
The testimony of the girl, who was nine at the time of the alleged assault and is now 11, was consistent, clear and damning, Uintah County attorney Mark Thomas said in a Salt Lake City courtroom during closing arguments.
This poor girl. Thankfully she was able to provide such a clear testimony. But the defense tried its best to say it was all fabricated by the mother who has to plead guilty herself to a misdemeanor child abuse charge for leaving the girl while she used drugs and was sentenced to jail and drug treatment.
Regardless this poor girl has been through too much at such a young age. And we can only hope these three scumbags will get what's coming for them.
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Agreed. I don’t believe prison will be bad for these 3, but castration would send a
vivid message: The US will not tolerate this kind of depraved behavior from anyone.
The prosecutor has no evidence. Other than the girl’s testimony in court 2 years after the alleged assault, there is no physical evidence to support the allegation. The Constitution states a defendant is innocent until “proven” guilty. As a society, we are responsible for protecting the rights of not only the accuser; but, the accused as well. Prosecutors have a very bad habit of asking leading questions that only require the accuser to simply answer “yes” or “no”. I am sure that an 11 year old does not have the command of the language to regurgitate her testimony as “clearly” as the Prosecutor states. When a adult rape case is brought to trial, the accuser’s testimony is insufficient to find the defendant guilty. There must be physical evidence of the assault. If our courts allow simply testimony from the accuser and “special” experts, who simply give an opinion with no physical evidence; then we have a dysfunctional justice system. As a juror, I cannot condemn a man without “facts” shown to me as physical evidence that supports the charges. Just imagine it was you being accused by simple generic, general statements sprinkled with a few inflammatory adjectives. And, you are innocent man being represented by a “court appointed” attorney. If the story is true, there must be physical evidence to support it. If not, it is simply a story being entered into the court record.
Feed al involved with child molestation to crocodiles on live viral video = that would get everyones attention causing any to rethink such activity or involvement…
I like yer thinking. A couple of those and I’m pretty sure it would stop.