Must Watch
Milo Yiannopoulos Is A Digital Freedom Fighter
Earlier in the week we reported that Milo Yiannopoulos had been banned from twitter, despite the fact that hundreds of thousands that advocated the killing of cops or politicians or were simply being run by ISIS were able to stay up and keep posting.
Watch the above video and see Milo Yiannopoulos go on CNBC's Power Lunch and defend his words and actions while taking a shot at the leftest media giant that has gone out of its way to block and prohibit conservative speech while claiming they are being a bastion of free speech.
America is staunchly rooted in a two party system of liberals vs conservatives. This isn't the way the founding fathers wanted it to be, but unfortunately, it is how things are and have been for a while. However, the scary thing is that all of the technology that is so important to our everyday life has been dominated and completely controlled by liberals who see a golden opportunity to limit our 1st amendment rights.
Now I understand that a private company has the right to refuse business or access to whomever they please (within reason) and that the purpose of the 1st amendment is to protect us from government crackdown, none of that means that we are just supposed to let these issues slide. If the government has so completely brainwashed one side to do the censoring for them than they have achieved the same effect.
We must hold these companies accountable. However, we should not simply boycott them. Instead, we should continue to use them, but be very vocal about their discrimination practices. We must force them to confront the issue.
Speech will never be free if we are not given equality on the internet, do not just hand that away and let these companies get away with it.
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