Colorado Mom Puts Trash in Decoy Packages for Holiday Porch Pirates

Porch pirates got a taste of their own medicine when Christine Hyatt, a mom from Colorado, left trash-filled Amazon packages outside her front door. She said thieves have stolen at least 20 packages from her porch.
Hyatt said they were “overflowing with trash” since they forgot to take their trash out for Thanksgiving. “I've had packages stolen and I went, ‘You know what? I have extra boxes – let's see if someone will take our trash!'” she said. Last Wednesday was the third time that she deceived the criminals.
Hyatt has had it with the thieves and decided to fill boxes up with used kitty litter. The porch pirates have stolen her daughter’s diabetes medication, and this is Hyatt’s way of fighting back.
She plans to put cigarette butts, kitty litter, and fast food wrappers in her next package.
According to Daily Mail, package thieves have become rampant in the country. 36% of Americans said they've had a package stolen in the past 12 months.

1 Comment
I’m glad to hear that, keep it up, good job , I hope they enjoyed the trash, Ha, Ha, Ha..