Obama Finally Interested In Deportation
It seems that the Obama administration is starting to take responsibility for their mistakes, and is planning to do a fresh round of deportation raids. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) have told officials that they need to have a 30-day arrest surge, targeting Central American families that have come here illegally and have already been told to leave the country. Apparently, the raids would also target immigrants who came here as minors and have now turned 18.
The start date on these raids, however, is not clear but they are expected to last through next month, so they should be starting in the not so distant future.
Four months ago the spark of interest for this deportation raid, came after a two-day operation that resulted in the detention of 121 people. Those raids were focused on Georgia, North Carolina, and Texas. There has been no comment on where the latest raids will take place or the areas in which they are going to focus on.
Officials are hoping that this operation will help in deterring immigrants from flooding into the United States from the southern border. The Customs and Border Protection figures for the beginning of the fiscal year of 2016, the first six months, say that they detained 27,754 unaccompanied minors from Central America. That is almost double the number from last year 15,616.
Although that number doesn't begin to compare to the number of families (at least one parent and one child) that have been detained, which is 32,117. Which is almost triple the number from last year 13,913.
Even though officials have been successful at detaining illegal immigrants both Democratic candidates have expressed their disapproval of the raids. Hillary even went as far as to say, that the raids are “not productive and do not reflect who we are as a country.”
Even though Bernie Sanders believes that the raids are inhumane and painful for the families, our country was set up on rules and allowing people to stay here when they haven't followed those rules gives a bad image to America. If we can't follow through on our rules, that what else will people be allowed to get away with.