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Obama To Keep Fighting Trump; Obama We Don’t Care For Your Thoughts Any More
- Offering a rare glimpse into his thoughts on his post-presidency, Obama suggested once he was out of office he would uphold the tradition of ex-presidents stepping aside quietly to allow their successors space to govern.
- He wanted to give Trump the same chance to pursue his agenda “without somebody popping off” at every turn.But Obama suggested there may be limits to his silence.
- Obama, who has consistently praised Bush for the way he's handled his ex-presidency, faces a conundrum about how to handle his own.
LIMA, Peru – President Barack Obama said Sunday he doesn't intend to become his successor's constant critic — but reserved the right to speak out if President-elect Donald Trump or his policies breach certain “values or ideals.”
Offering a rare glimpse into his thoughts on his post-presidency, Obama suggested once he was out of office he would uphold the tradition of ex-presidents stepping aside quietly to allow their successors space to govern. He heaped praise on former President George W. Bush, saying he “could not have been more gracious to me when I came in” and said he wanted to give Trump the same chance to pursue his agenda “without somebody popping off” at every turn.
But Obama suggested there may be limits to his silence.
“As an American citizen who cares deeply about our country, if there are issues that have less to do with the specifics of some legislative proposal or battle or go to core questions about our values and ideals, and if I think that it's necessary or helpful for me to defend those ideals, I'll examine it when it comes,” Obama told reporters.
Obama, who has consistently praised Bush for the way he's handled his ex-presidency, faces a conundrum about how to handle his own. Though he's vowed to ensure a smooth handover of power, Obama is keenly aware he's being replaced by a new president whose views on many issues are antithetical to his own.
The president spoke out vigorously throughout the campaign against Trump's calls for banning Muslim immigrants, deporting millions of people living in the U.S. illegally, reinstitution waterboarding, repealing “Obamacare” and canceling the Paris climate deal, to name a few. Those policy proposals and others like them have stoked fear for many Americans who oppose Trump and are hoping that vehement opposition from Obama and other Democrats might prevent Trump from implementing them.
Yet Obama suggested that while he might not always hold his tongue, his goal wasn't to spend his time publicly disparaging the next president.
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“My intention is to, certainly for the next 2 months, just finish my job,” Obama said. “And then after that, to take Michelle on vacation, get some rest, spend time with my girls, and do some writing, do some thinking.”
Obama's remarks at a news conference in Lima offered some of his most specific indications to date of how he feels Democrats and Trump opponents should handle the next four years. Asked whether Democrats in the Senate should follow Republicans' example of refusing to even consider a Supreme Court nominee, Obama said they should not.
“You give them a hearing,” said Obama, whose own Supreme Court nominee, Merrick Garland, has lingered for more than half a year due to the GOP's insistence that no Obama nominee be considered. Obama said he certainly didn't want Democrats to adopt that tactic spearheaded this year by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.
“That's not why the American people send us to Washington, to play those games,” Obama said.
He declined to weigh in explicitly on whether House Democrats should stick with Rep. Nancy Pelosi as minority leader, arguing it was improper to meddle in the vote. But he said of the California Democrat, who faces a challenge for the leadership post: “I cannot speak highly enough of Nancy Pelosi.”
Obama's remarks came as he concluded his final world tour as president. For Obama, it was the last time he'd take questions on foreign soil, a staple of his overseas trips that his administration has seen as an important symbol of America's commitment to a rigorous free press.
Obama said he'd avoided ethical scandals by trying to follow the spirit, not just the letter, of the law, and suggested Trump would be wise to follow his example about conflicts of interest. Though he declined to explicitly offer Trump advice, Obama said he'd been served well by selling his assets and investing them in Treasury bills.
“It simplified my life,” Obama said. “I did not have to worry about the complexities of whether a decision that I made might even inadvertently benefit me.”
Good government advocates have criticized Trump's decision not to liquidate his sprawling business interests, but put them in a blind trust entrusted to his children, who are playing major roles in helping him form his administration and are expected to remain involved in one capacity or another.
On his final day in Peru, Obama chatted briefly with Russian President Vladimir Putin about Ukraine and the Syria crisis. The four-minute conversation, likely the leaders' last face-to-face interaction, came amid intense speculation and concern about whether Trump's election might herald a more conciliatory U.S. approach to Russia
Putin, speaking later in Lima, said he and Obama had noted that while their working relationship had been difficult, they'd “always respected each other's positions — and each other.”
“I thanked him for the years of joint work, and said that at any time, if he considers it possible and will have the need and desire, we will be happy to see him in Russia,” Putin said later.
Questions about Trump trailed Obama throughout his final overseas trip, as anxious world leaders quizzed him on Trump's stances on key issues like trade, foreign policy and the NATO alliance. Obama sought to reassure Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and other leaders gathered in Peru that their longstanding ties with the U.S. wouldn't falter under Trump.

He’s destructive and deceitful!
He’s done!
Yes! Obama needs to STFU and just GO AWAY!
We are sick of looking at elephant ears!
We have had 8 years of Obama and his ways and means and look where we are today. Enough said!
During his presidency (choke) he didn’t do anything positive. Why should we care what he does now. He should just go away. He’s acting like the rest of the brats who lost. Whine, whine!!!
he has been a complete failure as a president and does not respect our american traditions
President Obama is a has been. He was a failure and someone is whispering in his ear falsely, stating he has done a great job. I don’t think so. The country is more divided, infrastructure is falling apart, immigration has got worse and it has been reported that it is getting even worse in the last 2-3 weeks, people are pouring through the boarder. He has spent too much time worrying about other counties and letting ours go to hell. He has one month to go. Thank God
Obama, you had a chance to make the right changes and send this country in the right direction. Like all other previous presidents; you had your chance… go away.
Obama needs to help America not bring it down as he has done and still doing. Trump will handle him as you know Trump is no dummy!
Big O has a lot to say but does nothing but trouble.
cause you screwd up this country and now we have to fix it the right way
After January 20, please keep your comments to yourself! Bush let you lead, you do the same!
Since this fool became President everything he has said or done has been for himself or special interest groups. The result is that the American People are now in the worst shape in fifty years! All I want to hear from this fool is GOODBYE!
Obama is too far to the left and he’s been trying to turn our country in to a third world country. I want America to be great again where Americans come first then the rest of the world.
He’s history and the worst US President ever. He done nothing but divide our citizen Now it time to come together under new leadership and renew our privilege of being an American – something to be proud of for all of us and quit looking for free handouts. Start getting some character and be proud of being an American again.
We had all we needed and then some of wanting it all their way.
Trump is clearly against anyone other t white
Obummer will no longer be president, he needs to shut up.
Obama has forced his policies on
Americans for 8 years with no regard to how we feel about it. So I don’t really care how he feels, nor do I think it is any of his business.
Obama is the last person anybody should have to listen to while the new government is cleaning up his disaster.
Because you lost the Ball Game and you are benched,prion would be more just.
Pres. Bush was not “praised” after Obama became president. He was blamed for a lot of things. I think Obama is worried about the criticism he will receive. Poor baby!
Assuming that the First Amedment of the Constitution applies to the President it follows that he has the right to speak his mind just as we can regardless of it we agree with what he or we says.
We have had enough of his lies and betrayals. Stay out of where you don’t belong. He was eligible to be president to begin with
Obama campaigned for Hillary, so we know his heart. Donald Trump won the election fair and square. So we need Obama to keep his negative thoughts to himself. By the way, why would he feel he needs to talk about this all the way over in Peru. He makes no sense!
For the past eight years we have endured an inept presidency from President Obama. His ego will simply prevent him from disappearing into the shadows. You can expect to see and hear him on a daily basis disagreeing with President Trump.
Mr. Obama this is no longer a campaign and elections have consequences….we don’t like your thoughts or ideals or ideas, thank you.
He’s caused enough hate, lies, and shame on America! Go away forever!
Obama’s job as POTUS is to protect and defend the United States of America and uphold the Constitution, not to attempt to influence and promote his ideology upon the people because his high office provides him a platform and capacity to execute his will.
He is lame and on his way out. He has not been doing his job. He spent too much time supporting Clinton and now he is wasting his time against Trump. He is worthless!
Every President has the right and obligation to comment on their successor’s performance. I think that websites like yours are trying to act as if President Obama doesn’t deserve the same privileges of all other presidents, if so, you’re wrong. If you don’t agree with his policies or have some other human weakness why you cannot accept opinions other than yours, then you should not ask for any opinions, just those who agree with you.
Obama has done Nothing to improve America!! His agenda is to destroy Our Constitution, Our Freedoms, Our National Security both at home and abroad and Our Economy!! He embraces the leftist socialistic radicals and he is UN- American !! He is a Total Disgrace to have ever occupied Our Oval Office !!!
Obama has made this country exactly opposite of what Our GOD wants! Abortion, gay marriage. Letting parolees do whatever they want with out supervision, or fear of punishment Refusing to build a better border. He is of the idea that “if it feels good, do it” Letting all the aliens in without proper vetting, letting boys go into girls bathrooms at schools and men also in the stores, it is shameless, he is shameless. Prompting judges to give real lenient sentences to rapists, shaming and scarring the victims..Putting racists in office, constantly showing his racism. refusing to call terrorists, terrorists. It goes on and on!
It”s a time to go down a different road. Trump needs to move in a different direction without having to deal out side remarks from a looser.. The people spoken.
Obama has been a thorn is everyone’s side long enough, he’s out & TRUMP IS IN!!!!!!!!
Obama go back to Chicago, maybe they can find a hole for you!!
He is irrelevant. Despicable fraudulent law breaker who is guilty of treason and should be in prison
I don’t give a shit what this lyingng traitor says
I am sick of what he has done the last 8 years and really could care less what he has to say.
Right! Obama we DO NOT care about anything you have to say! Instead why
don’t you STFU!
I don’t care what obama says because he has done not to help this country only hurt this country for the last 8 years. The only thing obama did was blame everything on Bush and now the asshole is concerned that Trump will talk against him. Well the idiot needs to understand that he has messed up ever since he entered the White House.
Has access to classified information and he history of it during his administration. That is valuable information. To not share his opinion would be a waste of positive information. Of course most everyone on this sight hates Obama. His wife said public schools should have healthier food and people on this site say “i dont want the goverment dictating what I feed my kids” as if the junk food isnt the governement only if its healthy. I only mention that to say that whatever Obama does will be looked upon negatively due to the white supremacy hate group called GOP. Arm chair quarterback of presidents are a waste of time inless one knows the full story.
Trump Favors torture, white supremetists,non white or nonchristian immigrants.
Make that black faggot SOB prove his citizenship, he can’t do it because he’s a Muslim bastard from Kenya. put him in prison.
I can’t stand this devil obama. He has destroyed our country and ignored the Constitution that he twice took an oath to uphold and protect. He must have put his hand on the Satanic bible or the kuran but not a Christian Bible. I never voted for him. He is a traitor to our country who sold our military secrets strategies to our enemies and gave money and weapons to them. He has divided races and attacked Christians and Catholics. Evreything he has done in his 8 years has been destructive to our country. I despise both him and his hypocrite wife.
I can’t stand this devil obama. He has destroyed our country and ignored the Constitution that he twice took an oath to uphold and protect. He must have put his hand on the Satanic bible or the kuran but not a Christian Bible. I never voted for him. He is a traitor to our country who sold our military secrets strategies to our enemies and gave money and weapons to them. He has divided races and attacked Christians and Catholics. Evreything he has done in his 8 years has been destructive to our country. I despise both him and his hypocrite wife.
your reign has come to and end and not soon enough
Obama is a Traitor to his Country and should be tried, not given a platform to armchair quarterback President Trump!
Obama needs to back off of trump, mind his own business and let trump do his job of preparing his administration for the upcoming inauguration and start of his new job.
ride into the sunset and be quiet
Ovomit is a communist about to see everything he and his fellow travelers did undone. Never happen. Besides, everything is about our deer in the headlights leader. Nothing else matters to someone like him/her/it/undecided/whatever.
Not only is Obozo “lame”, maybe the most “lame” president, but he is part of the Dems thinking. He just doesn’t get it, that his policies and presidency has been “rebuked’ by the country in this election.
President Obama is the worst president in history, he is an illegal immigrant, a Muslim Terrorist, in cahoots with The Clinton’s and Soros to take America down even further than Obama has in the 8 years he has been in office. DOWN WITH COMMUNISM!!
this will be 24/7 attacks on Trump
from a muslim traitor,
from the democrats,
from all the msm,
from all schools,
from all hollywood,
from all broadway,
from all elites,
Until someone kills him
fight back,
denounce muslim traitor and democrats,
use twitter, use charter schools, boycott movies, shows, businesses, and sports,
fight back!!!
he has done enough damage
Mr Trump is the President elect now.Just because Hillary lost,is no reason to sling mud at Tump.Man up and accept the inevetable.
I never cared what Obama had to say to begin with
We have 8 years of his failed policies and ideas to deal with for God know”s how long and he want”s to look over President Trumps shoulder! Just go away Obama we do not want anymore of you or your anti- American ideas!!!
Obama is the worst president in American history.
He is the worst president we have ever had. He has screwed up the economy so much that many manufacturers left here for other countries because of all his tax increases. He doesn’t even know what the constitution means. He should be tried and convicted for all of the unlawfull things he has done and treasonous things. Then he should be hung over
No one cares what he has to say be a graceful man like Georgia Bush just quietly go away
Yes America , The Token Negro Is A Worthless Cockroach ! ! !
We elected a NEW President because Obama was so radical. He needs to stay home and take of his baby mama.
I am not a socialist or globalisation but a proud American nationalist/capitalist
We’re so done with this man! We’ve had enough if his lecturing, apologizing for the U.S. And his condescending attitudes! Bush never said a word about Obama! when he left . Go overseas and work on your globalization of other countries! You’ve done enough damage here and we’re now going to erase what you did here ! Like he always quoted ” Elections have consequences” America spoke load and clear ! Trump has a mandate to reserve your damage to this country ! Good riddance! Jan 20 can’t come fast enough!
I never had any respect for (c)bama… he never earned it. I always have considered him a cheap street punk who bamboozeled his way into the White House depending on his endorsers in the communist party, the infiltrated socialists in the “leadership” of the democratic party, the idiots in the US Peace Council (a subsidiary of the WPC, an old KGB front) and an assortment of useful fools who pushed an inept hustler into positions of influence in corrupt and filthy Chicago politics and then rode the propaganda and white guilt wagon to the White House. The yellow media drooled at the possibility of having a leftist to promote and the infiltration of our schools and newspapers paid off. So he got a shot at governing and screwed it up, generating $14 TRILLION in debt in 8 years (more than the total accumulated debt generated by his all predecessors since 1789) and hobbling the country’s finances and defense. The new president now inherits a basket case thanks to this buffoon of (c)bama and it will take a full-fledged miracle to fix the country. Whether it can be done or not at this stage is an open question. And if it can’t be done, the media will become orgiastic blaming the current president and not the true culprit… the scum (c)bama. Such is life in the US today.
Henry R.
Henry R.
…Obama is a proven liar that has sold U.S. out to the U.N.
Obama is a lame duck. Of course, he would love to declare martial law and stay in office…
Butt out, your damage is done! Now let us mend our nation
needs to be tride for treason
Because the United States is sick of having a joke for president , it’s been eight years of you stealing from our tax dollars for your boyfriend Michael and your two adopted daughters were sick of seeing you and hearing from you so just fall off the face of the earth and keep floating someplace called hell,you deserve nothing less you and your family do not down a perfect man to take the presidency over will finally get something done and get all those towel heads out of here starting with you Obama you’re nothing but a piece of pig shit
I belive we need President Obama to stay on and give hold Trump to policies and knock off his lies
This Clown has done NOTHING for the benefit of This Country!
I NEVER cared about what he said, cause it almost always hurt our country.
I never did want to hear him spout of. I can talk to a golfer anytime.
He is useless leader!
Obama has never really cared for America and the basics of American philosophies. He wants us to be more like a third world country, part of the globalist world. Forget it!
obumer has lied to the American people over and over again about everything. He has given away America. He should be arrested for treason and domestic terrorism and publicly hung.
take a walk tired of your babbling
During his time he made to many mistakes, but credit due for a few
President Obama has exhibited a complete contempt for congress,the senate,and any part of the Constitution of the USA he doesn’t agree with. He has had 8 years to show what he can accomplish.Now the next President gets his chance. If a President who is the top exhibitor of the law disregards his own countries laws how can he expect the populace to honor the law.
I am so sick of how he has ruined our country for 8 years. I want him to go away and stay away.
Because your ideas, thoughts and actions regarding unGodly rules you tried to make us Republicans to accept are abusive and republishing and definitely against God’s words; therefore, until you accept God’s Ten Commandments, You would be advised to keep those illegal, unGodly things to yourself. Te trust God and His laws and Rules are the only ones we need to heed. You will soon find out what occurs in your life, if you continue in your Satanic ways and issues which are so abominable!
Globalism does not work! And all Obama and his cretins are interested in is money and power they are not at all interested in we the people! Obama shut up and get out and take all your policies and shove the up your ass along with the Clintons!
Obama needs to slide off in the dark as he has been a total failure at doing the job he was hired to do. He broke his Oath and has not even followed the rules in the UCMJ.
We need change not more of the same old Washington stuff
obama has been the worst president in american history.
Obama hasn’t done anything but try to destroy America in everything he has done over the last 8 years. The quicker we get rid of him, the better.
Obama you have brought America to the lowest of lows!! You have committed over 200 illegal acts, and have not been punished much less impeached!!! You have disgraced the White House so many ways and time’s!!! You lit up the White House with a rainbow representing sodomites!!! You are the one that has caused all this division and hate!! I can’t wait until you and your racist wife are out of the White House!! America needs someone that will help us,we the people,that have lived in America for generations are treated like a piece of trash,while you steadily brought in Muslims that are born to kill Americans!! It’s time for a real President to help his own country!!! Your legacy will be the worst person that was illegally put into office!!!
“Obama To Keep Fighting Trump; Obama We Don’t Care For Your Thoughts Any More”
Obama and the Dem’s are now showing their TRUE Colors – 1st Lecturing America on how the Conservatives and Trump SHOULD Accept the Election Results, HOWEVER when those Election Results now don’t go THEIR way, the Dem’s now will NOT Accept the Election results themselves, with their resulting Riotng Destruction and Death Threats (even threats to the Electoral College).
Obama has and is still trying to destroy the Sovereign Country, He has tried to take the Constitution of the United States apart and destroy the freedoms that the American citizens had prior to his taking office. He is a liar, thief and murderer. He will not be missed.
I didn’t care after I figured out he is full of it and didn’t care about American people
We really don’t care what you think. Listen to Peyton Manning and don’t outstay your welcome.
I’m not a socialist pig
Obama is an instigator. He will continue his bad behavior.
Obama you have done enough harm to this COUNTRY, SHUT UP!!!
He has failed at healthcare, neglecting to take care of illegals being here, failing at keeping terrorists out of the USA and last but not leadt looking into trafficking of children through cos/dcf agencies and family court systems!
The only problem I have with Obama’s statement is that it is too wimpy. Bump is clearly a Fascist and needs to have his every breath opposed.
Because he does not speak for the welfare of the US citizens but speaks for the global elite!
Donald Trump won the election and he should be given all the help from the white house to get ready to transfer the power of the office over to the president elect. all this other BS stuff should quit. the world is watching us. what message are we sending to them. then we are suppose to go into their country and tell them what to do. whom are we trying to kid. lets act like we suppose to do and which we have done for the history of these election.. stop it. stop it. I need not defend this country on the battle field for all these S it.
Obama Just Go Home WE Had ENOUGH of YOU!!!!!!!
when d. trump is pres. he is pres.
He has to respect the man who was elected. He has had 8 years of doing what he wants now it is someone else’s turn. But out already.
Obama had eight years to improve on infrastructure, jobs, immigration, economy, foreign affairs, ,domestic programs and on and on. He could have been one of the best Presidents in History. He made many promises to fundamentally transform our country which was not in need of a fundamental transformation to his version of a third or fourth rate no longer powerful leader o
Of the free world. He failed miserably in every promise although he did make our country less free more divided than it has ever even, lost friendships with allies we have had longer than he or his family has. Even on this earth. He just does not resonate with our population, our people, our country. And people are a largely fed up with the spending spree he and those in his entourage have taken advantage of on the taxpayers dime all the while telling us we do not pay our fair share of taxes. And how about the 94 million people many of whom lost their jobs under his regime. Is that enough for you or should not
Obama needs to understand that we the American people reject him and his ideas.
He needs to disappear into retirement.
I’d be happy to see Obama in Russia, too. He should keep his mouth shut. He has used the last 8 years to change America for the worse. All his initial talk about transparency was a bunch of hooey. He could have been the President who fostered good relations between the races, but he chose to do the opposite. Race relations now, after Obama, are worse than they have been in the last 30 years. His is a presidency that failed. He just needs to shut up and go on another permanent vacation, like he has spent most of his time on in the last 8 years.
Mr Obama has been the worst president in our great history.
Why would I care to hear anything he has to say
Because he’s been one of the worst presidents EVER!!!
The period of time that he was President, as a retire person from the military, I received $7.18 as an increase on my pay from the military & lost $30.20 in taxes. WHY?
His only interest in the United States and it’s people is to do us harm.
because TRUMP is right
Obama has tryed to destroy our country from the get go , by bring in all the muslims ,running up huge debt