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Obama Will Hate The Supreme Court For This



Supreme Court

  • The Supreme Court will rule on President Obama's executive order that would allow up to 5 million illegal immigrants to stay and work in the country, despite being an election year.
  • The majority of the immigrants affected would be those with legal children or “anchor babies.”
  • Texas is leading the 26 states that have challenged the plan in United States V. Texas. 
  • The case will likely be decided in late June, just a month before the primary candidates are chosen. 

(WASHINGTON) — The Supreme Court has agreed to an election-year review of President Barack Obama’s executive orders to allow up to 5 million immigrants to “come out of the shadows” and work legally in the United States.

The justices said Tuesday they will consider undoing lower court rulings that blocked the plan from taking effect in the midst of a presidential campaign already roiled by the issue.

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The case probably will be argued in April and decided by late June, about a month before both parties’ presidential nominating conventions.

The immigrants who would benefit from the administration’s plan are mainly the parents of U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents.

Texas is leading 26 states in challenging the immigration plan.

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  • patrick driscoll says:

    Do not want BO to ever have a good day again!

  • ivan says:

    because if the supperium counts do what i hope they do is say no we do not need anymore terrorist tin our country and why is obummer still in office.

  • Adams says:

    He is nothing more than a spoiled wannabe. He is less than worthless.

  • Martha Tucker says:

    Why waste any more e-mails when the sorehead senators and congress men won’t stand up to Obama and tell him where to go. In fact the public ought to tell their senators ad congress the same thing.

  • Keith Denney says:

    Do NOT bet on the outcome of this court!!! It is very important that NO LIBERAL ne able to put more UNQUALIFIED people on the court!!!! I can just imagine more Sotomeyer’s or Kagan’s that NEVER set on a bench before unless it was a team sport!!

  • Rocky says:

    Don’t count on it ! This decision could go either way. Then there is the fact we already have a best guess estimate of 30 MILLION illegal aliens in the US and more pouring in daily ! Source: Ann Coulter book, Adios America plus Frosty Wooldridge book, The Next 100 Million. Both books fully documented in best figures available. Add in the legal immigrants and the so called “refugees” and the kids from the Obama Children’s Crusade and it is evident America as we know it is gone forever thanks to our elected officials who sold their soul and their country for money, power and votes. The American voters who let them get away with this are equally the blame for a nation lost.

  • David Naugle says:

    This will eliminate millions of possible illegal voters for the election.

  • john says:

    court full of liberal wing nuts with globalist connections

  • gf says:

    Everything that the Caucasian race creates, is eventually taken away, by inferior races. In a nutshell, the humans are screwed!

  • Richard Denewiler says:

    Obama has gotten away with so many illegal things that it’s about time the powers that be investigate his actions.

  • Daren D. Theige says:

    I don’t see why the Supreme Court would disapprove of this action now. They were fine with it when Reagan granted undocumented Mexicans immunity!!!

  • Matthew N. Feller says:


  • Howard L. Wilson says:

    Enough information has come forth, that Obama is himself, not Citizen. You might want to contact Trey Gowdey on this question.

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