Politics Aren't The Only Corrupt Thing About D.C. (Image: MGN) The Mayor of Fairfax, Virginia, Scott Silverthorne, was arrested for distributing methamphetamine for sexual encounters. He...
U.S. Spies Are Protecting The Rio Olympics (Image: MGN) United States intelligence agencies have confirmed that they are working in cooperation with the Brazilian government in...
Disease Ridden Refugees Are Contaminating America (Image: MGN) Zika has spread now from Florida to parts of Illinois. Almost 50 cases of the Zika virus have...
George Zimmerman is once again in the news, this time, the victim in an altercation happening in the same town where he shot and killed Trayvon...
Dear Donald Trump, We, the American people, need you to step up your game. As of late, although people have disagreed with a handful of your...
A parade in Iowa showed their political support by having a Hillary Clinton-inspired float. The float was a Hillary, in an orange jumpsuit, behind bars. As the...
A CNN/ORC poll was taken and Hillary seems to be in the lead of the Presidential election. In the poll, Hillary has an 82 percent chance of...
One of the most “manly-men” in history, Clint Eastwood, just said he is a Trump supporter. Eastwood said that Trump has said numerous things that he...
A knife attack in London's Russel Square left one American woman dead, and five others injured. The 19-year-old attack has been reported to suffer from mental...
Watch this video and take a first look at Phoenix's newest serial killer. Phoenix police are on the hunt for a suspect now linked to seven...
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