The families of two iconic victim figures in the Black Lives Matter movement – Michael Brown and Breonna Taylor – are asking the group where the...
On Sunday, a man from Oregon, who attended a rally near the state Capitol, pulled a gun on Antifa rioters. He did so after the said...
CNN and NBC each have given $35,000 to John Sullivan, an alleged left-wing rioter who took part in the Capitol siege last month, for the rights...
The House of Commons in Canada passed a motion that calls for labeling the Proud Boys group as a terrorist organization. The lower chamber passed the...
Dante Barksdale, director of the Safe Streets program in Baltimore, has died after being shot on the head on Sunday while visiting a housing project. Workers...
Former President Barack Obama observed MLK Day by honoring Martin Luther King Jr. and urging his countrymen to perform acts of service. On Twitter, Obama said...
Security officials from the Capitol have warned members of Congress that thousands of President Trump’s extremist backers are planning to try and breach into the Capitol...
In Washington, D.C., at least four people were stabbed Saturday as thousands of maskless Trump supporters attended a rally at the National Mall. They demanded the...
Silicon Valley made a massive effort to suppress information damaging to Democratic candidate Joe Biden leading up to the election. Now, Big Tech is working overtime...
On Sunday, Portland demonstrators called Antifa targeted a Democratic campaign office. They shattered windows and spray-painted statements such as “F*** Biden” and “no presidents” on the...