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Portland University Students Protest Their Own Privilege



Should anyone be surprised that university students in Portland, Oregon are protesting about a non-issue like being too safe?

These liberal safe-spacers are upset over the fact that their school, Portland State University, decided to arm their police force with firearms. Which, evidently, is a clear display of the racist, capitalistic patriarchy of white men and greatly offensive.

This is apparently applicable to Black Lives Matter as well, as one student put it, “Black Lives Matter is not a request, we are not asking for your permission, we are done with politely asking.”

Now, if I was only allowed one word to describe the “BLM” movement, it wouldn't be polite.

Another student claimed it was so important to disarm their campus police because, “we are fighting against racism, capitalism, and patriarchy.”


Now, I did a quick google search of the crime statistics of Portland State University and I found them to be staggeringly low. So, maybe they don't need an armed police force, BUT they also have no records of any police brutality or PR blunders that I could find. Which means that this is really only a question of how the budget could be put to better use. Although, that's a harder question to protest on and a lot less likely to get them excused for skipping class.

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