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Could Russia Become America’s Strongest Ally in Trump’s America?



Michael Flynn, President Trump’s National Security Advisor, resigned Monday evening amid speculation of improper ties to Russia. Flynn was (and still is) a loyal Trump supporter. But now the liberal media is at it again and throwing Flynn under the bus for doing what he believed was in the best interest of his president and his country.

Could Russia Become America's Strongest Ally in Trump's America?

But was what he did really so bad?

Flynn was helping secure ties with Russia, who could end up being our strongest supporter as the rest of the world picks fights with President Trump.

Could Russia Be America's Strongest Ally in Trump's America? Michael Flynn

On one hand you have China, a country constantly undervaluing its currency so it can outbid the U.S. on products and deals around the world. China has already threatened the U.S. if America gets involved in South China Sea affairs.

People are concerned about a trade war with China and losing American jobs to our economic rival. Well guess what? We’re already there. That’s happening. The U.S. had a $347 billion with China in 2016. We imported 4 times as many goods from China as we exported to the country. In fact, the majority of American exports to China are simply low-cost manufacturing materials that are then assembled and shipped back to the U.S. as imports.

Then there’s England. The British Parliament was actually debating banning President Trump from a state visit. What a joke! Fortunately, U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May was sensible enough to dismiss the idea. But the fact that this was even up for consideration is ridiculous. Around the world there are anti-Trump protests by liberals and people scared of America rising to its full power again under a man who is doing what he promised to do.

Except Russia.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has been a Trump supporter from the start and acknowledged his respect for Trump – a major step for Russia/U.S. relations. While liberals want to make friends with every country pushing the U.S. away, they want to push away a major superpower who is embracing us for the first time since WWII.


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Because Putin isn’t perfect. There’s plenty of negativity directed at Putin, but there’s also quite a lot to like. For starters, unlike Barack Hussein Obama, we know exactly where Putin and Russia stand in regards to ISIS and radical Islam. Russia has shown itself as ready, willing, and able to kill Islamic terrorists. With Putin, the U.S. has an opportunity to actually gain some ground in the war on terror.

Could Russia Be America's Strongest Ally in Trump's America? Putin

It’s a little ironic that people are complaining about Trump’s foreign policy goals, yet he has a chance to do something in which George W. Bush, Obama, and even Hillary Clinton all failed. And it’s critical he succeed as Russia and the U.S. are the owners of the world’s biggest nuclear arsenals. Working together, we could ensure peace throughout the world.

And with Russia’s economy struggling in the midst of a decline, the U.S. could find itself with a huge trade partner to help boost our own economy.

Did Michael Flynn mess up? Absolutely. He lied to the public and he betrayed the trust of our president and country. But the fact remains that President Trump is putting the U.S. in a position to mend fences with Russia and establish a new, bright relationship with our Soviet friends. Flynn did what he thought best to help encourage that relationship. At worst, he should be demoted, not thrown under the bus by politicians, liberals, and the media.

The U.S. and Russia are on track to start getting along, and we have Donald Trump to thank for that as we could gain possibly our strongest ally ever.

Up Next: Payroll Tax: Possibly The Most Debilitating And Crippling American Tax?

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  • Victoria says:

    I’m happy we’re busy mending fences rather than sending our troops to start yet another war. It’s too bad the munitions manufacturers are struggling! SOB! I like us minding our own business and taking care of OUR country! Yeah Trump!!!!!

  • DENNIS says:


  • Alfredo Peckson says:

    More leery about China. Must double down on our vigilance with Russia, however. “Trust but Verify.”

  • Donald black says:

    We beat Germany together, we can beat ISIS/ISIL/Daesh together. We need to work together.

  • COLEENE says:


  • Larry says:

    Ally maybe but not strongest. Ideology is too far apart.

  • catherine coppola says:

    I think it would be very beneficial, if we are friends with Russia. I’m all for it!

  • sharon childress says:

    I also believe that the US and Russia together are our only hope of defeating Isis.

  • Name says:

    They have some dynamite looking women!!

  • Gene says:

    Russia is not muslim, did not care for obastard, & is agaist isis/
    The eney of my enemy is my friend

  • Terry Weston says:

    Because I see NO reason why not. The USSR is gone and wont be coming back. Everyone but our own liberal Communists in this country sees that socialism or Communism DON’T WORK !

  • James Andrews says:

    We’re better off having them as friends than enemies, for sure. Also, as societies are concerned, we share many of the same values.

  • James Andrews says:

    We are much better off having good friendly relations with them. Also, as societies and nations are concerned, we share many of the same values.

  • Phillip Suttle says:

    Beside the U.S.A. Russia represents the next strongest military in the world. f we could agree on sharing duties that come with being this powerful then we could agree to divide responsibility that comes from assisting responsible governments to grow all of our economies and persuade other nations (rogues) as N. Kores, Iran, etc.Especially considering the military power the U.S. and Russia could bring to bare to pursuade such countrys to modify their behavior.

  • William says:

    We need to unite with Russia against China.

  • Name says:

    Historically, Russia was the sole supporter of the North and, therefore, the Federal government in our Civil War of 1861-1865. Fifty-two years later, however, the Russians went in a different direction politically and we’ve been at odds ever since, notwithstanding our brief alliance during/after WWII. Their leaders have always been duplicitous (think Berlin/W./E. Germany, etc., so any alliance would be very risky. However, if mutual self interest for short term success could be achieved without damaging or destroying our long-term alliances and relationships, then proceeding cautiously might be acceptable. But such would be fraught with great risk.

  • Robert says:

    It’s simple. They can annhilite us in under 30 minutes. It will be small consolation if we do the same to them back. Does it not make more sense to at least have a non confrontational relationship.?

  • Wayne says:

    We have more in common with Russia. China is America’s biggest threat and together we can keep them in check.

  • Phil says:

    Phil, you don’t necessarily have to always agree or trust an ally. All you really need to be an ally is to have mutual interests that are stronger than your differences. It is always better to find common ground, than to go to war with them, if possible. I would trust Russia before I would trust China.
    Phil Witte

  • Micheal says:

    I think Putin actually likes and respects President Trump.

  • Kerry Jean says:

    ………..keep your enemies closer.

  • Glenn Harrison says:

    Russia,has now been returned to Christianity after being in the hands of THE Antichrist for most of the last century. Who do you think allowed that to happen?

  • Jon Exner says:

    You should have a third choice, not sure.
    If Russia stops invading its neighbors then there might be room for discussions.
    When the U.S.A. invades a country it is because we believe we are helping the people of that country against a tyrannical regime, no attempt to take over and control the country.
    When Putin invades a country it is to take over and control a country and its people.
    We must be very careful in dealing with Putin.

  • Don says:

    Why not? That would be MUCH better to have a friend instead of an enemy!

  • Dennis W. Byford says:

    Past relationships with Soviets haven’t been stellar and different means must be tried. Actions as the President has undertaken and pursued and completed in his short term gives me a sense of hope. I have more hope now than ever in my 40+ voting years. Go team Trump Make America Better Again. I miss the Worlds respectful attitude towards America. Please get it back for America.

  • Timothy Linville says:

    This is a no brainier, even a liberal should be able to figure it out.

  • William Fox says:

    Be teamed up with Russia wouldn’t be a bad idea. Two strong countries would be better keeping the rest of the ISIS and other countries who what to destroy us all.

  • Name says:

    I wholeheartedly agree.Together we could accomplish so much.

  • Roland E. Trimmer says:

    More in common than we so with China…better to have the Russians as an ally than China. But, I a m not sure which one is the most untrustworthy.

  • John Vega says:

    I had watched a documentary years ago after the cold war a USA air force fighter Squadron and there Russian counter parts along with there families had a picnic. A Russian pilot stated that the Russians never had plans to invade the USA or its allies they strictly adhered to defend Russia not to be the aggressor .So at this point we have more in common with Russia and a friendship could only mean enormous economical advantages for both countries and world peace.


    you may need their help to rein in China or elsewhere?

  • Matthew Cuddy says:

    Russia is fighting the Chechens, Muslim extremists, we are fighting ISIS, more Muslim extremists. While we would like to think we are the only superpower left, Obama made sure we aren’t. A linking of the two nations, that have more common goals than negative saber rattling, would be a Godsend. The two countries could save this planet from extinction, by keeping track of all the nutcase jihadists who possess a nuke. And kill them. I see a new dawn of peace and prosperity between Russia and the United States. And I want a T87 Tatra.

  • mike says:

    Because Trump has balls
    Knows what’s going on
    No more under the table shit with him
    And anybody with half a brain gets it
    Them swamp dwellers don’t want their swamp drained

  • Name says:

    We should make friends with Russia better to be at peace with Russia because if we have a war both sides would really destroy a lot of each other let’s face it Russia is as modern and up to date with usa technology and all also we have common interests Russia does not want globalist elite scum around and most Americans don’t want globalist elite scum around except the dems the looney left further more if we have a war with Russia China north Korea Iran and isil would inherent the world bully all around they all are socialist don’t want that system of living and the Russian people are alrite nice culture they make their country first and their people and sovereignty first just like us here in the USA except for the looney left dems the cold war has bin over for decades now they have changed for the better hell in fact we here could use a few pages from their book

  • Gunnar says:

    Two bullies, who hasn´t left the sandbox yet, ready, one a dictator & the other hoping to become one, hand in hand to take on the rest of the world. Worst scenario ever. It seems as Nostradamus last predictions of the future is getting closer & closer. Good luck with that!

  • Michael says:

    We were allies with Russia during WWII and this was critical to an allied victory against Germany (there was some tension of course). Extra leverage with China wouldn’t be a bad thing either (although the Russia/China relationship is strong) It is far more beneficial to be friends than enemies!

  • George Schaffner says:

    Only a fool closes and locks a door, without checking out the “otherside”,
    Only a bigger fool takes the first swing without reason.
    I voted for Mr. Trump because I believe that in life, Mr Trump had fully demonstrated, he is no man’s fool.

  • Carol says:

    Keep your friends close…keep your enemies closer. We can negotiate with Russia as we did during WWII. You cant reason with IRAN.


    Peace with a very large country as Russia would stimulate our economy and safety.

  • Thomas says:

    they are anti globalist

  • Dusty Trimmer says:

    Growing concerns from other bad countries, Russia and USA would make a very formidable force that no body would or could afford to challenge.

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