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Coward Govt Blame Christain Values For Terrorist Attack




  • Authorities believe the terrorist attack on Dec. 2, 2015, in San Bernardino may have been triggered by a mandatory employee training session and lunch replete with holiday decorations.
  • Now this might be the immediate, proximate cause of the killings, but they had obviously been planning the attack for many months.

The San Bernardino terror attack claimed 14 lives and stunned the nation, but a new development in the narrative being put out to explain it should shock every American even further. According to police, they believe that the Christmas party was the cause of the bloody attack by the Islamist extremist couple.

Authorities believe the terrorist attack on Dec. 2, 2015, in San Bernardino may have been triggered by a mandatory employee training session and lunch replete with holiday decorations, including a Christmas tree, that shooter Syed Farook was forced to attend.

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Emails discovered by the FBI and police reveal Farook’s wife, Pakistani native Tashfeen Malik, objected to the Christmas setting and was upset her husband had to go.

Just before the attack, Farook posed with four fellow county employees in front of a Christmas tree in a conference room.
If this is accurate, it’s truly disgusting, but it’s also surprising that the police would frame the new evidence almost in a way as to blame the Christmas party for the massacre. Here’s what San Bernardino police chief Jarrod Burguan said to ABC’s “Nightline”:

[Malik] had essentially made the statement in an online account that she didn’t think that a Muslim should have to participate in a non-Muslim holiday or event. That really is one of the very, very few pieces of potential evidence that we have that we can truly point to and say, “That probably is a motive in this case.”

Now this might be the immediate, proximate cause of the killings, but they had obviously been planning the attack for many months. After they killed their co-workers in cold blood, they posted a statement of allegiance to the leader of ISIS, which might explain their motivation a little more than a Christmas party.


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  • Joe says:

    I’m tired of our, or any government blaming Christian values, or Christians for thug terror attacks. These radical Muslims need no excuse to kill. It’s time to stop pandering to extremests that want a Muslim Calaphate for a world order. They’re to blame, NOT Christians.

    • Libertarian Soldier says:

      This is the narrative coming directly out of the Caliphate West that resides in the White House. This is just like calling the terrorist attack at Ft. Hood “workplace violence.” It’s the same agenda that says ISIS has nothing to do with islam, even if “I” is the first letter of the first word in “ISIS” and that’s islam. It’s the same narrative that tells this government to call ISIS “ISIL”. That’s a major FU to Israel and it’s deliberate. It also comes from the White House. ISIS stands for Islamic State of Iraq, Syria. Our government wants all of its people and the general public to call it “ISIL” or the “Islamic State of Iraq and Levant”. It’s a political statement. Levant is what they believe is Syira all the way through Israel and Jordan. The statement that it is Levant means that Israel and Jordan don’t exist. This is barack husein-obama’s FU to Israel, small but significant. It’s his opinion of Israel.

  • Kevin True says:

    God Denying Blame shifting Satan Influenced Islamic Infiltrant sham govt is to Blame for evils across America

  • william says:

    Are they stupid

  • Joan Stephenson says:

    People’s religious beliefs are not the reason for terrorists attacks. The terrorists are mentally sick and will attack anyone who doesn’t believe as they do.

  • Andy wood says:

    if it was cjristans to blame there is a way it can be rectified they can pack up and leave and go back where they came from

  • Robert says:

    The government is so full of crap starting with the head jackass.

  • Maria Richardson says:

    Of course the easy way out is to blame Christians. We have values and the sinners don’t like that. Did that person go there and say I’m doing this in the name of Jesus? No, he went there to kill people because he is evil and listens to evil people. The reason everyone is upset about the election is because Christians agreed in prayer about this election. It’s easy to blame Christians, lets put the blame where it belongs, Satan. People are listening to the evil one. I don’t care if its ISIS OR SOME OTHER GROUP they are all workers of Satan. So lets put the blame where it belongs. As Christians we are not out to harm, but to love like Christ loves us. GOD BLESS AMERICA And open people’s eye’s up to the truth and see evil for evil! Let them see that Christian people show love, even in the midst of evil.

  • deanne says:

    islam’s mere ideology a threat to AMERICA’S laws, culture & CONSTITUTION. “RADICAL ISLAM” oxymoron….
    Islam is far more of a political system than a religion…
    1- There is no unmitigated good in Islam for the Kafir (non-Muslim).
    2- Islam’s ethical system is dualistic and is not based on the Golden Rule.
    3- Islamic doctrine cannot be reconciled with our concepts of human rights and our Constitution.
    4- The great majority, 96%, of all Islamic doctrine about women subjugates them.
    5- The Sunna (what Mohammed did and said) is more important than the Koran in a Muslim’s daily life….

    All cultures are NOT equal and anyone who respects a culture who bases their entire ideology & laws on “HONOR KILLINGS”, child brides as young as 8 years old, rape,marital rape, molestation, pedophilia and torture is to say that you respect the atrocities that it perpetrates. They can call themselves, al qaeda, boko haram, isis, obama, devout, moderates, etc., the COMMON DENOMINATORS are ALWAYS islam, the quran & sharia which violates our Constitution and should not be practiced on American soil. islam should be BANNED from our infidel nation of AMERICA because their sharia & ideology CANNOT COEXIST with our culture OR CONSTITUTION.

  • Manuel Lopez says:

    Do not trust the government

  • gene says:

    like duh it couldn’t be islamic muslim terrorist

  • Ronnie Grigsby says:

    It’s It’s simple, a pre-planned attack against our Christian values. Former Deputy there as well and operator with the DoD. It’s simple, if you don’t share are beliefs they stay the he’ll out. Honored to be a Infidel God bless our great Country and way of life.

  • gene says:

    mandatory sensitivity training on every political correct burp of the day, queers blacks mexicans yada yada and didn’t shoot up their parties even when they burned our flag

  • george says:

    because I think we surely do have a cowardly traitorous govt.until trump takes the reins and traitor obama is truly gone for good-riddance-

  • Maybelle P Cross says:

    Because Christianity has never done anything to America except try to make America great again, even though Obama and Hillary do not want American to be great again. They want us to be “slaves” to their lies!

  • Tony says:

    Can’t wait for Jan. 21 to come when this fuckin pile of shit and all his dung heaps get flushed back down the sewer where they fbelong!!!

  • Kay says:

    That’s a control issue on the part of terrorists. Christians don’t need their permission to celebrate the birth of Christ. If they don’t like it, then they need to get out of America.

  • Name says:

    Aanyone with a brain knows that is not the case.
    The ones saying that should try living in a third world country and see how little rights they have / like not being able to say hardly anything without severe consequences.
    I say if you you do not live AMERICA – leave it and good riddance

  • Howleyesque says:

    ONLY in the TWISTED minds of leftists is it CRIMINAZL to OFFEND Moslems!

  • Gerard Galvez says:

    I think that it is weak for the govt to think that in any way the CHRISTMAS PARTY was to blamefor the attack. It is the intolerance of the Muslim mind to accept anything but their beliefs that caused this massacre.

  • Dane Poe says:

    Is anybody surprised by this administration? My hope is that Trump makes things right and that Christians stop being blamed for everything.


    According to the koran not being a muslim is cause for jihad or a terrorist attack! Don’t make statements about things unless you are willing to take the time to study them. I have read the Koran and it is the most ville intolerant thing I have ever read. It is simple really you are either a muslim or you are dead! If you are a female you are property not a human being and you are to be in service of men at all times!

  • Joleen Worden says:

    The Muslims have no Constitutional right to be in our country at all, let alone murder people because they are Christians. It is time to tell them all, “shape up or ship out.” They are supposed to obey OUR Constitution, OUR Laws, and accept OUR way of life if they come here as Immigrants. Clearly the female murderess was an ISIS plant who had no right to be here in the first place. If her husband was non violent before his marriage then he was brainwashed in his visits to her country. Sadly he should have told her to stop complaining and tend to her babies. Since this couple and probably the Grandmother as well were planning their attack for months, trying to blame Christianity for the problem is just dimwitted. Our law enforcement agents in California are either stupid, lazy, or have been drinking too much of the Liberal “cool aid”.

  • Brian says:

    Because our Christian values have nothing to do with what someone else believes we celebrate our Hoilday and if your invited your there to be with friends not to convert people to your religion this is America and if you come here you must deal with aLlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll RELIGIONS NOT JUST ONE SO IF THEY ARE OFFENDED THEY SHOULD HAVE NOT ATTENDED YOU KNOW THEY CAN DO THAT ALSO

  • camron says:

    They will not admit what islam’s koran says. All of the stuff going on in the world is part of their master plan.

  • David Stroud says:

    If the Black Matters group was holding a party or meeting when this happened wonder if the Govt. Blame would be the same!!!

  • Davi says:

    With a pussy muslim in the white houe what do _ou expect muslim blood will run in the streets. Worldwide

  • Amy Chaudhry says:

    This is a cowardly accuisation on the behalf of the government. There has been a rash of hate crimes against Christians in the past few years. We have as many rights to practice our religion as any other group under the protection of our constitution. Anyone targeting Christians should be tried as doing a hate crime just like targeting the LBGT community, blacks, or any other group. It has become open season on Christian and it needs to STOP!

  • Frank says:

    The government that blames Christians is the Islamic government, that the left has embraced. Just wait until they let Sharia law become the law of the land, the left will be the first ones to go.

  • Azita says:

    Because Islam wants to take over the world and force its religion on every body.

  • Raymond says:

    Because this country no longer believes in religion verse state.

  • Tom says:

    The Christmas tree is an American tradition, but was born out of Paganism, false worship.. The Bible tells us Not to stand up trees, or decorate with silver or gold, meaning adornments.. I no longer have a tree at Christmas, and now it’s almost a crime to wish anyone a merry Christmas.. The 25th of December is the beginning of the winter solstice, and has Nothing to do with Jesus, or the Bible.. How many people actually discuss Jesus on Christmas? It’s all about lights, presents, food and drinks.. Even Easter is a Pagan holiday.. How many families sit down together and discuss Jesus dying for our sins, and resurrecting from the grave, and spending 3 1/2 years on earth teaching God;s words, and how He will again return for His elect? They don;t have time with all the egg hunts, and feasting.. This will get much, much worse when the national Sunday Law is passed, as it will be a repeat of the Dark Ages with Roman Catholicism heading the Beast Govt. with persecution of those keeping God”s 4th Commandment of Sabbath/Saturday worship..

  • John says:

    The chistian

  • Frances Postma says:

    .People with different values than most in the US think that they can just move in and impose their religious beliefs and we won’t care and fall in line in fear I guess. There is a saying” When in Rome, do as the Romans”.
    The Terrorist don’t understand this.

  • gene sanford says:

    why do they live here if this was so offence it part of our country’s culture this is very lame and pour excuse, sounds like they couldn’t find or think of any thing else.

  • Rebecca says:

    Most folks do not understand Christian values, it may say Christmas but it’s not just celebrated for Christian beliefs. Most folks it is time break up the work week, do something different. It’s like saying all wine is champagne when only the very basic parts are shared.

  • Lynn says:

    They want to blame anyone but the right ones ! ! ! ! !

  • Harlan Lawson says:

    It is doubtful that the terrorists were required to attend a Christmas party. Sounds like another case of someone wanting to soften the blame on the shooters. The Koran clearly advocates killing infidels and all non-muslims need to understand how basic this teaching is to the Islamic faith.

  • Dale Gant says:

    The attack was planned for a long time. The party may have triggered it, but Christian functions should not be cancelled because of terrorism. The answer is kick them out of the country so we can continue as we have for two centuries.

  • stephanie wilson says:

    we are loving. love doesn’t create terrorism!

  • Barbara says:

    They already had this planned. Didn’t have to attend, guns were in place already.

  • James Bishop says:

    This country is so close to having an all out religious war, it’s pathetic.

  • john says:

    a Christmas party was to blame for the attack???? are you kidding me…..these muslim shitheads hate anything not associated with their religion..they will find any excuse…and these liberals support them…to me the liberals in both the govt and civilian …lives…are accomplices..the biggest one is in washing dc..names Obama..ever hear about him???we need to track down every single one of these assholes and lock em up..ship em out..along with their liberal friends..i’m will to support going 1943 Germanic on them too

  • Cassy Bourget says:

    Christianity deals with the Truth; it’s people who can’t handle the truth that are the problem.

  • Name says:

    Muslims attack anyone who does not cow-tow to their beliefs. They are bullies.It is n’t just Christians they hate, they war with other Muslim sects as well.

  • Sandra G. says:

    That’s ridiculous to. Lame a Christmas party. If these people are that intolerant they don’t belong in the US

  • Joe Marotta says:

    Our government is pro Muslim, terrorist or otherwise. that means Christians must be eliminated according to their holy book.

  • Donald G. Buchanan says:

    The two had been planning an attack for months building up an arsenal of weapons, ammunition and bombs. He had attended previous Christian events while working at this agency, so to identify the Christmas party as cause is gross negligence on the part of the investigation team.

  • joe connolly says:

    and who the fcked is the one printing this horseshit— they should deport you evel right along with them lol

  • Dennis Drake says:

    that is just bs that the christian values attracted a terrorist attack, come on, give me a break from this bs line of attack on Christians.

  • Dennis Drake says:

    that is just bs that the christian values attracted a terrorist attack, come on, give me a break from this bs line of attack on Christians.

  • Robert Thaler says:

    There were no terror attacks by Muslims to the US until our shadow government, not only allowed them, but the One World Order loves them in order to disrupt America in order to “repair” the fright with their own agenda of assaulting our rights bit by bit. Water board the Masonic secret societies brotherhood and you will find the answer and get to the truth. Robert

  • Renee says:

    Christians teach love of neighbor. Terrorists teach hate and murder. I’m tired of our rights being taken away by evil, not to mention the torture and death of thousands in the Middle East.

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