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School Bows Down To The Left And Bans Santa Claus



Muslim and Christian schoolchildren wearing Santa hats gather around a man dressed as Santa Claus during a Christmas party at the Small World school in Amman December 23, 2010. REUTERS/Ali Jarekji (JORDAN - Tags: SOCIETY)

  • The school district decided not to feature St. Nick because he’s just too closely linked to “religious-themed decorations.”
  • “We need to create inclusive and welcoming spaces for all of our students and realize that many of our students — because of their religion, culture, or other beliefs.”

Santa Claus is way too controversial to have a place in the classroom this Christmas — that is, according Oregon’s Hillsboro School District.

The school district decided not to feature St. Nick because he’s just too closely linked to “religious-themed decorations.”

“We will not be holding a door decorating contest this year,” read a memo from the school district. “You may still decorate your door or office if you like, but we ask that you be respectful and sensitive to the diverse perspectives and beliefs of our community and refrain from using religious-themed decorations or images like Santa Claus.”

Apparently, the administration has received quite a bit of push back for the decision, and now district spokeswoman Beth Graser is trying to clarify that the schools are not banning Santa altogether.

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“We were NOT banning Santa, nor were we going to be the ‘decorations police,’ and scold people if they happened to have decorations up that might be too Christmas-y,” she said in a follow-up memo, “unless they were totally over the top.”

“If a classroom turns into the Christmas version of a haunted house and you have to walk down candy cane lane,” she added, “then that’s a different story.”

According to Graser, there was no policy change per se, but rather it was just a narrative that got out of hand. She said the memo was just intended to be a reminder to principals to make sure the Christmas spirit didn’t get too festive.

“Quite honestly the ‘competition’ aspect meant that several of the decorations had gotten excessive,” she said. “As a result, we had some staff members and visitors to our building indicate that they were uncomfortable and didn’t feel welcome due to the overwhelming Christmas atmosphere that had been created.”

Of course, she said the ultimate goal was to create a safe space this holiday season.

“We need to create inclusive and welcoming spaces for all of our students and realize that many of our students — because of their religion, culture, or other beliefs — do not feel comfortable (and in many cases may not be allowed by their parents) participating in activities that are holiday-based or religious in nature, or being surrounded by imagery that is a direct affront to them,” Graser said.



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  • Linda Moore says:

    Santa Claus is for cheering people especially little kids. He’s not racist and does no harm so why get rid of aq long tradition.

  • Barbara J says:


  • Name says:

    Because it is all a big fairy tale and it’s a consumer program

  • Russell Wilson says:

    First Jesus Christ now Santa Claus what other things might they away. Perhaps Karl Marke birthday or whoever might be in power like Hillary Clinton, Barke Obama, or Harvey Milke.

  • Jean says:

    Politically correctness drives me crazy. The left wants to call us on everything and they just cause unnecessary controversy.

  • earl says:

    Take out Santa Claus and what’s next the Tooth Fairy and then Mother’s Day and Father’s Day and last but not least Happy Birthday. What is so wrong about being happy?

  • Louis Herkalo says:

    I’m sorry, but that is WRONG!! Santa Claus IS NOT a religious symbol! Neither is a Christmas tree! They’re holiday symbols. This has been going on for years and has to stop!!

  • Linda says:

    If the liberals don’t like Santa that’s fine, but why is it everyone else must do without. Since Santa has never hurt anyone. Maybe these people need to read the history of Santa. Santa should be in everyone’s heart, giving, loving and sharing with others.

  • richard says:

    good for the kids

  • DAN says:


  • John English says:

    SANTA has been here forever and should stay here forever. End of story.

  • Jack says:

    The left-wing-liberal-democratic-one-digit-IQ-slug-population are upset because Santa will not be descending their chimney this year to leave gifts of JOY. He, Rudolph, and his team will instead be dropping sign-up-death-certificates to their favorite final resting places.

  • Rojer T. Wilkoh says:

    Now this is funny…

    We have banned satan clause from our home for years…due to him representing the opposite of Jesus. Satan clause is nothing more than satan attempting to replace Jesus (Isaiah 14:12-14). And he has proven quite successful in doing so. So much so, that people who call themselves Christians all around the world, will honour satan clause in their homes this holiday season…even while forsaking the one for whom Christmas is named. Where is the reading of the Christmas story from God’s Holy Word? Where is the nativity?

    Exodus 20:4 instructs us in what we commonly refer to as God’s Second Commandment, to NOT establish idols…and yet that is exactly what satan clause is.

    Think about this:

    What are the attributes of the Most High that lucifer wants to be like?

    Omniscient (Isaiah 40:28, Psalm 147:5, Romans 11:331, John 3:20) = He knows when you are sleeping, he knows when you’re awake, he knows if you’ve been bad or good…
    Omnipresent (Proverbs 15:3, Jeremiah 23:23, 24, Psalm 139:7-12) = can deliver millions of gifts around the world in one short night.

    What does God look like?

    Revelation 1:14 = “God’s hairs were white like wool, as white as snow!”
    Revelation 19:11 = Riding “a white horse!” Originally, older versions of satan clause rode a horse…not flying reindeer.
    Revelation 19:13 = “Vesture dipped in blood!” satan clause wears red pajamas for a reason…

    Where does satan clause live?

    Isaiah 14:12-14 = Resides in the “Sides of the North” satan clause allegedly lives at the North Pole.

    This idol has quite simply replaced Jesus…so that Christmas is no longer the “reason for the season”. Christmas has become x-mas, because Christians have allowed satan clause to take Jesus the Christ out of Christmas.

    Banning satan clause from Christmas should be the goal of every Christian around the world. Put Jesus the Christ back in Christmas and throw satan clause out!

  • Joe says:

    Yeah, the left is at it again. Tolerance, but only from Christians, never towards Christians. Christmas must be virtually eliminated so as not to offend anyone else, but what about Christians being offended by always being put down, and ignored.
    True tolerance is tolerance for ALL. If you’re Muslim, fine. When it’s your holiday, decorate away, Christians will tolerate you, You tolerate Christians, like you DEMAND we tolerate you. Grow up and realize this country is based on Christian-Judeo principles. Deal with it.

  • George McKinney says:

    America is a country that loves to celebrate CHRISTMAS, if you don’t want to celebrate, that’s your choice and I support that as your right, IF YOU ARE AN AMERICAN CITIZEN, if you are not an American citizen, return to whatever country you claim to be a citizen of and exercise whatever rights that country gives you. However you do not have the right to impose you beliefs upon my family or any family other than your own. It’s AMERICAN’s that make up our schools, FIT IN OR GET OUT!

  • Earl Warren says:

    I am physically sick to my stomach! I have been a fan of Santa all my life, as a matter of fact I have portrayed Santa for 27 years as of 2016. This is another of the mamby-pamby who are GIVING America away to non-Americans who would not for an instant do the same in their country. YOU ARE HANDING OVER OUR FREEDOMS BIT BY BIT, WEAKENING THE VERY COUNTRY THAT HAS GIVEN YOU SO MUCH FREEDOM. We do not push any belief on anyone, but WE ARE INSANE TO HAND SQUELCH OUR FOUNDING JEWDAO/CHRISTIAN TRADITIONS. We are in a battle to survive as a nation and our front line of education is teaching children it is just “best” to back down just because someone says “that offends me!”

  • Carol says:

    One more step down the slippery slope toward Socialism then Communism.

  • William Dick says:

    Christmas is the giving of love through gifts God’s gift to us was his Son who was sent to teach how to love one another. The giving of gifts at Christmas is representative of that. Santa Claus represents the fun side of “The Ministry of St. Nicholas.” He was the Bishop Nicholas before becoming a Saint. The lowly liberals are not tolerant of the beliefs of others. Why is it that the liberal minority gets the decisions their way? Tell the lowly liberal to stay home, shut the door and he’ll never see Santa. He can just be miserable and let those of us who love life enjoy the Christmas season. Check out my website

  • Rex Clark says:

    We are so busy being pc for 1% of the population that we walk all over the 99% that still believe in tradition and celebration of the season and our childrens imaginations.

  • Name says:

    Why should we give up tradition that has bonded our lives with family and friends?

    It is a time of the year to remember good for communities, and Santa Clause is part of that for the little ones. St. Nicholas after all is a Christmas Saint.

  • Mary says:

    Our culture has a St Nicholas, or Santa Claus and all the d

  • sharyn says:

    why are the liberals attempting to make us an atheist one.. except of course if you are a muslim that is ok…

  • Maxine says:

    Why dont all the libs go find a country that will fit them because America wont put up with there bull shit any more We need to take back are schools and kick every lib out of every office they are all brain dead and are worthless here in America

  • Richard Calvin says:

    We are still by a large a Christian country and hate to see things like banning Santa Claus becauses a few liberals want to be politically correct.

  • Steve says:

    The First Amendment gives us the freedom of religion, the freedom to express it when & where we choose.

  • Gregory J Kuhl says:

    Santa Claus (St Nicklaus), has been a part of our culture for hundreds of years. These new immigrants we get nowadays do not, in any way fit the definition of “immigrant”. They do not come here to assimilate, but to conquer and destroy Our culture and heritage. This clash of cultures is totally unnecessary. Let them go-back to their own culture from whence they came. Then there will be peace.

  • Joan Stephenson says:

    People should be able to celebrate and not be censored for their beliefs.

  • M Lopez says:

    The first amendment applies to all no to the “special ones”.

  • Samuel says:

    Samuel its American tradition That I love and respect

  • Chris Smart says:

    Those stinking liberals’ need to be hanged

  • vdougan says:

    Not only should we keep Santa, we need to keep Merry Christmas, Thanksgiving, the Flag Salute and most of all prayer. Why is it that the only rights of the Constitution are given to the ones who won’t keep their mouths shut. The people who don’t make fools out of themselves have rights as well. We shouldn’t have to sit home and think of what to get attention for next. Things have gone too far with these selfish, small-minded people. We should not have to change what is important to “We The People,” not We The “Get A Life” Group!

  • Bob Cox says:

    Santa Clause wasn’t even started in the US, but he has become as American as apple pie. Santa gives children a chance to dream, Santa is a hope. Do we want to take that away from children? We don’t read fairy tales anymore, where does a child stimulate their imagination? Surely not a video game. Do children today even know how to daydream? Daydream about what could be possible in their life. I am so glad I was raised when I was. We were encouraged to spread our wings. We questioned things that were different as well as people. We weren’t taught to hate, we were taught to investigate. Why would we want to take Santa away? The liberals don’t know what they want. They want to destroy every tradition we have, alter history, until one day no one will know who we are or where we came from.Maybe the liberals are test tube babies and they DONT want to know where they came from. If you don’t want to believe in Santa, then don’t, but let people make choices. They want to with regards to an abortion, so why not a choice with Santa Clause?

  • Dan Croft says:

    Christmas is not a religious holiday! Check out it’s true beginning. It started by the act of one man giving gifts to other’s in need. Grow up and leave America to Americans. Stop trying to harm many because of a few. If some don’t care for American traditions, then go back where you came from! This is America, not the middle east!

  • Ron says:

    That’s crap just like everything else that’s going on you can’t say the Pledge of Allegiance or see Santa Claus that’s pretty f****** ridiculous our country’s gone to s*** and the people in it

  • Conrad says:

    Why would they want too shatter children’s dreams! Let them believe until they understand stand the folklore. I did as a child and turned out fine.

  • Jeannie Stayton says:

    The liberals are out to destroy this country..Why are we allowing this? They don’t believe in Christmas but I bet money they all have a tree in their homes and expect gifts..

  • Pam says:

    Christmas is not a Christian holiday. It was originally Yule. The tree, everything we use was pagan. It is thought that Christ was not even born during this period. The second amendment gives everyone the right to worship as they wish. No one should be forced to worship in a certain way. This nation has been a mix of beliefs since its inception. Santa is not a Christian belief but basically pagan. Everyone needs to do some studies of religions past and present.

  • linda tynan says:

    This has been our National Holiday from the beginning…why do we have to change our laws and way of living to support those who want to change our way of life in the USA?

  • Natasha says:

    Santa isn’t part of any religion. And even if he was he’s a symbol of joy and cheer.

  • LEON DEES says:


  • chris says:

    How bout I tell you what u can believe in and not believe in just based on what I BELIEVE to be right or wrong morally and legally ? How is that freedom of religion and belief ? Its not cuz Santa isn’t a threat being he’s not even a real entity . How bout sticking with our liberty and freedom to express our religion how it speaks to us since its diversity Is its direct communication to each and everyone of us despite our beliefs it whatever we choose ? Its not freedom if its suppressive on our ability to create hope and express our desires for ourselves only to please somebody who doesn’t even know who I am or how I feel or what I believe.

  • Roy says:

    Now this is funny…

    We have banned satan clause from our home for years…due to him representing the opposite of Jesus. Satan clause is nothing more than satan attempting to replace Jesus (Isaiah 14:12-14). And he has proven quite successful in doing so. So much so, that people all around the world who call themselves Christians, will honour satan clause in their homes this holiday season…even while forsaking the one for whom Christmas is named (Jesus the Christ). Where is the reading of the Christmas story from God’s Holy Word? Where is the nativity scene?

    Exodus 20:4 instructs us in what we commonly refer to as God’s Second Commandment, to NOT establish idols…and yet that is exactly what satan clause is.

    Think about this:

    What are the attributes of the Most High that lucifer wants to be like?

    Omniscient (Isaiah 40:28, Psalm 147:5, Romans 11:331, John 3:20) = He knows when you are sleeping, he knows when you’re awake, he knows if you’ve been bad or good…
    Omnipresent (Proverbs 15:3, Jeremiah 23:23, 24, Psalm 139:7-12) = can deliver millions of gifts around the world in one short night.

    What does God look like?

    Revelation 1:14 = “God’s hairs were white like wool, as white as snow!”
    Revelation 19:11 = Riding “a white horse!” Originally, older versions of satan clause rode a horse…not flying reindeer.
    Revelation 19:13 = “Vesture dipped in blood!” satan clause wears red pajamas for a reason…

    Where does satan clause live?

    Isaiah 14:12-14 = Resides in the “Sides of the North” satan clause allegedly lives at the North Pole.

    This idol has quite simply replaced Jesus…so that Jesus the Christ is no longer the “reason for the season”. Christmas has become x-mas, because Christians have allowed satan clause to take Jesus the Christ out of Christmas.

    Banning satan clause from Christmas should be the goal of every Christian around the world. Put Jesus the Christ back in Christmas and leave satan clause for the unbelievers!

  • James says:

    You want to one to America get ready for some changes. We don’t adopt your ways, you adopt ours. Or don’t come. It is not up for a vote.

  • Carol Jackson says:

    It is like taking away part of the American culture and traditions.

  • Bella says:

    We have had enough with the bias un-American, anti-Christian, Communist Democratic Party’s ideology. Socialism, progressive, liberal, Marxism are euphemisms for communism, because the former will always turn into the latter, when they run out of other people’s money to steal, and they always will. They use those terms so they can hide in plain sight, because Communism is illegal in America.

  • Claudia Manduca says:

    This is getting out of control. We did not invite these people to our country, why should we cater to them. If they don’t like our customs, go back where you came from.

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