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Refugees Showing True Colors Is Terrible Ohio Knife Attack
- The officer, identified as Alan Horujko, 28, happened to be in the area because of a reported gas leak. Ohio State University Police Chief Craig Stone said Horujko arrived on the scene and shot Artan in under a minute.
- Authorities said Abdul Razak Ali Artan, 18, plowed a small gray Honda into the crowd outside Watts Hall, an engineering classroom building, just before 10 a.m. ET. Artan then got out of the vehicle and attacked people with a butcher knife before he was shot and killed by a campus police officer.
- Artan came into the United States as a Somali refugee, and was granted status as a legal permanent resident.
A Somali-born student at Ohio State University injured 11 people, one of them critically, on Monday when he attacked a crowd of pedestrians on campus in an incident one lawmaker said “bears all the hallmarks of a terror attack.”
Authorities said Abdul Razak Ali Artan, 18, plowed a small gray Honda into the crowd outside Watts Hall, an engineering classroom building, just before 10 a.m. ET. Artan then got out of the vehicle and attacked people with a butcher knife before he was shot and killed by a campus police officer.
The officer, identified as Alan Horujko, 28, happened to be in the area because of a reported gas leak. Ohio State University Police Chief Craig Stone said Horujko arrived on the scene and shot Artan in under a minute. OSU Department of Public Safety Director Monica Moll said Horujko had done a “fabulous job.”
In a statement, the university said that five of the victims had been struck by the car, five others had suffered lacerations or stab wounds and another person had orthopedic injuries. At least five of the victims were affiliated with Ohio State, either as faculty, students or staff.
In August, Ohio State's student newspaper, The Lantern, ran an interview with Artan, who identified himself as a Muslim and a third-year logistics management student who had just transferred from Columbus State Community College in the fall.
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He said he was looking for a place to pray openly and worried about how he would be received.
“I was kind of scared with everything going on in the media. I'm a Muslim, it's not what media portrays me to be,” he told the newspaper. “If people look at me, a Muslim praying, I don't know what they're going to think, what's going to happen. But I don't blame them. It's the media that put that picture in their heads.”
The Columbus Dispatch reported that Artan received an associate's degree from Columbus State this past May before transferring to Ohio State. The paper said Artan was a logistics management major in the university's College of Business.
The Dispatch also reported that Artan lived in an apartment complex west of downtown Columbus. Neighbors told the paper that police and a bomb squad arrived at the complex around 11 a.m. Monday to secure the area. Local law enforcement officers reportedly are waiting for federal officials to arrive before searching the apartment.
Neighbors say Artan was always polite and attended daily prayer services at a mosque on the city's west side.
The motive behind the attack is still unclear, but law enforcement sources told Fox News the FBI was examining a Facebook post that may have been written by Artan earlier Monday. The post appeared to condemn U.S. military action in Muslim countries.
“While we are still awaiting more information from the investigation into the OSU attack, it bears the all of the hallmarks of a terror attack,” Schiff said in a statement. “The fight against ISIS, Al Qaeda and other terror organizations and their global incitement to radicalism, must be carried out on battlefields far away, and by confronting online propaganda here at home.”
House Homeland Security Chairman Michael McCaul, R-Texas, said late Monday that “we do not yet have confirmation of terrorist connections” to the attack. However, McCaul added “this is the type of indiscriminate violence our enemies are urging their followers to use against us.”
Vice President-elect Mike Pence called the episode “a tragic attack” and said “our prayers are with them all.”
Leaders of Muslim organizations and mosques in the Columbus area condemned the attacks while cautioning people against jumping to conclusions or blaming a religion or an ethnicity.
“It is particularly heartbreaking to see this random act of violence come to this community I hold so dear,” said Nicole Ghazi, who is active in Islamic organizations and is an Ohio State graduate.
Angshuman Kapil, a graduate student, was outside Watts Hall when the car barreled onto the sidewalk.
“It just hit everybody who was in front,” he said. “After that everybody was shouting, `Run! Run! Run!”‘
Student Martin Schneider said he heard the car's engine revving.
“I thought it was an accident initially until I saw the guy come out with a knife,” Schneider said, adding that the man didn't say anything when he got out.
In recent months, federal law enforcement officials have raised concerns about online extremist propaganda that encourages knife and car attacks, which are easier to pull off than bombings.
The Islamic State group (ISIS) has urged sympathizers online to carry out “lone wolf” attacks in their home countries with whatever weapons are available to them.
Surveillance photos showed Artan in the car by himself just before the attack, but investigators are looking into whether anyone else was involved, the campus police chief said.
The bloodshed came as students were returning to classes following the Thanksgiving break and Ohio State's football victory over rival Michigan that brought more than 100,000 fans to campus on Saturday.
“There were several moments of chaos,” said Rachel LeMaster, who works in the engineering college. “We barricaded ourselves like we're supposed to since it was right outside our door and just hunkered down.”
LeMaster said she and others were eventually led outside the building, and she saw a body on the ground.
Classes were canceled for the rest of the day.
The initial tweet from Ohio State emergency officials went out around 10 a.m. and said: “Buckeye Alert: Active Shooter on campus. Run Hide Fight. Watts Hall. 19th and College.” University President Michael Drake said the warning was issued after shots were heard on campus.
“Run, hide, fight” is standard protocol for active shooter situations. It means: Run away if possible; get out of view; or try to disrupt or incapacitate the shooter if your life is in imminent danger.
Fox News' Jennifer Griffin, Matt Dean and The Associated Press contributed to this report. Source

Privileged to join the country, should be more than receptive to becoming civilized to our accepted cultures and rules.
They are not compatible with living among us
Right- esp with modern liberalism- so why is it these same moden liberals want to swamp America with these misfit mentally brainwashed people-? This is not a good thing.
Tody commonsense is a superpower- that the Far-Left just does not have- not do they acknowledge it as a valid mindset -~!
We have enough American born Nuts we
By their actions
This is what I pay taxes for, to bring “RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISTS” into my Country. Obama,Clinton and all you other BRAINDEAD DEMOCRATS(DEMOCRAT VOTERS INCLUDED) you better wake the “F–” up and get your heads out your “A–” this is ALL ON YOU. This is what you want for the future of the U.S.? If that is so CARRY YOUR A— RIGHT ON OVER TO THERE COUNTRY!!!!
I agree with Keith.
Declaration of Independence, last paragraph, The Supreme Judge of the World to Judge the Rectitude of our Intentions”, first paragraph, “Creator” is Alllegiance of America, and HIS WORD, not Muslim belief opposed to HIM.
He probably saved many more from getting stabbed or in some cases getting killed. Justifiably homicide.
This goes to show that there is more than fear that we have to acknowledge, safety is one aspect but there are other issues just as important.
A sovereign nation has the absolute right to determine who enters their nation. You can call it nationalism, islamophobia or whatever other description you would like but we have the right to set the guidelines.
This incident goes to show that the muslim religion is diametrically opposed to our society and our way of life.
Ask a muslim if they believe that sharia law should be the law which our country should be ruled by and if they say yes, they should not be allowed to enter our country as an immigrant, a short time visitor maybe but as an immigrant who wants to become a citizen, absolutely not.
This person became so upset because he did not have a place to pray on campus and his perception of how muslims are treated in this country or around the world is just an example of how our society would change if we continue to allow the number of muslims to increase.
The individual that murdered the 9 ,Americans in the church in S. Carolina, and murdered students in schools, shooting sprees in movie theatres, are all terrorist activities by Americans that aren’t labeled as White Americans showing there true colors. We are biased and this is propaganda
Your attempt to compare the example you give to terrorism is disgusting.
A deranged man enters a movie theater and shoots people many the same color as himself for no rational purpose, no religious purpose, no political purpose is not an act of terrorism it is an act of a deranged person.
Again a couple of loons entering a school and killing other kids for no rational purpose other than to get their names in the history books, no religious purpose, no political purpose again is not a terrorist act it is an act of a deranged person.
An young man enters a church and shoots the congregation is the closest you could come to a terrorist act. He is now on trial and the facts will come to light. But I do not view this as the same as what just happened at OSU.
why should anyone be surprised… a snake is a snake
Look at HISTORY, it tells you all you need to know about Islam. That is what indicates the slimy thinking of the U.S. politicians and bureaucrats.
I don’t know any Muslums personally but I’m sure most are very friendly. My question is, why are there 10 million Muslums in the USA ? Why don’t they like there own countries?
Because they want to turn this Country into a CRAP-HOLE like they did there own and get the blessing from Allah. Well Allah bring it on because I’m the Infidel he warned you about, that applies to all the Brain-dead Democrats out there also
Refugees are in a different category from regular immigrants. When they come here as a refugee the are qualified form much more in the way of financial help.
Why Not !?!?!? It’s obvious.
Here’s reality: The OSU peep is Muslim. The. Somalis are a particularly nasty bunch of little ciphers. Read news of them, for example, in Europe. Our The citizens of our nation will never have civility as they know it as long as the illegal Mus
Here’s reality: The OSU peep is Muslim. The. Somalis are a particularly nasty bunch of little ciphers. Read news of them, for example, in Europe. Our The citizens of our nation will never have civility as they know it as long as the illegal Mus
Their religion calls for complete capitulation of all other religions; currently, Jewish and Christian
Because that’s what they have been taught to do all their life and that’s what they come here for.
It is happening all over the world and our country and our government wont call it what it is or address it. They just want to bring in more outsiders to take jobs and try to kill as many of us as they can in their war against us!
I spent most of yesterday checking on friends and family. I shouldn’t, nor should anyone else, have to live in fear in America. I’m not against people fleeing from a bad situation and becoming an American citizen, but they need to leave the terrorizing attitudes behind.
Islam is non-compatible to our Constitution. All people are not created equal in the Koran. Women have no voice. A muslim man can divorce is a voice for anything and she has no say in court. They come here for free-medical care under Obamacare is totally free for muslims, education is free, we give them free food, free housing, the vehicles they are driving are on our dime. Everywhere muslims go they go to takeover. This is a proven fact!!!!
I have said this would happened when they brought this Muslim black/White liberal athiest into the White House of only a 188 days in Senate!!! Obama!!!! He has made a mockery of our beliefs and what America stands for!!! You can not change a Muslims mind!!!! They are raised from birth to hate Americans. For a so called God that will give them virgins when they die!!! They think of us as infidels,but they are the ones that murder,steal,kill,and rape virgins on earth!!! So who is the infidel!!! They are twisted and sick monsters and the Democrats allowing Obama and Hillary to just bring them into America by the thousands!!!! People do you not remember 9/11!!!! They are here getting free food and housing,while thousands of our own vets,soilders and poor people are starving and homeless!!! The middle class people are working themselves to death to just get buy, and the government steadily taking our money to give to monsters!!!! Enough is enough!!! We should hang Obama,hillary, and everyone involved like they did in the Western days!!! For Treason!!! Obama has done so much evil and this liberal Jill Stein is trying to get a recount of popular vote’s!! You are a idiot!!! That would mean you would have to undo everything Obama has done in the last 4 years, because Mitt Romney won the popular vote’s!!! Quit acting like two year olds and get on your knees and pray that you will not deny Jesus Christ anymore!!!! If you don’t, you will burn eternally. You liberals have a sick way of thinking, and don’t think a Muslim won’t walk right up to you and pull the trigger.
Islam is not a peaceful religion. Their Bible, the Koran, is full of hate and orders their followers to kill the infidels.
every muslim refugee is a danger . THEY HAVE BEEN RAISED TO KILL AND HURT AMERICANS . We need to stop importing a people who’s only goal is to kill Americans and Christians