Must Watch
Terrorist Refuse To Play Nice In France
What we know about the terror attack on Nice, France so far.
Late Thursday night a man drove a truck into a crowd watching the Bastille Day fireworks celebration in Nice, France along the Boulevard des Anglais. The man drove the truck 2 kilometers, hitting people as he went, before getting out and opening fire on the crowd.
- Image credit: MGM
At the moment the death toll is at 84, 10 of them were children. There were also 2 Americans killed in the attack, Sean Copeland and his 11-year-old son were on vacation from the Texas hill country.
Another 202 are reported injured. 55 are in critical condition and 25 of those 55 are in commas. The death toll is expected to rise.
The shooter has been identified as Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhel, a 31-year-old resident of Nice who emigrated from Tunisia. Earlier in the year, Bouhel had been sentenced to a 6-month prison term for violence, but according to French prosecutor François Molins, he was “entirely unknown by intelligence services.”
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So far no group has claimed responsibility for the attack.
Warning Graphic Content Above
In the above video, you can see the final shootout between the police and suspect.
Both candidates were quick to respond to the latest attack on France.
Donald Trump declared us at War with terrorist, specifically ISIS and stated that he believes we are in the middle of a new world war.
“This is war and we are fighting an enemy with no uniforms.”
Donald Trump stated that he would go to congress and ask for a declaration of war and would mobilize NATO to wipe ISIS off the face of the earth.
He also lashed out at Hillary for wanting to bring in more refugees into the nation.

And notice how the MS media all spun the titles as TRUCK kills people, not radical Muslim terrorist or something like that.
Our president is a real America Hater and yes, he does care more about his golf score than the citizens of the country. He needs to be removed from office “RIGHT NOW” and not wait for the end of his term. He’s an evil man!