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Violent Protests Rock U.S. Cities

Riots ripped through several US cities of the weekend as protests over the recent death of an African American man in police custody turned violent.
The government deployed police and national guard forces in several cities in what mainstream media is branding as the worst civil unrest in decades. Roughly 5,000 National Guard units have become active in 15 states and Washington, DC. They aim to quell the violent riots and protect property. Some cities have also instituted curfews to help quell the violence, and several are extending them into this week.
Start of the Violence
The violence began after a video surfaced last week that showed a Minneapolis police officer kneeling on an arrested man’s neck. The man, George Floyd, later died while in police custody. Authorities arrested the officer and charged him. with murder. However, that didn’t stop agitators from taking to the streets. Many of the protests drew the attention of agitators like that far-left domestic terrorist group ANTIFA. Many suspect the said group of stirring up unrest at several protests.
In Minneapolis, the epicenter of the outrage, protestors torched a police station on fire and looted dozens of local businesses. Looters ravaged a Target and dozens of small businesses. Some business owners put up signs saying minorities own the business. However, that didn’t stop protestors from smashing windows and stealing good. Minneapolis Public Safety Commissioner John Harrington said that police have found hidden flammable and incendiary devices, some of which have been planted within the last 24 hours, however he could not confirm whether they were connected with any specific extremist group. As of Sunday, local police said they have made progress in quelling the violence.
SEE IT: A NYPD cop yanked down the mask of a George Floyd protester to pepper spray him.
Another clip showed a NYPD car speeding through crowded streets.
At least 120 people were arrested during the second day of heated NYC protests.
— New York Daily News (@NYDailyNews) May 31, 2020
Authorities arrested more than 340 people in New York on Saturday alone. They arrested another 208 on Friday. The NYPD has drawn criticism for its response to the violent riots after a video surfaced of an NYPD vehicle driving through a crowd of protesters who were throwing objects at the vehicle. NYPD Officials say rioters vandalized 47 police vehicles on Saturday. They also said rioters set several on fire, with 33 officers injured.
New York Police Department officials say they see lots of evidence connecting violent protests in their city to extremist agitators. NYPD investigators have been analyzing communications between members of extremist groups via social media and encrypted messaging platforms. They also see evidence that these groups are coordinating to stir up unrest.
“We’re seeing a lot of outside and independent agitators connected with anarchist groups who are deliberately trying to provoke acts of violence,” said NYPD Deputy Commissioner of Intelligence and Counterterrorism John Miller.
The ANTIFA's Involvement
On Sunday, the Trump Administration officially labeled the far-left anarchist group ANTIFA as a domestic terrorist organization. This comes as a response to their role in inciting violence at demonstrations.
Some would argue that the move is long overdue. A 2019 Senate resolution sought to label ANTIFA as a domestic terror organization. It cites the “opposition to the democratic ideals of peaceful assembly and free speech for all” of the group.
Also, dozens of incidences already took place in which the group seems to have incited violence in US cities over the past decade.
Trump Reacts
President Trump has been highly critical of the widespread lawlessness in US cities in the wake of the police slaying and has called out local Democratic leadership for its response to widespread violence and property damage. “SO TERRIBLE! Where are the arrests and LONG TERM jail sentences?” Trump tweeted. In another Twitter post, Trump criticized Philadelphia’s lax response to violence and looting in the city. “Is this what voters want with Sleepy Joe? All Dems!” Trump also mentioned, referring to the city’s predominantly Democratic leadership.
Curfews will carry on into the week in almost two dozen cities across the US. Arizona has also instituted a state-wide curfew. However, local police are having difficulty enforcing the curfews, and widespread violence and looting continue to threaten many cities.
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