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We Must Enact Trump’s Plan Now



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  • On Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump made the case to close the U.S. borders until “we figure out what is going on.”
  • “We’re taking people without real documentation. We don’t know where they’re from, who they are.” Trump said.
  • “It could be ISIS. It could be ISIS-related.” Trump stated about closing the border.

Tuesday on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump reacted to the apparent terrorist attack that resulted in at least 28 dead and 130 injured in Brussels earlier in the day.

Trump made the case to close the U.S. borders until “we figure out what is going on.”

“I would close up our borders to people until we figure out what is going on,” Trump said. “Look at Brussels, look at Paris, look at so many cities that were great cities. Paris is almost as bad. If you look at Paris – Paris is no longer the city of lights. Paris has got a lot of problems. And all you have to do is speak to the people who live there. You look at other places where this same thing has happened.”

“And they’re in fear. Their city is in fear. And we have to be smart in the United States,” he continued. “We’re taking people without real documentation. We don’t know where they’re from, who they are. If you look at it from any standpoint. It could be ISIS. It could be ISIS-related. And we just don’t learn, we don’t learn. I mean, Brussels is an amazing example. Brussels is an absolutely crime-free city, one of the most beautiful cities in the world. And now you look at it and it’s a disaster.”

Source: Breitbart

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  • Anonymous says:

    I believe we should close the borders and have at least a 5 year moratorium on letting anyone in until we get our country straightened out.

  • Andrew Holowiak says:

    we cannot have another 9/11 or any attack that has happened lately abroad. if we do not stop the flow of refugees/immigration now will we be doomed yet again! and we need our second amendment rights 100% now more then ever before. lets start Trumps plans now before its too late

  • Ray says:

    1. Terrorism 2. The flood of illegal drugs 3. The flood of illegal foreign invaders that are INVADING our country illegally

  • KEITH COOKE says:


  • David says:

    The world has changed it is time we change the way we do thing we need to keep our citizens safe before we worry about if the way we keep ourselves safe ittoffends them .

  • Keith D. Shaffer says:

    We must protect ourselves from our enemies including criminals who repeatedly enter the U.S.A. without our approval or knowledge.

  • Karen Steigerwald says:

    Trump is more concerned with returning to the old days of glory in America than being politically correct.

  • Amie says:

    Common Sense

  • Janice Lowe says:

    This country has been betrayed by Obamy…we need someone to turn the country around

  • Mr Trump is AMERICAS last hope of getting out of the mess that obummer put us is.

  • tanna says:

    We need to have verifiable documentation on all aliens and voters too for that matter. We don’t need to let people in who want to destroy the U.S.A. and kill all Americans and Christians. and support them with our tax money for free food, shelter, medical, and education while they are doing it. Only Verified US Citizens should be allowed to vote. non-citizens shouldn’t be able to tell us how to run our country or spend our tax dollars.

  • Lari says:

    Our safety as a country is at risk as well as our freedoms.

  • Julius Smoak says:

    One terrorist is too many. With no credible way to vet the “refugees” and given the laxness being exercised by the current administration it is critical that Mr. Trump’s recommendation of closing our borders to Muslims be implemented now!!

  • Gerry says:

    We must stop the influx of middle eastern radicals and illegals before we lose ALL control of who is coming into this country, if it is not too late already. We MUST close our borders NOW.

  • Larry Chase says:

    we have always had problems with theses people sneaking across our borders , but know 60 to90 percent are habitual criminals drug pushers drug addicts prostitutes . as well as women that want to be here and have their babies here for once they are here they have their kid and stay on welfare receiving money medical attention as well as have their drug fiend boy friend staying with her and getting beat up by him for her monies, the welfare govt. pays her and even having more illegal babies that become an even more of a drain on the economy , also I feel after they have their kid they must be forced as a stipulation that they undergo surgery and have their tubes tied , to prevent more pregnancies, Then after their kid enters school they must go through job training of some type, then to get off the welfare system. and provide for themselves and to be able to get food stamps for the kid but no more money they will be on mainly their own ..

  • Larry Chase says:

    we have always had problems with theses people sneaking across our borders , but know 60 to90 percent are habitual criminals drug pushers drug addicts prostitutes . as well as women that want to be here and have their babies here for once they are here they have their kid and stay on welfare receiving money medical attention as well as have their drug fiend boy friend staying with her and getting beat up by him for her monies, the welfare govt. pays her and even having more illegal babies that become an even more of a drain on the economy , also I feel after they have their kid they must be forced as a stipulation that they undergo surgery and have their tubes tied , to prevent more pregnancies, Then after their kid enters school they must go through job training of some type, then to get off the welfare system. and provide for themselves and to be able to get food stamps for the kid but no more money they will be on mainly their own ..

  • Van L Powers says:

    Because I have common sense!

  • Cliff says:

    All you have to do is look around at what is going on with the other Countries that “allowed” these “refugees” to enter. Doesn’t take a Philadelphia Lawyer to see what will happen here. Obama WANTS them here so he can impose Martial Law and stay in power.

  • FRANK says:

    we can not vett these immigrants coming over…look what there doing in Europe and what there starting to do in the USA.
    Then borders must be closed ASAP…no one comes in and we must monitor those here already….Trump and Ted Cruz are right on this matter….KRUSCHEV said years ago “we will destroy from within” different countries with different faces but same intentions…best offense is a good defense…CLOSE THE BORDERS AND MAN WITH RESERVES ALL POINTS OF ENTRY….

  • Marion Smith says:

    Common sense, which is quite uncommon these days.

  • Frank Izzo says:

    Obama Clinton ministration have done nothing Donald Trump can fix this I believe it I’ve been a strong supporter continue to support him

  • Richard says:


  • Michael says:

    To get a handle on security and our economy.

  • Phil Batton says:

    Muslims take over countries through immigration and terror…….stop the illegals……

  • cynthia creech says:

    we should be done withISIS and illegal immigration long ago blow this subject and move on to important matters like feeding and housing our own.

  • Beatrice Mitchell says:

    Immigrants need to enter the U.S. legally. We need to check for diseases and keep out terrorists and criminals. Economically illegals hurt us by taking jobs from citizens and being a drain on social services.

  • Phyllis G says:

    must protect women and children from these animals. they will never assimilate and are uncivilized.

  • Tyrone Hall says:

    I have been around for many 49 years and since I studied politics in America and abroad. And now I’m a veteran, I see that Mr. Trump has the same ideology that I have for everyone in this great country we live in. America was born on striving to become great, believe in the Jesus and God and your and whatever your beliefs are. The rest of the political representatives are just all talk and lies! They lie to the world, they lie to the veterans and mistreat the poor and middle class.

  • philip goodale says:

    Terrorists and drug runners are a big enough reason, and if thats not enough the employment advantages and the stopping of welfare we have to give out to the Illegal Aliens and there families is even a greater reason!!!!!!!!

  • Rex Shipman says:

    If we don’t do what Trump says NOW our nation will soon look like Beirut, Somalia or any other THIRD world country that you have seen destroyed by RADICALS, When you read the Quran in it’s original writings & then translate it you will find out that their objective is is to RAPE, DEFILE, TORTURE & eventually KILL anyone not of their belief who doesn’t believe as they do. There are exceptions to that but they are 1 in 1 BILLION. They want to have only their believers on this planet, The Quran states WHEN THEY LIE to a non believer it is allowed,

  • James Raum says:

    Keep them out!

  • William & Janell Buermann says:

    Trump has been almost prophetic in almost every statement he has made about the actions we need to take to get control of our country again.

  • William & Janell Buermann says:

    Trump has been almost prophetic in almost every statement he has made about the actions we need to take to get control of our country again.

  • Martha Tucker says:

    I don’t care for Trump. He does not know anything about foreign policy. He is vulgar and too much of himself to be president. It would be like Obama all over again. Ithought at first he would be good but the more I hear about him the less I think that he would make a good president.

  • Joe Wright says:

    This country is in turmoil with the non-compliance of laws governing our country, as directed by our sitting Executive Branch, and the close familial ties to terrorist organizations within the Whitehouse Cabinet and advisors.

  • Jeannette Mospaw says:

    I don’t think that we should let anyone in unless they can be truly vetted. I helped a friend of mine with all the paperwork necessary for his citizenship and it took over a year, cost him a small fortune and he almost gave up several times during the process. Interview after interview, lost paperwork and he had to prove where every penny that he owned came from! He was coming from Ireland and it was ridiculous what he had to go through. But if you are an illegal or ISIS related, you can come in easy peasy…no problem. It is so wrong that a decent man went through hell to get his green card…he should have stayed illegally!!

  • David Leak says:

    Absolutely agree! Close all “mosques” too!

  • Karen Cannon says:

    I feel sorry for the refuges, but until we can get a better grasp on who we are letting in, I don’t think we should accept anymore

  • Camille Gilliam says:

    It needs to be closed, until we figure out who is who and where they are from.

  • Terry Davis says:

    It is simply common sense given the world situation and knowing ISIS will take advantage of our open borders to get their people in. It is essential to beat Hillary as she will promote allowing in anyone who wants to come. How stupid is that?

  • Frank Corby says:

    I have a lot of faith in Donald Trump and I’m voting for him. To me, it is a no brainer to close down the Southern Border with Mexico. It is probably too late now with so many illegal immigrants passing through for so long. Just thinking of ISIS passing into our country for the past few years is upsetting. Obama should have stopped it but we know who his enemy is and it is all of us.

  • Laura D Carder says:

    For security and to prevent further theft of OUR $.

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