A Democrat Win Means a Socialist America

Contrary to what the news media says, President Trump showed tremendous leadership from day one of the COVID-19 pandemic. He cut off travel from China in January while the Democrats were trying to impeach him. He warned of the dangers of the coronavirus in his Feb. 4 State of the Union address. He took swift action to supply states with medical equipment. He displayed calm and steady transparency during his daily press conferences.
Yet every step of the way, the president was viciously and relentlessly attacked by the Democrat socialists, and the so-called medical and economic “experts,” all of whom seemed to be cheering every death, every job loss, every failed business and every point drop in the stock market.
Through it all, he has never wavered, never cowered and never quit. America will survive the coronavirus. What we cannot and will not survive is the election of Joe Biden or any other Democrat socialist. If you need proof, look no further than how Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats have shamelessly used the COVID-19 crisis to advance their socialist agenda.
Democrat House majority whip James Clyburn declared that the phase-three coronavirus relief package was a If “tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision.”
California's far-left Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsome agreed, calling COVID- 19 an “opportunity to reshape the way we do business and how we govern.”
Failed Democrat socialist Bernie Sanders has used the crisis to advance his rationed “Medicare for All” program.
And, of course, there's Nancy Pelosi, who all but blamed the entire COVID-19 crisis on the president and shamelessly held up the first, much-needed $2 trillion economic relief bill while trying to add millions of dollars to her favorite socialist agenda items like Planned Parent.
What NOT to do in a time of crisis.
Pelosi goes into the Phase 3 relief package on Sunday after James Clyburn told caucus members last week that the bill was “a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision.”#YourVisionIsNotOurVisionhttps://t.co/MIq7eEV7bE— Nikki Haley (@NikkiHaley) March 24, 2020
Their behavior was, and is, appalling. But equally upsetting is how easily Americans have submitted to surrendering their constitutional rights to liberal governors, medical “experts” and liberal bureaucrats.
In the blink of an eye, church services were banned, gun shops closed, freedom of movement criminalized. At the same time, violent Antifa/Black Lives
Matter Marxists have been allowed to riot in the cities without consequence.
the Democrats win in November, they will work from day one to finish what Barack Obama started and fully transform America into a permanent socialist country.
They will move quickly to destroy Medicare with Medicare for All, severely restrict our religious liberty and free speech, confiscate firearms from law-abiding Americans, destroy America's economy with taxes and their fantastical Green New Deal, stack the Supreme Court with liberals, punish churches and pastors who oppose same-sex marriage and abortion, and open our borders.
Even more alarming, they will permanently cement their hold on power by making it impossible for any conservative to ever again win the presidency by abolishing the Electoral College.
We can still save America, but we dare not waste one minute of the time we have left between now and the November elections.
Robert G. Yates, USMC Franklin
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