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Addressing Infrastructure: 5 Key Considerations



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Addressing Infrastructure | For far – too long, the United States has avoided, doing anything, meaningful, about addressing the infrastructure needs, which have long, been ignored, and/ or, overlooked!

If excuses, promises, and empty rhetoric, got it done, there would, by – now, no longer, be a need to address these necessities!

We have witnessed, far – too much, decay of our bridges, roads, mass transit, etc, because, unlike many other nations, we have refused to invest, regularly, in this, in a consistent way!

With, that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 5 key considerations, and areas, where, we must pay attention, sooner, rather than later.

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Addressing Infrastructure: 5 Key Considerations

Silhouette Teams of Business Engineers looking for blueprints in construction sites | Addressing Infrastructure: 5 Key Considerations!

1. Power Grid Upgrade

How often, have witnessed, evidence, indicating, our overall, Power Grid, needs to be upgraded, and improved, on a regular, consistent basis?

After every storm, we see major, break – downs, in terms, of prolonged loss of power, heat, and essential utility – needs!

We need to, demand, our elected, and other, public officials, make this a top priority, before, we experience a major crisis and unnecessary loss – of – life!

2. Roads, Bridges, Tunnels 

Have you noticed, the number of potholes, on our roads, and the apparent, attempt, to, simply, put some band-aid, on a hemorrhage?

Constant, filling, and refilling, paving, and re-paving, and doing, the same – old, same – old! It seems, many of our bridges, and tunnels, are, at best, at – risk, and, at worst, a catastrophe, waiting to happen!

Since, the number, size, and speed, of cars, have changed, so dramatically, wouldn't it make sense, we need, to adapt, our roads, to handle – this?

When we visit, other nations, we realize, and observe, our nation, appears, far – behind, many others, in this key area!

3. Mass Transit, High-Speed Trains 

Although, most major cities, must encourage mass transit, for environmental, and commuting purposes/ reasons, we see much too little, focus, on improving these, constantly!

Why are we so – far – behind, others, when it comes to encouraging and having, high – speed trains, etc?

4. Better Airplanes and Airports

While, there have been, some recent upgrades, in some airports, most agree, the level, and quality, of our airports, is much lower, than others, around the world!

Airplanes need to better handle today's needs, including better fuel economy, using alternative fuel sources, quieter, and better, interior ventilation, etc! In addition, don't travelers, deserve better airports, etc?

5. How/Where We Live, and Sustainable Energy, Clean Air, ETC 

We need, to consider, ways to protect, and enhance clean air and water, as well as reduce, using carbon-based, dirtier fuels, etc, for heating, and/ or, cooling our houses! Governments should encourage an expansion in these sources, and areas!

We need proactive public leaders, who responsibly, addressing infrastructure priorities, even, if they aren't the voting inspirations, so often, sought! Will you demand better, and more?

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, conducted personal development seminars, and worked on political campaigns, for 4 decades.

Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: and LIKE the Facebook page for common sense:

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