Approval Ratings
Biden, Harris Approval Ratings Plummet to 39% and 28%

With the midterm elections approaching, Democrats’ approval ratings continue to slide. Independent voters helped President Joe Biden win the 2020 presidential elections. Now, they’re leaving the Democrats and switching to the Republican side en masse.
RELATED: Biden’s Approval Ratings Average are at Rock Bottom. Here’s why
Biden’s Approval Rating Down To 38%, Disapproval at 59%
USA TODAY/Suffolk University’s Poll was conducted last November 3-5. Respondents totaled 1,000 registered voters interviewed over landline and cellphone.
It has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percentage points. The survey showed that President Joe Biden's approval rating sank to a new low of 38%. Conversely, 59% disapprove of the way Biden is driving the nation.
In addition, around 46% of respondents say Biden performed a worse job as president than expected. This includes 16% which consisted of those who voted for him.
44% of respondents who identified themselves as independents also agreed that Biden did worse than they expected. As a result, around 64% of Americans don’t want Biden to run for a second term in 2024.
Surprisingly, this included 28% of respondents who identified as Democrats. Meanwhile, 58% of respondents also said they opposed the idea of former President Donald Trump running again. This includes 24% of Republicans.
VP Kamala Harris’ Approval Ratings Are Even Worse
Meanwhile, Vice President Kamala Harris' approval rating showed worse numbers than Biden’s. She received a 28% approval rating. In addition, 51% of respondents disapprove of how she’s handling her job, while 21% remain undecided.
Biden and the Democrats’ hopes for a rebound lie in their infrastructure bill. Despite the odds and the intra-party wrangling, Democrats managed to pass a $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill last Friday.
This, along with an optimistic economic report, can help breathe life into the Democrats’ approval ratings. While a majority of Americans support the infrastructure, only 1 in 4 or 25% say that the bill will help them and their families.
Democrats in Danger of Losing Majority in 2022 Elections
The survey results show that the Democrats are in great danger of losing their already-slim majority next year. If the elections happened today, 46% of respondents said they would vote for the Republican congressional candidate over the Democratic one.
In contrast, only 38% will vote Democrat. In addition, midterm elections often do not bode well for the sitting President. A President’s first midterm usually goes to the opposing party.
For 2022, the Democrats made this very easy for the GOP. The latter only needs to flip five seats in the House and one in the Senate to regain control of both chambers.
If this happens, Democrats and Biden won’t get the support they need to pass any legislation. It also opens the door to even more aggressive Republican oversight of his administration.
In fairness, many Americans will welcome that development. Around 66% of Americans say the country is heading in the right direction. In contrast, only 20% say it is.
Watch the PBS NewsHour video reporting on why Biden's approval rating is tanking and how Americans view democracy, justice:

Do you approve or disapprove of how President Joe Biden is running the country? Do you find Democrats and Biden’s approval ratings accurate for what’s happening in the US right now?
Let us know what you think. Share your comments in the comments section below.

This is no surprise. When a party steals an election and really didn’t have the majority of the vote, and then implements their socialist / marxist policies through executive order beginning the very first day of their administration as if they feared getting caught and had to ram everything down our throats and not through the proper congressional channels. This is what you get. A 1/3 approval rating.
I’m still wondering why we as so called patriotic Americans are allowing this idiot and his socialist administration to do this much damage to this great country? Each day we allow them to dismantle our Constitution is years of hard work to get us back to a real Free Republic!! 10 are called a Lynch mob. 1k are called a militia. 5 million is a f#%@ing army to be taken seriously!!
It’s time to run this bum and his VP-ho out of town.
Let’s Go Brandon!
Where’s the Republican establishment, and why are they letting this happen to our country, I thought they were working for us! I think all of DC is corrupt !
I hope every American who voted for this guy is in more dire straits than Trumps! we used to vote on pocketbook issues, when you vote because your tired of the dem party and the media news hate of Trump, you deserve an empty pocketbook! I read an article about suburban women voted for biden in virginia and ditched Mcauliffe. If you ladies voted for Trump you would not see thousands of illegals, shamed for our troops running away with their tails between their legs and food shelves full. There’s an adage for you women. FOOL ME ONCE SHAME ON YOU, FOOL ME TWICE SHAME ON ME!
Biden and cackling Kamala is running this Country into a place of no return. Those GOP members that voted to pass this bill hopefully will be voted out of office. All they had to do was wait till we get back the house and then pass one that was reasonable. They need to pass legislation that all bills have to be read before it is even considered to be passed, Who writes these bills anyway. The GOP needs to be ready to repeal Obama care and have a replacement bill ready to go. THINK AHEAD !! I don’t know how our Country can survive another three years of these retarded lunatics’. Biden wants to be remembered and he will and just as Hitler was.
Who are the 30% who approve of them?
You must also blame these republican rhino’s such as Mitch McConnell who are obviously in it for the money and nothing else! Remember to vote these rhino traders out!!!!
I don’t like the democratic party at all. I am not for their socialist agenda. I am sick of him dicating about covid. Won’t finish the border wall but builds walls around his property. Such a hypocrit. What do u expect when u steal an election from someone. Sore losers the dems. I will NEVER VOTE DEMOCRAT EVER AGAIN. i CONSIDER MYSELF iNDEPENDANT NOW. LETS GO BRANDON. I didn’t even like trump but voted for hom b/c I like what he stands for.
There is no difference between republicans and democrats, they’re all lying crooks. They all know whats going on and in public they’re virtue signaling and behind closed doors they’re shaking hands.
maybe it’s time for biden and the gov. to start worrying about the war they are going to start doing all these dumb and stupid things and start running this country like they love it and the people in it. what’s it going to take !