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Biden Expected to Break Silence on Sexual Assault Accusations After Weeks of Dodging Questions



Joe Biden | Biden Expected to Break Silence on Sexual Assault Accusations After Weeks of Dodging Questions | Featured

Former Vice President Joe Biden has officially run out of places to hide.

The presumptive Democratic nominee will appear on MSNBC’s Morning Joe on Friday morning and he is expected to finally respond publicly to recently publicized sexual assault allegations against him. Biden has a well-known history of inappropriately touching women, but a former aide from his time in the Senate recently went public with much more serious allegations against the former VP.

On March 25th, Tara Reade, a former Senate staffer who worked under Biden, publicly accused the former Senator of sexually assaulting her in 1993. Reade’s graphic description of her encounter with Biden has sparked widespread condemnation from Republicans, while many prominent Democrats have minimized the accusations.

Reade’s account has been confirmed by her friends and family members. Some of her colleagues on Biden’s staff also remembered that Reade was suddenly reassigned around the same time she says the assault took place, but they stopped short of confirming the incident.

Archival footage recently surfaced that even shows a woman who is believed to be Reade’s mother calling the Larry King show around the time of the alleged assault. The woman asked King for his advice regarding an incident between her daughter and a prominent political figure. Reade confirmed that the voice on the call was in fact her mother’s, but the clip was met with relative silence from the mainstream media.

Biden has been interviewed several times since the Reade went public with her story in March, but the unapologetically-bias mainstream media didn’t bother to ask him any questions regarding the incident. CNN’s Anderson Cooper interviewed the former vice president twice since the allegations became public, but he failed to question Biden regarding the incident.

Many prominent Republicans have been highly critical of both the media and the Democrats for their silence in response to the Biden allegations. Indeed, the left’s lackadaisical response comes in stark contrast to its treatment of the accusations against Brett Kavanaugh during last year’s supreme court nominations proceedings.

Last week, RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel called out the Democrats and the left-leaning mainstream media for its handling of the two cases. “CNN gave airtime to [Kavanaugh accuser] Christine Blasey Ford's attorneys, her friends, her family. They even aired focus groups on the allegations,” McDaniel wrote in an April 25th tweet. “It’s been 24 hrs since evidence from CNN own's archive emerged corroborating Tara Reade's story. “How in the world can CNN justify not mentioning it?”

Even some elements of the Democrat’s progressive wing have been critical of the party’s response, despite obvious pressure from the DNC establishment to keep things quiet. Winnie Wong, a former senior advisor to Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-VT), called out the Democratic response in a tweet last week. “The video of Tara Reade's late mother calling into Larry King to blow the whistle about … Tara's sexual assault is being met with relative silence from a cadre of progressives right now and I want you all to know that I see you,” she wrote. “We all do.”

Biden’s campaign recently distributed a set of “talking points” that cited a New York Times investigation as proof of Biden’s innocence, but not even the Times, a well-known left-wing mouthpiece, could go along with that story. On Wednesday, the Times issued a statement rebuking the Biden campaign for “inaccurately” describing its investigation as conclusive.

A New York Times spokesperson made the following statement regarding the Democratic ‘talking points’: “Buzzfeed reported on the existence of talking points being circulated by the Biden campaign that inaccurately suggest a New York Times investigation found that Tara Reade’s allegation ‘did not happen.' Our investigation made no conclusion either way.”

Finally, it looks like Biden can’t evade questions regarding these allegations any longer. It’s no surprise that he chose to break his silence with an interview on far-left-leaning MSNBC, but he’ll surely face more questions as we approach election day.

Democrats have long painted themselves as champions of women’s rights. However, when you compare the party’s treatment of Biden with the way it blasted Kavanaugh, it seems painfully obvious that they’re more concerned with grabbing power than protecting women. The case against Biden is much stronger than the case against Kavanaugh, but the left has been quick to dismiss anything that would undermine Biden’s chances at the ballot box in November.

The so-called ‘party of progress’ has revealed its true colors in the way that it has reacted to the Biden allegation. It just goes to prove that the Democrats are willing to overlook anything to get Donald Trump out of the White House, even if it means nominating a potential sexual predator.

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