Biden Says Nobody ‘Warned’ Him Son’s Cushy Job in Ukraine Could Raise Conflict

In a new interview, Former Vice President Joe Biden claimed that no one informed him that his son’s involvement as a board member of Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings, while he was in office, could pose a problem.
He insisted that his son Hunter did nothing wrong, but “this time appeared to fault his staff for not cluing him in that there could be concerns about his son's involvement with the foreign company that had been under investigation while Biden was in office and dealing with Ukraine policy,” said Fox News. He claims that no one warned him about a potential conflict of interest. “I never, never heard that once at all,” he added.
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George Kent, State Department official, addressed this by saying that he told staff members that “there was concern over the appearance of a conflict of interest, but that no one told the vice president because his older son Beau was suffering from what was ultimately a fatal battle with brain cancer,” said Fox News.
A report by Washington Free Beacon added that Biden highlighted to NPR host Rachel Martin that “he would not comply with a subpoena to testify before Congress's ongoing impeachment inquiry.” Biden argued that there is not “one scintilla of evidence” that he was involved in any corruption while working on the Obama administration's Ukraine policy.