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Amazon Wants To Help With COVID-19 Vaccine Efforts

Online giant Amazon offered President Joe Biden its services to help with COVID-19 vaccine efforts across the country. In a letter sent to Biden, Amazon committed its help in COVID-19 vaccination efforts.
RELATED: U.S. Rolls Out First Doses Of Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine
Letter to Biden
The letter, signed by Amazon Worldwide Consumer CEO Dave Clark, read “Congratulations to you and Vice President Harris on your inauguration. As you begin your work leading the country out of the COVID-19 crisis, Amazon stands ready to assist you in reaching your goal of vaccinating 100 million Americans in the first 100 days of your administration.” Amazon is the second-largest US employer, with over 800,000 employees. Clark said most of its workers are essential and need to stay at work. In return, Amazon asked that their workers receive the COVID-19 vaccine the soonest.
Clark's letter offered to leverage Amazon’s “operations, information technology, and communications capabilities and expertise” to assist in the vaccination efforts. He said the company's large scale allows it to immediately make an impact on vaccine efforts. A licensed third-party occupational health care provider will help administer vaccines on-site. “We are prepared to move quickly once vaccines are available,” Clark said.
After Trump Left
Noticeably, Amazon sent its offer to help on the day President Donald Trump left the White House. Trump is a long-time critic of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, who also owns the Washington Post. Over the years, Trump accused Amazon of benefiting from the US Postal Service and not paying taxes. Also, Trump is not a fan of the Washington Post, which he accuses as a purveyor of fake news.
Previously, Amazon asked the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for vaccines for Amazon and Whole Foods workers. However, it did not say if the company offered the same assistance they gave Biden. Last October, Amazon said 19,816 out of 1,372,000 front-line employees tested positive for COVID-19. The company said it invested millions to protect its workers from the virus. However, many, including its own employees, criticized these efforts.
Help Wanted
The COVID-19 vaccine efforts experienced problems and delays due to limited supplies. Via Operation Warp Speed, the US signed deals for vaccines while under development. Among these companies, only Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna received FDA emergency clearance. While they can start delivery, manufacturing capacity remained limited.
Many states face shortages as their initial supplies are quickly running out. In addition, delivery issues led to holdups in the state programs. Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota already sent a warning to the government last week. Unless more vaccines arrive, they might cancel mass vaccination clinics. With companies like Amazon offering to help, the vaccination program might speed up. Another company, coffee chain Starbucks, will assist with COVID-19 vaccine efforts for Washington state.
FEMA and National Guard Assistance
Biden announced a vaccination plan that includes mobilizing federal help. He proposed asking the Federal Emergency Management Agency and National Guard to help with the vaccine efforts. He also plans to invoke the Defense Production Act to help produce needed equipment like syringes and vials. Biden’s objective is to set up 100 federal vaccination sites by the end of his first month. These will assist state efforts to inoculate more residents.
Despite the plans, the challenge lies with pharmaceutical companies to continually produce and deliver the vaccines to augment the limited supply. Approving more vaccine brands and giving emergency approvals might help clear the backlog more.
Watch the Fox Business video reporting that Amazon sent President Joe Biden an offer to help with COVID-19 vaccine distribution:

Underlying Motive
Do you agree with private companies offering help to distribute vaccines? Do you support the offer, even if it includes an underlying motive of getting their workers vaccinated quickly? Let us know what you think about Amazon and other companies’ offer to help with vaccination efforts.

All help should be appreciated from where ever it comes from
question is; does Amazon have the facilities to safely keep and transport the vaccine? Cold Storage and Cold transportation?
Where was Amazons help before? NOW they want to “help?” Bull. Bezos is a communist.
NO, but then they are as dirty as the new President and His floozy running mate.
Unity people! Stop thinking about yourself and start helping others!
I think there trying to run up business making Amazon look good To late
Amazon is a traitor to the American people. They want to take away your free speech. How fast we forget.
Why didn’t. they think of others when President Trump was President , they are as corrupt as joe Biden and his vic President
Amazon is as corrupt as the others and sides with other big corps for their own gains going against anything our great President Donald Trump did for our country !
Amazon should mind their own business. The scamdemic is nowhere as deadly as the controlled Media would have you believe.
How convenient is the timing? Where were they before? Of course the help is needed. Like seeing a person drowning and only jumping in to help once they have been pulled half way to shore. Typical.
Amazon needs to mind their own business. Next to Obama this pandemic is the biggest hoax ever pulled on the American public!
It is, simply, population control used to save on social security payments.
Amazon needs to mind its own business. Where were they when Trump was in office and could have used their help. Now only because Binden is in office, do they come out from their rock and offer some help. I think just so their own employees get the vaccine before the elderly in this country. I don’t know how many elderly people I have talk to that can’t get appointments, just because they are not computer savvy to manipulate the internet. It is wrong and it is is immoral to say the least.
It’s a brave new world. Wake up and try to bring this country together rather than constantly crying 😭 about your loss. Work with the GOP leaders to help bring this country together not to be a divided nation. This is give and take on both sides.
Hell yeah as a prime member maybe you can get the jab in 2 days
So let me get this straight! When President Trump was in office amazon’s attitude was F*#k the people. But now that communist joe is illegally occupying the White House, amazon suddenly cares! Bullshit.
No, Amazon is only looking out for their company, where was they when Trump was in office. If they was going to help bring vaccine to help all the older people that don’t seem to get their shot. it could help. There are many older people in Mississippi that is still on waiting list waiting for them to get the vaccine.
So Amazon who I have cancelled was willing to let Americans die to spite trump Go fuck yourself amazon
Sounds like damage control to me…
Amazon you suck now you you want to help after you assholes Cheat and lie about the president Donald Trump you guys are not true Americans become his F off
They just want to kiss ass. They are corrupt as well. That is why I closed my account.
All these vaccines are distributed by our military planes people.
We need all the help we can get .Thousands of the elderly are not getting appts.The computer sign up and appointment process is too comple for them. Please help us especially in Southern New Jerey we are sooo far behind. Thank you
Darlene Flamini
just wondering is biden going to get the shot vial and needles from China??? Most of the ppe, like masks are made in China, which I find ironic, as China made this virus to kill us!!
biden……He also plans to invoke the Defense Production Act to help produce needed equipment like syringes and vials as long as he doesn’t buy them from china!!!
Really,now all of a sudden Biden gets in office and you want to help? Your biased decision to help now shows your true colors. If you really wanted to help you would have done so prior.