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Democrats Reaping The Benefits Of Voter Fraud

- Early voting began Monday in the Lone Star State, and almost immediately reports began trickling in of votes being changed.
- Lackey said her office is dedicated to impartiality and fairness, and she even chose not to vote in the state’s primaries so there could be no accusations of bias.
- A new American Values Survey, reported by The Washington Examiner, found that just 4 in 10 voters are very confident their vote will be counted accurately.
A rash of reports are emerging on social media from Texas residents who claim machines have switched their votes from Donald Trump to Hillary Clinton – though local officials are pushing back and saying many of these incidents are due to human error.
Early voting began Monday in the Lone Star State, and almost immediately reports began trickling in of votes being changed. The controversy began when Lisa Houlette, a Texas resident in Randall County, posted her story on Facebook.
Arlington resident Shandy Clarke said a similar thing had happened to a family member who went to vote Republican Monday.
But Randall County’s Election Administrator Shannon Lackey told that these sort of claims occur every election cycle and that there is nothing wrong with the machines. She believes such incidents can be chalked up to human error.
“Our machines are state and federally certified. We do three logic and accuracy tests, which were done before military voting started in September,” she said.
Lackey said her office is dedicated to impartiality and fairness, and she even chose not to vote in the state’s primaries so there could be no accusations of bias. She also noted that at repeated points in the voting process, users see where their vote will be cast, and they can change it at any point.
“I also have instructed all early voting workers, if a voter is uncomfortable that they are to cancel the ballot immediately, and let the voter cast again, and choose the machine of their choice. They can even get the clerk to act as a witness,” she said.
Neighboring Potter County Judge Nancy Tanner released a statement Tuesday claiming there is nothing wrong with the machines.
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“They do not flip your vote. They do not flip parties. Humans do that,” she said.
Still, she referenced “one incident in Randall County where a voter voted straight ticket and when they hit the vote button, it flipped parties.” Tanner maintained that the machine was checked and there was nothing wrong with it.
In Collin County, elections official Bruce Sherbet told The Dallas Morning Newsthat there were complaints, but they were called in after the voters had left the polling place, and so it was not possible to determine what had happened.
Officials did acknowledge one minor software issue in Chamber County, when officials temporarily moved to paper ballots Monday after a glitch was found in machines.
12NewsNow reported that an error caused votes for one appeals court race not to be entered when a voter tried to vote for a straight-party ticket. That glitch has since been fixed, and there was no indication the error favored one party over another.
Meanwhile in North Carolina, WFMY reported that there had been “a smattering” of complaints about machines wrongly indentifying voter choices, but those ballots were corrected before being cast.
Yet some conservatives have seized on the claims as proof the voting system is rigged.
“You see the garbage that goes on and it has to stop,” Eric Trump, son of Republican candidate Donald Trump, told Fox & Friends Wednesday when asked about the situation in Texas. “We have to get it right, we’re better than that as a country.”
A new American Values Survey, reported by The Washington Examiner, found that just 4 in 10 voters are very confident their vote will be counted accurately. Donald Trump has repeatedly asserted that he fears the vote will be “rigged” and has held back from promising to accept the election results, telling Fox News’ Chris Wallace at the third presidential debate: “I will keep you in suspense.”

look at 2012 election and see how many precincts had over 100% turnout and zero votes other than democrat. have seen video’s of how simple it is to reprogram and machines. I think the ballots should all be hand counted. Hillary will do anything to win and will collapse the US
We had the elections stolen in 2008 and 2012! “We the People” will not allow this to happen again BO and Hitlary…YOU HEAR ME..!!! I got news for you, the U.S. Military/National Guards is on our side along with the Sheriffs and 90% of the Cities Police! Once they see the evidence they will back “We the People”..!!! God help us, PLEASE!
We can’t let this bitch in the White house
the left is sooo crooked , they are stealing all the hard working persons money
Voter fraud is a CRIME!
Lie, cheat, cover-ups, why not rig the system?
She’ll have it done.
It’s pretty obvious she will do anything to get what she wants. She shows absolutely no regard for anyone but herself and her family. She will do anything to anybody to make that happen,
I live in Texas and the problems with electronic voting was reported the first day of early voting. There were many call ins on morning news radio from early voters complaining about their vote not being recognized or changed. Electronic voting machines are just like slot machines and can be programed. They can also be hacked.
Paper ballot and hand counting should be the only method for elections of this magnitude.
All of the evidence is obvious. Rigged voting machines, thousands of dead people registered, etc.
I disagree with the statements that the machines are accurate because they are state a federally certified. They can be rigged after the certification. who’s kidding who here?
Ffreind are complaining of their votes being ch change
With all of the DemoRat voter fraud the American People, 9 out of 10, will not accept Hitlary for Prison as Prez…NEVER, NEVER, NEVER..!!! God help us, PLEASE! Help save our Nation, VOTE TRUMP!
It happened in the last two elections. Barack Hussein Obama, who was born in Kenya, did not have a valid birth certificate from Hawaii, was elected President for two terms. Votes were stole from valid voters and vote illegally for Barack Hussein Obama. That was why a Kenyan could be President of the United States of America for two terms.
Right Obamas]’ grandmother stated on national television that he was born in KENYA.
Why is that clip never replayed.
Because Hillary and the Democrats can not be Trusted and the Clintons have Murdered and Lied to get to where they are, Money talks and Obama and his Corrupted Government are behind it too
Because go out and ask anyone…they all say they are voting Trump.. it’s hard to find a damn democrat that will admit that they want stuff for nothing and voted democrat!! That’s why!!!!!
The crooked politicians can’t handle a outsider! It is very evident in the amount of supporters that show up to Trump rallies compared to Clinton! Yet the media is falsely reporting polling results showing how popular Hillary is!
We are in big trouble if she is elected, say goodbye to gun rights, woman’s rights & watch the crooked Clinton’s get wealthier!
Makes me sick!
In the city of Brotherly Love, the home of Rocky Balboa,
Hillary Clinton is not qualified” MENTALLY OR PHYSICALLY OR MORALLY” to be president, Bernie Sanders told a crowd of supporters packed into Temple University’s arena, delivering his fiercest jab yet to the struggling Democratic front-runner.
“Now the other day, I think, Secretary Clinton appeared to be getting a little bit nervous,” he began. “We have won, we have won seven out of eight of the recent primaries and caucuses. And she has been saying lately that she thinks that I am, quote unquote, not qualified to be president.
“Well let me, let me just say in response to Secretary Clinton: I don’t believe that she is qualified if she is, if she is, through her super PAC, taking tens of millions of dollars in special interest funds,” he said. “I don’t think you are qualified if you get $15 million from Wall Street through your super PAC.”
LIBERALISM Is It Mental Illness or Demonic Oppression?
There is no rule of law and this is the easiest way to tamper with the software.
Hillary and her brainwashed crew will DO ANYTHING to win!!!
just look at her whole “professional” life and there is the answer!
Because she will steel the election if she can. Nothing is below her nor her thinking she has a gang of thieves working with her.She should be going go jail.
She”s a crook
If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck… Only the deceased voters are unaware of the fraud. The entire party is a fraud. Connect the dots and where do they lead? I would like to hear Trump tell how he hates dead people, because they always vote Democrat! Paper ballots might be the only chance to keep it clean, but then you have to watch those who do the counting. It aint the amount of votes, it’s who counts them.
I know and understand that the liberal Progressive Communists will do anything legal or not to win this special election. They know the stakes and are willing to lie, steal, cheat, and yes, kill, to accomplish their goal. Anyone who doesn’t understand this now, soon will if this abomination wins this election.
The Dems are owned by soros and the likes and I believe we are using the Soros owned voting machines again. The same ones that were used to put Obama in the WH for a second term. Many other ways voter fraud is being used i.e. dead voters, double voters, not checking voter ID because of Obama.
Like it was stated is all in her name hilLIARy. Need not say more…
It has been proved that many dead people has voted. One woman was convicted when was found out that had voted 4 times. Many times the machines have changed the names for other candidate, so many cases of fraud have been exposed. They are using all the tricks than have been used in south and central ameriva.
It is the American peoples duty, and constitutional right to vote, and those votes should be protected and acknowledged for each citizens conscientious desire and trust to be heard, and accounted for in a fair and prudent system. Rigged elections is not something any American should ever have to be concerned with. As Americans we have read and heard of third world countries dishonest methods of electing dishonest people into power, but as a law abiding American citizen, I never would have believed that that kind of corruption could happen here in the United States. I am ashamed and appalled, and have lost my trust in the values and moral decline in the democracy that we now live in. If you can’t trust the people that have sworn an oath to uphold the constitutional laws and God given rights that, “We The People,” were led to believe and trust in, total chaos and anarchy can’t be far behind. A concerned citizen.
Hillary is bloody hands from the people she has killed and she is gay. Obama is gay and he
Last night on Air force one when he pulled his
Penis out and was asking everyone what they
thought about it.
I personally work with extreme liberal elitist and I know for a fact that they not only are willing to get violent, but will go to whatever extreme to push they’re agenda, including electronic sabotage, to stop any conservative motion. They always talk about the divide, but really it’s on them, you can’t say “Agree with this or you’re just not working with us ”
Ppl are coming forward that have seen their votes switch before their eyes on the ballot machines. Boxes of bogus ballots found with Hillary marked. THE many lies and schemes the Democrats have said and done alone throughout this campaign is enough to think this.
because they are using machinethat are rigged/progammed to switch votes from trump to hillar its all corrupt
Make machines that will make a paper trail of the votes so every think can be checked or go back to th original paper voting
According to what I am reading in these comments that killery doesn’t have a chance and that’s great. I believe that anything electronic and can be hooked up to a computer to fix can also be used to reprogram that machine to do whatever a person wants to program it to do and that means fraud in anyway that person wants to. EVEN SWITCH VOTES!!!! I PRAY to God for the people to do the right thing AMEN
Clinton’s cannot be trusted. They are a criminal enterprise always have been.
Nothing is too crooked or illegal for the Democrat party. As the DNC said, do ANYTHING to win, and the laws don’t exist for them.
In Philadelphia in 2012 where people voted multiple times and in 2012 there were complaints of machines changing the vote from Romney to 0bama and when you look at what is happening now in Texas there is no doubt.
Hillary will do what a thing to become president she is the biggest thief the biggest liar and should be in jail that running for the president
You people need to quit being so paranoid
They use dead people, have Soros’s machines which he intends for Hillary to win, and they swear that not fraud happens when their own people hide votes and destroy votes so they wont be counted.
The democrats have always cheated, stole,lied,harassed, fought against the morally right, on all social platforms. They are responsible for all the wow’s in this U.S.A.,since before the civil war.
enough all ready trump said they same thing, what has happened to America.
Because Hillary will do ANYTHING to get elected. She knows she is fighting a losing battle, if she doesn’t!!
In the last Presidential election, in the District of Columbia there were districts where there were no(zero) votes cast for Mitt Romney. That is not one. Any one who believes that could happen should see me, I have a bridge to sell them.
On Nov. 8th if everyone voting for Trump would wear a red shirt or jacket around town and to the polls. This would prove how many are voting Trump and cannot be denied.
This is not new news. What would you expect criminals to do. This is why Trump said he would wait and see if he would accept the results. Barbarians are at the gate. Where’s the hot tar for their bath.
Sorry, but that’s a stupid question! Ever hear of a voting machine changing a vote from Democrat to Republican? Me neither!
Isn’t it obvious already? The end is nigh, the day of the Lord cometh.. and it cometh quickly. Those of this earth that submit to Satan’s will are those that dwell in the shadows. They pull the strings and are the ones that deny that Jesus is the Christ!, Those same you identify as rich bankers “in charge” in control of the money flow and any satanic deeds. They do not and will not let their plans fail. If they want Hillary to win, she will win, if they want Trump he will win. They will go to any extent, murder anyone or anything to achieve their goals.. the goals of their father, the devil.
It had become an art form for the corrupt DemocRAT machine. Only forceful counter methods will work!
George Soros owns a lot of the voting machines in use today in America
Yes I believe the system is rigged and the government is corrupt any body can see that. It will take an act of God for Mr. Trump to be elected. With the cheating democrats. Why would they be so stupid to vote for Hillary when they know how corrupt and is such a liar and what a criminal she.
i believe no matter what bill O’Reillysays there will be cheating and the votes will be in her favor. everywhere I’ve gone this last week I have ben asking total strangers who they were voting for, just wanted to see what they would say,and not one single person said they were voting for trump. no one. when i probed why they had one of two answers only.either illegal immigration or they hated the things that came out of his mouth.they didn’t seem to care or have any concern about how crooked Hillary was the only thing that mattered was how nasty he was. I already voted for trump. but in my heart i don’t see any chance what so ever of him winning unless God gives the American
people a miracle they don’t deserve..
I went to the Primary in the area of Republicans. Checked my I.D. and then handed me a wrong form (Democrat) to fill out for afterwards scanning into the voting machine. I returned it after I saw, my candidates were not on it ? The Judge exclaimed, “Oh, they gave you the wrong form.”
How do you get a wrong form in the Republican Voting Area ?
Clinton will steal your shorts while you wear them.
The Soros connected voting machines are “Smartmatic”, If that is on your machine, ask for a paper ballot. There are in approx. 16 states.
This is the worst year for cheating, and the democrats have pulled out all the stops in desperation to win at any cost. Funny how it’s never the Republicans who cheat. But this year, they’ve overlooked the voting machines and companies who maintain them are owned by George Soros.
Strong evidence of voter fraud in the last two elections – dead people voting – people voting twice – 100% + votes for one candidate….REALLY!!! And yes, the democrats are the ones profiting from it. Why else do they fight so hard against voter ID and for motor-voter; which Barry Barack HUSSEIN Soetoro Obama forced through the senate.
There can be only one logical reason why Democrats are against showing identification to vote. It enables illegal voting to take place. Considering the high percentage of minority voters who vote straight Democrat ticket…many of who are required to have identification to obtain free government benefits, there is no excuse to not have an ID. Then there is the problem of illegals voting simply because they have a driver license! Now the stories about voting machines selecting the wrong candidate…always favoring a Democrat candidate? Then there is the George Soros connected voter machine companies which cannot be trusted to not cheat. The Democrats have no honor and cheat when they can get away with cheating. The past Al Franken close election where 312 “found” absentee ballots were counted, all favoring Al Franken…the same amount of ballots that exceeded the number of registered voters in that particular county! .It’s a guarenty that Democrats will cheat again during this election. Nobody ever goes to jail?
Because that’s how far right leftists/socialists/communists do things. They will stop at nothing to have their way. They are that arrogant and power hungry. The voters that support them have not figured that out yet. RINOs on the other hand stand by and give them what they want or are complicit in helping them.
Millions of voters are registered in two states and their second vote could make a big difference. Also, Illegals can lie and say they are citizens ans no one checks on that.
Dems always cheat otherwise they would not protest voter ID
That is what they want………liars and robbers. When they know they will never win, they resort to stealing and robbing. No conscious at all. We must not let it happen.
Look at what was done against Bernie Sanders in the primary…look at the Project Veritas Videos…look at the Norm Coleman election stolen by Al Franken through fake ballots..or at least through felons who should never have voted. It’s criminal.
The political people and George Soria don’t want Trump to win because they have no power over him
Already boxed voted found in Ohio. Voter machine changing votes from Trump to Hillary in Texas. Soros involved in some machines. Illegals voting where no id is required.
Obama spending taxpayer money to have illegals who have not had to follow law become citizens including the almost 2000 criminals that in their haste were given citizenship by mistake rather than the deportation that was scheduled.
Hillary and Soros causing violence at Trump rally’s.
There have already cases in Texas where the votes for Trump has been changed to Hillary. Luckily it was spotted early, not much harm was done but everyone is verifying their vote before it is submitted
Early voting is a problem for this very reason
it’s the only way democrats can win an election..through trickery..and lies
Hillary is UN AMERICAN and not fit to be our President
Liberals consistently PROVE their dishonesty and hypocrisy with very few exceptions. Hillary’s commercial where she claims she stands for children is a lie! She’s had abortions and in 1975, defended a 41 year-old rapist of a 12 year-old girl and claimed the girl ‘sought out older men.’ This needs to be in a commercial revealing the hypocrisy. Obama is on video ADMITTING liberal douche-bags rig elections. George Stephanopoulos (sp?) gets all whiny if someone doesn’t accept our government functionaries word that voting results are above board and that it’s always RUSSIA. He is a bitch! It’s okay when liberals threaten violence against Trump, Biden and the closet queen Robert De Niro, but make a joke and they cry foul!
At times, some of the claims of Trump are ridiculous! This is just ONE of Many! I do live in Texas, myself.
When a vast majority of criminals in jails and prisons are liberals, it’s easy to conclude that such fraud would be set up to benefit liberals. The Clintons and the DNC have proven their fraudulent criminality throughout this election and there is adequate evidence that Obama stole the election four years ago.
no way
Many of the voting machines are manufactured by a company owned by George Soros. We all know he is a Communist trying to turn this country upside down.
For any elections official to say the machines can’t be manipulated and all errors are human errors at the time of voting is blind and does not understand the technicalities of today’s automation. They can be easily set to convert votes after a certain date/time. All the testing has already concluded prior to voting time.
I think the bunch in the White House will do ANYTHING TO WIL. I THINK THE LAST 2 VOTES WAS RIGGED.
Democrats are the ones that do not want to put voter security measures in place.
That’s how Obama got into office.
Project Veritas has demonstrated ample evidence of voter fraud by the democratic party. There needs to be an independent verification of each vote, and that it wasn’t produced fraudulently.
So many dead people like to vote for Democrates!