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Donald Trump Grants Obama Citizenship



Donald Trump has finally put the birther movement to rest by saying that Obama “was born in the United States. Period.”

He started by blaming the whole movement on Hillary Clinton's campaign in 2008 when they cast doubt on Barack Obama's right to be president. A cause which several prominent conservatives have championed.

Donald Trump said that while Hillary started it, he had finished it. He is referring to the fact that Obama, after much debate, did make his birth certificate public a few years ago.

Barack Obama made light of the statement by responding, “I was pretty confident about where I was born, I think most people were, as well. And my hope would be that the presidential election reflects more serious issues than that.”

Donald Trump was, of course, one of the most outspoken members of the “birther” movement and to see him finally give up the fight just opens up more questions. Why now? What did Donald Trump gain by bringing up the conversation and by letting Obama off the hook? Questions that will probably go unanswered.

For now, I'm sure Barack Obama is happy to finally be granted his citizenship and I am sure he plans to celebrate with family and loved ones.

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