Internal Revenue Service (IRS) agents arrested celebrity lawyer Michael Avenatti on Tuesday evening. This was during a break in a disciplinary hearing in Los Angeles following...
While promoting her new HBO show, “The Plot Against America,” actress Winona Ryder described the last few years under Donald Trump as a “nightmare.” Fox News...
Patricia Arquette, 51, used Instagram to reach her fans and call on them to spread the word about an “economic shutdown” effort scheduled for March 2nd....
Natalie Portman, 38, showed up in the 2020 Oscars dressed in a custom Dior cape embroidered with the names of “some female directors who were overlooked...
American film director Martin Scorsese, 77, fell asleep during Eminem’s Oscars performance on Sunday night. Eminem performed his hit single “Lose Yourself” from the 2002 film...
Some celebrities have taken the opportunity to talk about politics during the Oscars. Four-time Academy Award nominee Brad Pitt, who won the best-supporting actor accolade for...
Jeffrey Epstein, convicted pedophile, died in his New York prison cell on August 10th while awaiting sex crime charges. Amy Robach, ABS News anchor, believes that...
Adam Sandler and Netflix Inc. have made a deal to make four new movies for the global streaming service. According to Netflix, Sandler has become one...
At the White House Summit on Human Trafficking, adviser to the president Ivanka Trump, Attorney General William Barr, and others discussed ways to combat human trafficking....
Kobe Bryant’s wife, Vanessa Bryant, has given her first public statement Wednesday on the deaths of her husband, their 13-year-old daughter Gianna, and seven other people....