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Fauci Should Resign Now For His COVID-19 Blunders

Many Americans are questioning Fauci’s credibility when he repeatedly flip-flopped on a number of coronavirus issues throughout the pandemic.
RELATED: House Republicans File Bill To Fire Dr. Fauci
CDC Lost All Credibility
Dr. Marty Makary is a Fox News medical contributor and professor of health policy and management at Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health.
He said that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) lost all credibility. “They have been consistently delinquent, misrepresenting COVID risk levels.
The public sees through the CDC’s flawed guidance on schools, travel, and summer camps that use the guise of science. That’s why 52% of Americans no longer trust the CDC,” he said.
Then, there is Dr. Brett Giroir is the former White House Coronavirus Task Force testing czar and former Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) assistant secretary.
He said the confusion surrounding the CDC’s new guidance is a result of “awful communication and planning around the guidance,” plus some terrible choices in the words used.
“The real message is: If you are vaccinated, and not in a special group like the immunosuppressed, it is safe for you and for others around you for you to be without a mask indoors.
But, if you are in areas of significant disease or in a high-risk circumstance and you are not vaccinated, it is still safer to wear a mask than not to wear one,” Giroir said.
Fauci Should Resign As His Credibility Is Falling
Some experts think that on top of mistrust in the CDC, Fauci’s credibility is falling. It didn’t help that he seemed to change positions on a number of issues.
Recently, Fauci said that he doubts COVID-19 developed naturally outside of a Wuhan lab. Earlier reports stated that three Wuhan lab workers showed COVID-like symptoms in Autumn 2019.
This is just before the official outbreak in China. In addition, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky testified Wednesday that a laboratory origin of COVID-19 is a possibility.
However, in May of last year, Fauci told National Geographic he thought otherwise. “What’s out there now is very, very strongly leaning toward this could not have been artificially or deliberately manipulated.”
A year later, he flip-flopped. When asked if he thought that COVID-19 developed naturally, he said: “No, actually no, I’m not convinced about that.”
Fauci Should Resign As He Gives Mixed Messages
In addition, Fauci sent mixed messages surrounding mask mandates. Last year in March, he said there's “no reason” to walk around wearing a mask.
However, he changed his stance a few months later. In June 2020 he discouraged mask-wearing to conserve them for health workers, qualifying that personal protective equipment (PPEs) were in short supply.
Then, in January this year, he turned around saying, “double-masking makes common sense, it’s more effective.”
Giroir said that this mixed messaging can happen due to incoming new information. However, he said there should be more transparency.
“The change in mask guidance was based on new information and data. Of course, I had some issues back then because we did not know that masks did not work.
We just did not have affirmative evidence that they did work, and we needed to conserve masks for health care workers. Fauci should have been upfront with that as well as the rest of the medical leadership on the task force, stating that we don’t know if they work instead of saying don’t wear them,” he said.
Troubling, But Nothing New
Representative Guy Reschenthaler, (R-PA), a member of the House’s China Task Force, recently learned that $1.1 million US tax dollars went to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. While he said Dr. Fauci’s mixed messages are troubling, he knows that this is nothing new.
“He has been wrong, intentionally deceptive, and inconsistent throughout this entire pandemic. A few examples of Fauci’s failures include: claiming there was very little risk to Americans in January of 2020, opposing President Trump’s China travel ban then crediting it with saving lives, and wrongly predicting an explosion of cases in Texas after Gov. Abbott lifted the state mask mandates.
It is long past time for Dr. Fauci to stop talking to the American public. Fauci should resign or be fired immediately,” Reschenthaler said.
Representative Warren Davidson (R-OH) proposed the “FIRED” (Fauci Incompetence Requires Early Dismissal) Act in light of his mixed messaging.
“Dr. Fauci is at odds with the CDC. He has repeatedly put political science ahead of the science on COVID-19.” Meanwhile, Giroir said he doesn't think Fauci flip-flopped this year.
Instead, “The current confusion is because the overall guidance from CDC is confusing, and it is obvious that the CDC changed guidance without briefing him extensively,” he said.
Watch Representative Warren Davidson’s video detailing his bill “FIRED Act”:

Should Dr. Fauci resign? Or, should the administration fire him for his confusing messages?
Tell us what you think the CDC should do to recapture their credibility. Share your comments in the comments section below.

Fauci should be fired and stripped of his Pension. He deliberately helped invent a weapon of mass destruction in trying to kill so many people. His name is on so many Patents for these man made injections.
He should also face criminal action for using tax payers monies.
Good luck ridding ourselves of this false prophet! Leftists adore Fauci and kowtow in worship to his every pronouncement. And, if you haven’t noticed, leftists are now in control of our country.
He should have his ass kicked out the door as soon as possible, like yesterday. This man has caused more grief with his lies and dishonesty. And to think he has the highest salary in our government. Too bad he wouldn’t slip and fall down an open sewer drain and drown in the same shit that he has created in this country with Pelosi, Biden and Harris and ACO. All criminals and they are ruining America for our children and grandchildren. I don’t want my grown
grandchildren to have any kids to grow up in the America of today.
Fauci should be tried for war crimes against the American citizen. The Covid vaccine’s spiked proteins will damage those that have been vaccinated and possibly damage the unvaccinated if there is shedding from the vaccinated. Too many people have died or had debilitating symptoms after this jab.
Hard to believe that America has stooped so low…
Yes, please, you’re not a credible Dr. You decided long ago to be a sick, evil, madman like Bill Gates. Play politics or be an honest, ethical D. Sorry, too late. You’re incapable of that. You have proven you were eitger completely incomletent or a deliberate puppet for the left. You belong hanged right beside your buddy XiXi!
Amen to all the above!!! We need a miracle Lord.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
FAUCI is part of the COMMUNIST LIBDEM REGIME. HE must GO, one way or ANOTHER.
Someone who makes well over $400.000 a year, paid by the good ole American tax payer. He’s laughing all the way to the bank, Year after Year! The American tax payer has been duped once again!!!
I am so sad to see this Man Fauci leading our science NIH. What other errors has he made? What else has he helped fund that will kill us next time. In the last few months I have his advice to be beyond reasonable, him and his stupid double masks, I was fooled for a short time, but no more. Hopefully, but no expecting it, he will be relived of duty. Did you know he is highest paid Federal Employee?
Charges will never be bought against fauchi as he is Obiden’s administrations Golden child and as long as Obiden and his family are in the pocket and in the bed of China and Russia nothing will come of this. The damage that Obidon has done and the Democratic party to this country in the short 5 months will probably never be repaired
Dr. Fauci should resign and go hide in a corner and hope republicans never get enough power to hold him accountable for the greatest disaster the world has known. He was involved in the very development of the China Covid-19 virus.
He too is a puppet of the Sorros and Bill Gates regime and all those who are in bed together, and we know who they are. This is nothing short of crimes against humanity and evil in it’s entirety. Should they be prosecuted? Yes, without hesitation!!!! ALL OF THEM!!! Never to be seen nor heard of again. God help the world if they are to remain with a voice much longer.
I called him a Fake last May, fuckin hack! Lied to the nation paying his salary. Started with that p.o.s. Obama and he should be fired and stripped of his federal pension, our fuckin money! I hope I don’t run into him, cant go to prison in my old age for purging him! Lol
He is a evil little man that thinks people really care about what he has to say. It is a shame that Trump didn’t fire him. He is thick as thieves with China, and that is common knowledge, but will be exposed by the lame stream media. It is my PO that the lame stream media is a bigger threat to this country than Antifa and BLM.
An unelected narcisistic megalomaniac shut down this country! Everyone suffered and we pay
him? Send him to China that he loves so much. We may never recover!
He should be tried for treason and murder
It wouldn’t surprise me if the Fauci and the dems had the covid released to bring to the US just to get Trump out of office. They don’t care what happens to our Country or its people.
Fire him now
On top of what has been said by fellow patriots, don’t forget the blunders and
crimes against the Health of all Americans and this Nation, as director of NIH.
Many Souls have been lost cause of there direct mis-management and attacks against many important
Doctors, Researhers, and Medical Institutions.