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FDA Warns Five Companies Selling Dietary Supplements That Have Cesium Chloride

On Tuesday, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has published warning letters to five companies that are marketing dietary supplements containing cesium chloride.
According to Fox Business, the FDA has previously given warnings to consumers and health care professionals against using supplements that have cesium salts. This came “after the health agency found significant safety risks associated with it being used in compounded drugs.”
“Cesium chloride is sometimes promoted as an alternative treatment for cancer; however, no cesium-chloride-containing products have been approved by the FDA to treat cancer or any other disease,” the FDA recently wrote in a press release.
Steven Tave, director of the office of dietary supplement programs in the FDA’s Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, said that the administration will “continue to take action against dietary supplements that contain cesium chloride because of significant safety concerns – including heart toxicity and potential death – associated with this ingredient.”
“We take very seriously our role to protect the public from dangerous dietary supplements,” he added.
Companies Receive Warning
Companies are required to provide safety-related information on cesium chloride before it is included in a dietary supplement. However, several manufacturers dailed to do so. This includes American Nutriceuticals, LLC, Complete H2O Minerals, Inc., and Daily Manufacturing, Inc. Elementary Research, Inc., The Mineral Store, Inc., and Essense-of-Life, LLC, also failed to do so.
The FDA has requested the above companies to respond with how they will correct the violations. Failure to do so may result in legal action, Fox Business reported.
Those who have used a product with cesium chloride and believe it has caused a reaction must stop using the product. They must also contact a health care provider as soon as possible. Additionally, the are advised to submit a complaint to the FDA through MedWatch or the Safety Reporting Portal.
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