Greta Thunberg Refuses to Fly Because of Carbon Emissions

Greta Thunberg, Swedish climate activist, asks the world for suggestions on how she can re-cross the Atlantic as next month’s UN climate summit in Chile was unexpectedly moved to a different venue. The government of Chile announced that the cancellation of the summit in their country was due to “political unrest in the South American nation.” The COP25 summit will now be held in Spain. Thunberg asks the public for help “to make the 6000-mile trip through carbon-free modes of transportation.”
The 16-year-old refuses to fly due to the involvement of carbon emissions. Air travel produces a heavy carbon footprint, and according to Business Insider, “A single round-trip flight between New York and California generates about 20% of the greenhouse gases your car emits in a year. Overall, the aviation sector accounts for 2% of annual global greenhouse-gas emissions. A 747 aircraft emits more than 21 pounds of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere per mile traveled.”
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Thunberg had been traveling by boat, train, and electric car when the new venue was announced. Thunberg tweeted “As #COP25 has officially been moved from Santiago to Madrid I’ll need some help. It turns out I’ve traveled half around the world, the wrong way. Now I need to find a way to cross the Atlantic in November… If anyone could help me find transport I would be so grateful.”
There has been a mix of reactions to Thunberg’s social media plea. Some have given multiple offers of support while others suggested that she returns to school to learn about air travel benefits.
Thunberg hopes to find a low-emission way to travel back across the Atlantic Ocean before the COP25 on December 2nd.

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