Hallmark Pulls Gay-Themed Wedding Ads After Public Outrage, Then Reinstated it

The Hallmark Channel pulled ads that featured two brides kissing at the altar as they were under pressure by a conservative advocacy group. The ads were supposedly for Zola, a wedding-planning website.
According to Molly Biwer, senior vice president for public affairs and communications at Hallmark, “the debate surrounding these commercials on all sides was distracting from the purpose of our network, which is to provide entertainment value.”
She added that the Hallmark brand “is never going to be divisive.” She said they’ve tried hard to stay out of controversy. However, LGBT members and supporters like Ellen DeGeneres reacted: “Isn’t it almost 2020? What are you thinking? Please explain. We’re all ears,” DeGeneres tweeted.
Hallmark apologizes for pulling gay wedding ads https://t.co/D4LZX7vLYT
— Los Angeles Times (@latimes) December 16, 2019
Associated Press (AP) reported that Biwer confirmed that One Million Moms, a conservative group part of the American Family Association with a mission to “fight against indecency,” complained about the ads to Bill Abbott, CEO of Crown Media Family Networks, Hallmark’s parent company. AP added that “a post on the group’s website said that Abbott ‘reported the advertisement aired in error.’”
Zola submitted six ads – four of which having a lesbian couple. “After Hallmark pulled those ads, but not two featuring only opposite-sex couples, Zola pulled its remaining ads, the company said,” as reported by Associated Press.
The original complaint from One Million Moms stated the following: “Please reconsider airing commercials with same-sex couples, and please do not add LGBT movies to the Hallmark Channel. Such content goes against Christian and conservative values that are important to your primary audience. You will lose viewers if you cave to the LGBT agenda.”
So. Hallmark was going to air ads w/ a gay wedding. A conservative mom’s group pressured them to pull them (something the left does ALL the time, btw). Seeing as this is their main demo, Hallmark agreed. Leftist rage ensued. Now they’re kowtowing to the backlash to the backlash. https://t.co/QkHwZIMyRl
— Allie Beth Stuckey (@conservmillen) December 16, 2019
Following criticisms about pulling same-sex marriage commercials from Zola, Hallmark will reinstate these commercials that it pulled from the network. The issue started with a complaint from the conservative group One Million Moms. A Hallmark spokesperson explained that the controversy was creating a distraction.
According to Mike Perry, Hallmark Cards CEO, “the Crown Media team has been agonizing over this decision as we've seen the hurt it has unintentionally caused. Said simply, they believe this was the wrong decision. We are truly sorry for the hurt and disappointment this has caused.”
The LGBT advocacy group Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) called the initial decision “discriminatory and especially hypocritical coming from a network that claims to present family programming and also recently stated they are ‘open' to LGBTQ holiday movies.”
“Hallmark will be working with GLAAD to better represent the LGBTQ community across our portfolio of brands,” said Hallmark.
Hallmark pulls out the Gay Themed Wedding Ad, watch abc News report here:

There are alot of Christians who watch this channel because we see smut and violence and sex on all the other channels. I like that hallmark doesnt show people having sex, no swearing, family movies. I will stop watching if you feature movies with same sex couples. I am offended by a commercial like that. The bible says clearly that it is an abomination!
Like Paula, our whole family enjoys watching the Hallmark movies, especially at Christmas. My daughters and I (we are 80, 60, and 55) sometimes do a marathon weekend :-). We would also be offended with such commercials or movies featuring gay couples. While folks are entitled to their chosen lifestyles, that is NOT the norm and shouldnt be portrayed as such. The first time we do see either such commercials or movies, sadly, our Hallmark viewing days are over.
We, our entire family, are SO OFFENDED by movies and ads that depict immoral content, such as same sex couples. Among other things, this means younger family members will not be allowed, and be indoctrinated, by such representations! What you think you should be working with GLAAD is a mystery and a mistake. It would be better for you, and our society, to be working with One Million Moms. We are not members, hut agree TOTALLY with their stand. You see, they have backbone, which YOU obviously do NOT!
Wake up, Hallmark‼️‼️‼️
I do not understand how a corporation which has been in arpund as long as you have can knuckle under to these groups. I will NEVER purchase another item which has the HALLMARK brand on it, nor will I ever watch one of your programs again as long as you promote this type of lifestyle.
Hallmark is only following the Dick’s Sporting Goods model – offend your customers in order to support those who aren’t your customers and don’t care about you anyway.
I feel that you are wrong by letting Ellen strong arms you into showing these one sex marriages on the Hallmark network.
Children watch these movies , so they also see the ads. You have enough sponsors, you don’t need to expose the children to this type of garbage.
With so many other channel’s to show this ad on including LOGO which is a gay channel why are you allowing politics to dictate which ads you show. Shame on you!!!! I will no longer be watching Hallmark channel Christians don’t really have a lot of program choices anymore and you just took another option away.
We, my family and I watch Hallmark channels because we know We will be seeing decent movies. No foul language, no sex and no same sex couples or other unconventional life styles.
Any change in those values and we will no longer watch Hallmark nor will we buy anything Hallmark has to sell.
I am very disappointed that Hallmark is even considering any changes to their programming.
I am extremely disappointed to hear that you are buckling to the gay/lesbian groups! As advertised this Christmas, Hallmark celebrates your 10th anniversary for your Christmas movies! We have been watching and also looking forward to the holiday movies…especially because you have given us, your viewers, such decent movies that the whole family can watch! No sex, no foul language or obscenities! To you we have been so thankful! But now you are listening to others that want you to be just like the other channels that we no longer watch! So sadly we will also have to cut you from our viewing options! This is very sad! I do truly hope that you reconsider and keep to wholesome family viewing!