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Heroin Kills Hundreds And Burdens First Responders
Over 225 are dead across four counties in four states in just one week. All of the deaths are attributed to heroin overdoses and authorities now believe it's because the already deadly drug is being laced with the elephant tranquilizer Fentanyl.
One town in west Virginia saw 27 deaths from the poisoned substance in just four hours. Residents are trying to get the word out as quick as possible to prevent as many deaths as possible.
Regardless of what you feel about the overdoses of heroin junkies, this massive spike in deaths have put an unbearable strain on first responders and cities that are already in low-income and poorly funded areas. 911 has been overburdened by a neverending stream of calls which leaves law abiding folks who need help stuck waiting longer for help in an emergency.
This has served to highlight the grip of heroin abuse that the region has been trapped under for the last few years. Usage has risen to historic levels and officials have all but given up with finding ways to prevent or even slow it. Something needs to be done and soon.
I hope they catch the people who have done this quick and hopefully it can serve as a wake-up call to a few junkies who can turn their life around. Because sooner or later, it all leads to the same dead end.
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1 Comment
The answer is to legalize Heroine. Regulate it like they do marijuana or oxycodone. ANYTHING can be OD’d on,, anything. The problem is what people do to get it. I’m not addicted,, but I’ll take blood pressure medicine the rest of my life, so add Heroine to that. Resulting in a lot less robbing, burglaries muggings and many other crimes. There will also be a reduction of people in agonizing pain from chronic conditions. Today you’re fine but who knows when an accident on the job such as construction, car or motorcycle wreck while responding to a 911 call and you are crippled for what may be life. Life that could be a life of pain. Just legalize it and be done with it.
Thanks, John S. May ([email protected])