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Hillary Clinton And Seven Scary Words
The seven scariest words I can think of are President of the United States Hillary Clinton.
Hillary has done everything I can think of to lose the public trust and prove that she has to be the worst candidate running. Yet she has a giant fan base and by all educated guesses will get the democratic vote.
This is a woman that lied about Benghazi and got brave soldier killed. Soldiers we now know could have been saved by a timely intervention, but one that she put a halt too.
This is a woman that has, time and time again, put national security and American lives at risk by refusing to use the federally protected and state mandated email servers, because it was deemed too inconvenient for her.
This is a woman who supported her rapist husband, allegedly, through years of repeated assaults only to stand on stage and say that all women should have a voice and their stories heard.
I could keep going on, but you already know what kind of woman she is. She is the kind of woman that is so unlikable and untrustworthy that she is locked in a virtual tie with a 74-year-old socialist that doesn’t understand how the internet works or where money comes from.
Hillary only stole Iowa from Bernie by winning 6 coin flips in a row, odds that I don’t even want to go into. Luck like that comes from a contract signed in blood and a fiery finish line.
Why does the democratic party even use coin flips to decide their ties? Is that how they view democracy? A game, that when too close to call just comes down to blind luck, that is ludacris.
The Republicans took an honest look at their field and said we don’t want another 4 to 8 years of a Bush or Clinton in the white house. So why can’t the Democrats come to the same common, and well founded, mistrust of these political dynasties and kick out the heir to a family name that is synonymous with scandal, corruption, and lies?
Yet, she will probably still get the democratic nomination and that should scare the hell out of you. There is a very real chance that Hillary Clinton will be the next president of the United States and that is terrifying. That is if the FBI doesn’t arrest her first.
The Democratic Party, was hijacked by radicals, in the 1960’s, and has become a joke.
Part of Hillarys’ platform should read, ” My incompetence and inaction got four Americans killed in Benghazi. Just imagine how many more I can get killed as President.”
This #itch scares the $h!t out of me
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