Hillary Is The Real Joke Here
Watch the above video and see Hillary Clinton painfully trying to make a joke at Donald Trump's expense.
“So let's take a look at what he did for his businesses. He's written a lot of books about business, they all seem to end at chapter 11.”
The idiotic grin on her face as she smiles and nods while waiting for the crowd to awkwardly laugh is priceless. You can see on her face just how proud of herself she is after this witty zinger.”
I wonder how much the Clinton Foundation paid out in “donations” to their hack team of writers to write this joke. It's easy to avoid bankruptcy when you don't ever create anything other than a fraudulent charity that takes in millions of dollars in blood money from the middle east and the wall street bankers who sell out our country every day. But then again that's not really funny.
No doubt Hillary Clinton will chalk this up to a big win that proves she is edgy and hip. Exactly what she needed to draw in all the Bernie supporters who would now rather vote for Trump than her. Pathetic. This showcases just how out of touch she really is.
Hillary, I too have a joke, you being the first female president.
I can,t believe that Hillery has the nerve to stand and face the public with her criminal record. She should be in prison long ago with all those that are supporting her. They are all sick by trying to destroy the nation we as veterans fought to save from communism.
Her information is (as usual) only part true. In order to get her Chapter 11 remark in she changed the facts about Trumps books. She also forgot to mention that none of her claims about her own record are false or talk about all the illegal offshore funding she procurred with Clinton Foundation and illegal campaign funds from foreign sources. Also procuring women for prostitution for her husbands use. All in Time magazine before the 1992 election.
She should be in jail.
What a business.
Hillary is a liar and a cheat, she is bad news
and would finish obummers job of destroying this country
she’s a liar !
The Travesty’s and Felonies perpetrated by the Clinton family make charges made by her, lack credibility even if there is a glimmer of truth to some– CLINTON CASH read the book- 50,000 emails and 4 dead in Bengazi!
I have hundreds of hours of documentaries on The Clintons and their constant struggle for dominance in the world. She reminds me of that little rat, Pinky and The Brain, “I want to take over the world”. In their power take over they have committed several crimes against the people and the very country she wishes to represent. Jail Time is to good for this women, Treason should be punishable by hanging from her neck.
Why no audit of the ‘CLINTON FOUNDATION”??? She speaks of Trump and his businesses (we have already been down that road). What about the donations, from foreign (enemy) governments, while SOS?? What about the Clinton Foundations “Bankrupt College, that paid millions to Bill C.?
She is inept and a pitiful human being with all her lies, cover ups, and criminal fraudulent dealings!!! If she becomes president, we all might as well go off the grid and try to survive on our own, because we won’t have a country any longer!!!
She is inept and a pitiful human being with all her lies, cover ups, and criminal fraudulent dealings!!! If she becomes president, we all might as well go off the grid and try to survive on our own, because we won’t have a country any longer!!!
She is not for the USA. She is not for the people. She has gotten many of our people killed. I THINK SHE IS ON DRUGS.
She can’t be trusted! Her background says it all. I don’t care to hear her say anything
Everything about this lying, cheating, thieving, backstabbing, POS is a joke! So what else is new? The funniest thing I could hear about HRC, is that she went to sleep one night and never woke up!????
Hillary is a criminal – do your research please.
She and her husband both belong in prison!!!
No end of criminal charges and lies.
she is a lier
they why there is cabinets to agree or disagree
on what he does for out country
Hillary, if elected, after Obama, would take this nation into a downward spiral that might never be reversed. Both of them are the epitome of deceit and personal gain…with this great country being ignored and prostituted. While Trump might be a wild card, he is our only prayer.
This CORRUPT Clinton is America’s worst and now MOST DANGEROUS “Domestic Enemy” of the United States and the American people! She is GUILTY, beyond a shadow of a doubt, and the FBI Directors statement about Clinton is “PROOF” of total 100% federal government CORRUPTION!