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Jeb Bush Sinks To All Time Low



Jeb Bush

  • During an event just 2 days after Iowa, Jeb Bush had to plead with the crowed to clap at the end of a speech.
  • Bush ended 6th in Iowa with less then 5% of the vote.
  • Bush raised and spent the most money of all the candidates.
  • His last hope is a big win in New Hamsphire.

After finishing in sixth place in Iowa, Jeb Bush is hoping a packed campaign schedule in New Hampshire can breathe life into his flagging campaign, but apparently some of his supporters won’t even give him a hearty round of applause.

During his last campaign stop Tuesday, Bush tried to fire up the crowd with a rousing speech about how he would protect the United States if he is elected president, The New York Times reported.

“I won’t be out here blowharding, talking a big game without backing it up,” he said at an event at the Hanover Inn near the Vermont border. The crowd was silent.

“Please clap,” he said. He sounded defeated, The Times says. At this, the crowd burst into laughter and then finally clapped.

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Bush has undergone a remarkable transformation in the past year, from well-connected Republican establishment favourite for the 2016 presidential nomination to nearly a bit player, fighting for political survival.

Expectations were high when the second son of George H.W. Bush and brother of George W. Bush got in the race in June. By then, he’d formed a group with longtime adviser Mike Murphy, which raised more than $100 million in the first six months of the year. The plan: The group would advertise and run voter outreach apart from the campaign, while Bush’s official candidate organization would be a leaner operation.

As groundbreaking as the plan was, Bush failed to carry on as the presumed Republican favorite, in part due to underwhelming debate performances but also because of the rise of outsider Donald Trump. His fortunes have improved somewhat in New Hampshire, where he has poured most of his campaign’s energy, and a strong finish there is considered crucial for him.

Original source article: ‘Please clap’: Jeb Bush delivers rousing speech — to deafening silence

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  • gary runkle says:

    Mr. Bush is just another Washington establishment politician who really doesn’t care about the citizens of this country or the Constitution. We need some one who isn’t owned by big money and corporations.

  • Maycott, George says:

    AL thou Mr. Bush is a respectable and honorable person, it is clear that he does not have what it takes to be president.

  • Me says:

    That’s what happens when someone is never told ‘no’ and is used to buying the ‘yes’ by any means necessary. Affluenza all grown up.

  • lisamains says:

    The nerve ,320.000.000 million people in the usa And all we can get is a has been Bush and a mental retarded women by her own choice .No disrespect for the mentally challenged It just makes me sick Where is America ?I don,t know this country any more When i came to this country 50 years ago it was heaven the envy of the world I would like to see that country back And if you libs don,t like it get the hell out I still believe in god and country Don,t let that Muslim in our wh take it away

    • Philippe says:

      lisamains. Your posting reminded me of one of the best political bumper stickers I have ever seen after the Bush-Gore presidential election. It read : ” I want more choices for President” Seriously.

  • Douglas says:

    I rede her the gas prices the last time a bush was in office. No More Bush Should be the saying in the future. DONT GO HOME MAD JUST GO HOME! As for Trump, I’d rather have him as a president instead of McCain, Bush, Fiorina, or any of the rest of them. Fiorina broke the last company she worked for, Bush people should look into the Lincoln Savings Bank scandal, before you open your mouth.

  • steve says:

    Poor Jeb…..Enough said….Poor Jeb…

  • Herman says:


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