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Kelly Loeffler Will Oppose Biden Certification

Republican Sen. Kelly Loeffler will oppose the certification of the Electoral College results scheduled on Wednesday. Along with fellow candidate David Perdue, they made their decision to support Trump days before the critical Senate runoff elections in Georgia. In a tweet, Loeffler wore that “On January 6th, I will vote to give President Trump and the American people the fair hearing they deserve and support the objection to the Electoral College certification process.”
RELATED: Trump Demands Georgia Gov. Kemp to Resign
Loeffler and Perdue
Loeffler’s effort is distinct from a similar undertaking by her fellow GOP members in the Senate. Many Republicans have yet to acknowledge Biden as the winner in the November presidential elections. A group led by Texas Senator Ted Cruz started discussions among Republicans on which states to oppose during the special session. The incumbent, President Donald Trump, refuses to concede the elections and insists that massive voter fraud happened. In addition, at least 140 House Republicans will also object to the certification.
Fellow Georgia Republican Senator David Perdue also plans to object. He tweeted a clip of his interview on Fox News where he urged colleagues to object. Then, he said: “I'm encouraging my colleagues to object. This is something that the American people demand right now. There are huge irregularities in Georgia. They need to be investigated, and they need to be corrected, in my opinion.”
Decision Time
Both Loeffler and Perdue kept their decisions close to their chests until today. Neither gave word on whether they will object to Biden’s certification. However, Loeffler did indicate her plans last December when she appeared on CNN. She said, “Everything's on the table right now. This President has fought for us, we're fighting for him. We need to have free and fair elections. But we also need to make sure Georgians get out and vote on January 5.” By the next month, news that Loeffler will oppose the elections made the rounds.
The decisions by both candidates followed the audio leak of Trump’s phone call with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger. In the audio, Trump urged him to “find” votes that Trump believed got stolen from him. The President hoped that finding these votes can reverse the state’s election results in his favor. Raffensperger denied the claims of voter frauds, and the conversation ended without any agreements. However, the audio transcript made its way to the press and caused a media firestorm.
Runoff Elections
Meanwhile, Loeffler and Perdue are currently fighting for their political lives. They are facing Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossof on January 5 to determine who will represent Georgia in the Senate. More importantly, the runoff election carries a bit more significance to the balance of power. Specifically, it holds the key to which party will hold the Senate majority. At present, Republicans are clinging to a narrow lead of two seats 50-48.
A Republican victory in one or both contests gives the GOP an outright majority. This allows them to continue their dominance of the Senate and the Senate agenda, as well as a majority on Senate legislative committees. Republican control would serve as a major stumbling block to Biden’s agenda for the next two years. For one, cabinet appointees will pass through a more extensive grilling. Then, campaign promises like extending health care benefits, setting immigration controls, and establishing climate regulations, will take a harder time to gain approval. Differences in opinion over stimulus programs will also feature heavily by early 2021.
If the Democrats Win
If both Democratic candidates win, the Senate would split 50-50. However, the Vice President would come in to settle the majority with a tie-breaker vote. As Harris is a Democrat, she would swing the majority in favor of her party.
A Democrat Senate will pave the way for Biden to get his programs off the ground quicker than with a Republican majority. Plus, political appointees will experience smoother sailing during confirmations. Meanwhile, choice committees will change hands in favor of Dems.
Watch the Bloomberg Quicktake coverage of President Donald Trump campaigning for Republicans candidates David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler in Dalton, Georgia:

Do you support Senator Kelly Loeffler”s plan to object to the Biden certification? Also, what do you think happens if the GOP objection succeeds? Share with us what you think by leaving your comments below.

“Boarders”??? Double entendres here… though securing our “boarders” does make sense, too. I do believe the sign maker meant “borders”, though.
I believe the votes should be recounted in critical states.I also want to live in a country thats run by a President that upholds all the Amendments including the 2nd Amendment. I don’t want to live in a country run by admitted Socialist polititions.We all know what follows Socialism.
I agree, I want to live in a country where only honest and legal votes are counted