North Carolina Wants to Be a Haven For Illegal Immigrants and Release Murderers, Child Rapists, and Drug Traffickers

Ask yourself if you’d be comfortable knowing murderers, child sex offenders, rapists, and drug traffickers who entered our country illegally might soon be prowling the streets unhindered?
According to a recent warning statement from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), that might be the reality facing North Carolina citizens.
The reason?
Some of North Carolina’s cities are attacking Section 287(g) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1996 by promoting a refusal to cooperate with ICE detainers.
Instead, they’re citing “sanctuary” policies as an excuse for their reckless behavior.
Nothing New from the Swing State
Once upon a time, North Carolina was an out-and-out Democratic state – albeit a rather conservative one.
But over the past 10 to 15 years, it’s become more of a swing state.
The Democrats are likely feeling pressured to try and win the state back. Last year, they got together nationwide to support a slew of liberal sheriff candidates.
In the case of Mecklenburg County, that support included $175,000 from the American Civil Liberties Union to put Garry McFadden in charge.
For Buncombe County, Democrat Quentin Miller had his victory paid for.
Is it any surprise these are also the two North Carolina counties most guilty of endangering the public?
According to ICE, Mecklenburg and Buncombe Counties are among the worst non-cooperative jurisdictions in North Carolina.
Nearly 50% of the outstanding (read “willfully ignored”) detainers against criminal aliens in the state come from these two areas alone.
Defying ICE and Putting Lives in Danger is “Fun” for North Carolina’s County Sheriffs
Luis Pineda-Ancheta was originally deported in 2006. In May of this year, McFadden refused to cooperate with ICE after the Honduran was arrested for threatening to murder a woman.
McFadden released the criminal, who promptly kidnapped the same woman and tried to kill her – she only escaped because he happened to trip.
What was McFadden’s response when, in the middle of the case, he was asked about his duty as County Sheriff?
With the widest of grins, he said: “If I had known it was this fun, I would have done it years ago.”
As for Miller in Buncombe County?
Marvin Ramirez Torrez first came to ICE’s attention back in 2017. He was convicted – not just charged, but convicted – with raping an 11-year-old girl.
ICE sent a detainer request, but Miller refused to comply. And in October, the Salvadoran child molester was released back into the public.
“If ICE is aware of an individual that they have determined to be a danger to the public safety of Buncombe County,” he said, “then ICE should obtain a warrant for their arrest.”
The only people benefiting are the criminals who shouldn’t even be here in the first place. ICE is already struggling to keep us safe – and thanks to people like McFadden and Miller, their job keeps getting harder.

My wife and I USED to go to Tennessee and North Carolina every year on vacation. Now we’ll stay in Tennessee and FORGET about going into North Carolina! Why should we travel to a state where we’d feel unsafe! Tennessee can enjoy the extra money!
TN is unfortunately doing the same thing. Chattanooga will be one of the three sanctuary cities. Sad our Governor is allowing this. Will not make the mistake of voting for him again. Governor Lee you should be ashamed of yourself. We have enough illegals in the state now.
I have no problem with immigrants that come into America the right way. But breaking the law to come in right off is “Totally Wrong”!
Lord please help us, In Jesus Christ’s Name Amen
That’s what liberals are all about for the last several years. Forget the safety of the citizens and protect the illegal aliens, criminal or not. The sheriff said if I knew it was this much I would have done this a long time ago. Done what endanger the citizens of his county. If I lived in these counties I would start a recall for not doing his job. Why can’t the Federal government arrest them for breaking Federal law, they would arrest us if we broke Federal law.