A group of guys have teamed up against this guy, who owes them money, by spreading his picture around different media sites. He has been seen...
A woman from Canada was assaulted after a women shouted “I hate white people!” and then punched her in the face. The judge on Tuesday, however,...
I don't think Hillary expected this uproar over her “innocent” verdict. This entire case, she has been extremely cool, calm, and collected. Almost too calm, as...
Obama Is Cuckoo For Muslim Puffs And It's Hurting America (Image: MGN) Bill O'Reilly went on the Fox News Channel yesterday, to discuss how Obama's love...
A Muslim man killed a fellow Muslim in a convenient store in Scotland, over what? Religion. The man claimed that he committed the crime because of...
Hell Hath No Fury Like Someone You Owe Money (Image: MGN) A group of guys have teamed up against this guy, who owes them money, by...
In this video, House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz grills FBI director James Comey on his findings on Hillary Clinton's email investigation. The mental gymnastics that...
Black Lives Matter…But White Lives Don't (Image: MGN) A woman from Canada was assaulted after a women shouted “I hate white people!” and then punched her...
The Bill of Rights means a great deal to a lot of people worldwide. To most, it is a symbol of freedom and democracy. A document...
A Personal Manifesto Of A Simple Man Who Cares About America FROM OUR FRIENDS AT GUN CARRIER By Gary L. Coats The following is a letter...
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