Big Brother Is Watching Hawaii's Gun Owner (Image: MGN) Gun owners in Hawaii are now entered into an FBI database that tracks and notifies other states...
Britain Puts On Its Big Boy Pants And Leaves EU (Image: MGN) The vote for leaving the European Union has finally come through and Britain is...
America has ben constantly under attack since 9/11. Over 711 convicted terrorists have been caught since 2001. Over 380 of those suspects were from other countries....
The state of California has passed a mandate that forces health care providers to pay for elective abortions, even if the said health care provider is...
Trump gave a 41-minute speech yesterday bashing his opponent Hillary Clinton, from his skyscraper in New York. A correspondent from NPR said that his speech was...
The fight on radical Islam has continued to be an ongoing thing. Since Al Qaeda has been a problem, back in the early 2000's, we have...
Listen to what New York Democratic Rep. Charlie Rangel has to say about gun control and the lack of concealed carried permits in his city. When...
Listen to what New York Democratic Rep. Charlie Rangel has to say about gun control and the lack of concealed carried permits in his city. When...
The Common Law Of Islamic Terror The fight on radical Islam has continued to be an ongoing thing. Since Al Qaeda has been a problem, back...
Trump gave a 41-minute speech yesterday bashing his opponent Hillary Clinton, from his skyscraper in New York. A correspondent from NPR said that his speech was...
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