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Americans Are Fed Up With Biden’s Pandemic Strategy

Americans remain frustrated with the Biden administration’s pandemic strategy. As Omicron cases collectively go down across the US, the growing resentment against lockdowns and mandates is becoming apparent.
Many are already accepting the fact that COVID is something Americans will have to deal with every day. However, President Joe Biden insists that America can defeat the virus.
RELATED: Dropping Like A Rock: Sleepy Joe Biden’s Approval Rating Falls To A New Low of 33%
Americans Resigned to Live With COVID
Across demographics, many Americans disapprove of the administration’s pandemic strategy of cycling through lockdowns and mandates.
A growing segment of the population is becoming aware that COVID-19 is now an endemic and not a pandemic. This means that it becomes an everyday part of life like other endemic diseases such as tuberculosis or the flu.
Surprisingly, this belief is now universal even among rival groups. Democrats and Republicans, the vaccinated and the unvaccinated, urban and rural folk.
Each contains a growing segment of the population that wants to move on from COVID. This acceptance includes the reality that living with COVID means people will still get sick and die.
However, the Biden administration seems determined to see the pandemic until the end. It refuses to change its message about what it wants to be accomplished.
White House press secretary Jen Psaki reminded the media of what Biden’s pandemic strategy is all about. “The president’s goal is to defeat the virus,” she said.
Biden’s Pandemic Strategy Disconnected
As the president prepares for his upcoming State of the Union address this March, the disconnect with Americans is becoming wider.
The President is currently mired in all-time low approval ratings. As disapproval upon disappointment mounts, Biden finds himself and the Democratic Party out of step with ordinary Americans.
This can lead to fatal election results for the Democrats this November. Cygnal, a Republican polling company, conducted a survey to find out what Americans worry about.
The survey said that most voters are more concerned about the economic impact of COVID than its health impact. Cygnal president Brent Buchanan noticed a trend among dissatisfied voters.
Many independent and suburban voters are getting turned off with the way Biden is handling the crisis. Consequently, they are getting more pessimistic about the country’s direction.
COVID Worries Remain, But Many Want To Move On
According to a new Monmouth University poll, around half of Americans still worry about getting infected with COVID. However, 70% of respondents said that it’s time to accept COVID but it’s time to move on with their lives.
This sentiment holds true across demographics. Both COVID survivors (78%) and those who haven’t gotten COVID (65%) agree that it’s time to move on.
Additionally, the sentiment is also shared among Republicans (89%), independents (71%), and nearly half of Democrats (47%). Across all groups, Americans want Biden to drop, or at least modify, the administration’s pandemic strategy.
But why do Americans want to normalize COVID? According to Patrick Murray, Monmouth’s Polling Institute director, vaccine skeptics have worn down America’s will to beat COVID.
Americans realized that they will never achieve herd immunity given the politicization of the subject. Murray said that the White House remains in emergency mode, but the public wants Biden to drop it. It’s time to move on.
Change the Pandemic Strategy
If Biden continues to insist on operating in emergency mode, he risks further alienating the suburban swing voters who helped his party win between 2016 to 2020.
For example, Virginia switched to a Republican governor mainly out of frustration over mandates and restrictions. With the midterm elections a few months away, this can happen again.
“Parents are really mad, and they’re going to hold someone accountable,” said Liesl Hickey. She is a Republican strategist studying suburban voters. “It’ll be K through 12 parents that fuel a GOP tsunami in the fall.”
Watch the Fox News video featuring contributor Karl Rove: Biden is overpromising and underdelivering:

Do you agree that the Biden administration should switch their pandemic strategy? Instead of trying to beat the virus, do you agree that Biden should lead efforts to move on despite COVID?
Tell us what you think. Share your comments below.

My hope is all the people who voted and those who had no clue, are paying a hard lesson on idiocy
@Carl B. I would not get my hopes up for stupid people in this country seeing the light. With their brainwashed ideology that “government will take care of everything” you will not be witnessing the communist cleansing we all so hope for. I know people do not like to talk about it, but we are very much in the beginnings of a Civil War. Things are going to get much darker, much more complicated and downright nasty before there may be ANY hopes of getting this country back.
There is a world trial that started this week. We have been lied to, people murdered that shouldn’t have been. It started with the swine flu and it flopped. This was planned, the vaxes are killing people and not even designed for the virus. Fauci and Gates are going down and a few more. It’s all about a one world govt. politicans have been paid off as well. Can prove all of this. This is all international. Some evil people in this world. The jury is being picked this week. Email me if u like. I will send u the proof. The vax is killing people.