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Poll Shows Americans Do NOT Support Biden’s Gun Control Push
Results of a new poll suggest that a majority of Americans don’t support gun control.
Rassmussen released a new survey, asking respondents how likely Congress will approve of new gun control laws. For this, 57% believe that Congress won’t pass such measures against 34% who think it will. Meanwhile, 21% believe Congress will not likely pass such measures against 11% who believe it is likely.
The same poll also asked whether the respondents agreed with the following statement: America’s “founders explicitly wanted an armed citizenry to keep potentially tyrannical governments in check?” Based on the survey, 32% strongly agreed and 22% somewhat agreed. Meanwhile, 11% of the respondents somewhat disagreed while 15% strongly disagreed. Of all those surveyed, 20% were not sure.
Apart from these two poll questions, 52% stated that instead of adding new laws, the key to fighting gun violence lies on stricter enforcement of gun control laws already in place.
While anti-gunners are loud and motivated, they represent a fraction of those who support gun control. Most support it as a secondary cause at best. It’s not what gets them to the polls.
While this is only one survey, it had 775 respondents who are likely to be voters. While the sample size isn’t large, it reflects what other polls have already found out. It shows that among Americans, more gun control laws isn't the answer.
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