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Federal Judge Blocks Biden Admin From Rescinding Title 42



100 migrants were returned to Mexico under title 42 health measure due to the pandemic | Federal Judge Blocks Biden Admin From Rescinding Title 42 | featured

A federal judge issued a temporary injunction against the Biden administration to prevent the government from rescinding Title 42. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention earlier planned to revoke the Trump-era health order by May 23.

RELATED: 10 Dems Ditch Biden on Title 42, Join GOP Calls for Retention

Federal Judge Prevents Biden Administration From Rescinding Title 42

President Joe Biden makes a strong gesture while he delivers a speech | Federal Judge Prevents Biden Administration From Rescinding Title 42

Title 42 is an administration order issued by then-President Donald Trump to help address health issues at the southern borders.

The measure allows officials to send back illegal migrants to their country of origin in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

For some strange reason, the Biden administration is now rescinding Title 42, saying it is unnecessary anymore. As such, the CDC announced they will let the order expire on May 23. 

The COVID pandemic, while reporting fewer numbers,  continues to rage in many countries, including the United States. 

Twenty-one Republican-governed states filed a lawsuit asking to prevent the administration from rescinding Title 42. As a result, US District Judge Robert Summerhays of Louisiana issued a temporary restraining order (TRO).

This temporarily prevents the CDC from rescinding Title 42 in the meantime. “For the reasons stated on the record, the Court announced its intent to grant the motion,” Summerhays wrote.

“The parties will confer regarding the specific terms to be contained in the Temporary Restraining Order and attempt to reach an agreement.”

This Is Not The Time To Even Consider Rescinding Title 42

On April Fools Day, the CDC announced its plans to end Title 42. It was “no longer necessary after “considering current public health conditions and an increased availability of tools to fight COVID-19.”

The health order originated in 2020 when former President Donald Trump spearheaded the creation of the policy. COVID-19 was wreaking havoc on the US at the time.

Trump wanted a measure to prevent the further spread of the virus at the border. Once President Joe Biden assumed the Oval Office, he kept Title 42 for the same reason. In fact, the White House denied using Title 42 as a means to limit immigration. 

Republicans and Democrats Unite To Prevent White House from Rescinding TItle 42

Even party mates of the President realized that rescinding Title 42 is a bad idea. Moderate Democrats sided with Republicans in calling for Biden to at least delay ending TItle 42.

The band of 21 Republican states attorneys general hope that the federal government listens. The group, led by Missouri AG Eric Schmitt, wants new measures in place. 

Critics pointed out that rescinding Title 42 will put additional strain on an already-strained immigration system. Arizona Senator Mark Kelly is one of those Democrats siding with the Republicans. 

“Right now, we have a crisis on our southern border. Right now, this administration does not have a plan. I warned them about this months ago.

It’s going to be, to be honest, it’s going to be a crisis on top of a crisis,” he said. “My focus is on ensuring an orderly, humane, and secure border process,” he later tweeted.

Watch the KHOU 11 news video reporting that a federal judge blocks termination of Title 42 as the body of a soldier is recovered:

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What do you think of Title 42? Do you think it’s wise for the CDC and the White House to lift Title 42 even if the pandemic remains ongoing? Also, will you agree to rescinding Title 42 once the pandemic stops?

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