US News
Simon Property Group Plans to Reopen 49 Malls Amid Pandemic

Simon Property Group plans to reopen malls and several properties soon – with strict COVID-19 safety measures.
According to Fox Business, it could reopen 49 malls and outlet centers as soon as Friday. This includes its Haywood Mall location in Greenville, South Carolina, and Lenox Square in Atlanta.
Business hours will only run from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Mondays to Saturdays. On Sundays, malls will open at 12 p.m. and close at 6 p.m. This will allow cleaning overnight, according to an internal memo. CNBC reported that “Simon said it will regularly sanitize high-touch areas such as food court tables, escalators, door knobs and electronic directories.”
"The biggest US mall owner prepares to reopen 49 properties. Here’s how that will work"
— unseen1 (@unseen1_unseen) April 28, 2020
The company will also encourage mallgoers to take their temperatures before going to the mall. Free temperature testing at the mall will also be available. Additionally, shoppers can ask for free CDC-approved masks and hand sanitizing packets.
Simon is also requiring its employees to wear masks and take “frequent breaks for handwashing.”
According to CNBC, the company is taking the following steps to ensure that people maintain distance: “Putting tape over every other sink and urinal in restrooms, putting decals on floors to direct traffic flow, limiting food court seating and keeping play areas and drinking fountains closed.”
Retailers and other tenants will be encouraged to use technology to allow contactless transactions.
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