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Cruz Mocks Biden: ‘It’s a State of the Union Miracle!’



Joe Biden turns 79 years old, he is the longest-serving president of the United States | Cruz Mocks Biden: ‘It’s a State of the Union Miracle!’ | featured

Beginning March 1, the White House will no longer require mask wearing on its premises. Curiously, this rule was made one day before President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address. 

This lifting of the mask mandate came just hours before Biden will deliver his maiden SOTU speech before Congress.

RELATED: Libs in LA County Finally Drop Ridiculous Indoor Mask Mandate

Mask Mandate Similarly Dropped On Congress

Calendar reminder about the end of mask mandates in some states | Mask Mandate Similarly Dropped On Congress

The decision to life mask requirements in the White House follows a similar decision from Congress.

Earlier, Congress’ Office of the Attending Physician said that masks are optional on the House floor for the president's speech. This will likely avoid the imagery of masked lawmakers two years into the pandemic. 

Under the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Washington DC is now a low-risk area for COVID-19. The CDC’s new metrics emphasize monitoring community hospitals rather than individual COVID positive test results.

Using the new metrics, more than 70% of US counties are now under low or medium threat for COVID hospitalization. This also means that healthy people in those low/medium risk areas can stop wearing masks indoors.

Sen. Ted Cruz Declares A State of the Union Miracle!

Meanwhile, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) declared a “miracle” after hearing the White House’s decision.

When Cruz realized that the White House will remove mask mandates before Biden’s major speech, he went to Twitter to mock Biden. Cruz simply wrote, “It’s a State of the Union miracle.” 

Earlier this year, Cruz argued that the media shouldn’t ask him or other Republicans why they weren't wearing masks at press conferences.

He said that reporters wouldn’t ask President Biden or White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki why they’re not wearing masks as well. This is especially true when either one is speaking to the press.

‘Mr. President, Why Aren’t You Wearing A Mask?’

Cruz asked the media why they keep asking Republicans but not the President about wearing masks.  “On the question of hypocrisy, you just asked, you people at the podium are speaking without masks,” he said. 

Cruz said that for once, the media should ask Biden the same question when he’s standing at the White House podium.”Mr. President, why aren’t you wearing a mask?’” Cruz challenged.

He also said the same about White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki. “The questions are only directed at one side, and I got to say that the American people see the hypocrisy,” Cruz noted. 

Cruz Won’t Wear A Mask Anymore

Last April, Cruz announced that he won’t wear a mask on Capitol Hill anymore. He said that since he already received his vaccines, everybody else in DC already got theirs. “Everybody working in the Senate has been vaccinated,” he said. 

During the Conservative Political Action Conference in February last year, Cruz said that Americans will have to wear masks for the next 300 years.

“Not just one mask, two, three, four. You can’t have too many masks. How much virtue do you want to signal? This is just dumb.”

Watch the Forbes Breaking News video reporting that the CDC drops indoor mask recommendation for most Americans:

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