Three Olympic swimmers are being detained in Rio due to an investigation into a robbery claim that they say they are the victims of. So far...
Crime is something that is in every state, every country, and every town, but the Olympics seems to be filled with it. Not only is crime...
United States intelligence agencies have confirmed that they are working in cooperation with the Brazilian government in securing the Rio Olympic games. Over 1,000 spies have...
U.S. Spies Are Protecting The Rio Olympics (Image: MGN) United States intelligence agencies have confirmed that they are working in cooperation with the Brazilian government in...
The Rio Summer Olympic game athletes are going through 450,000 condoms. That's right, athletes have come forward and admitted to late night sexual gatherings, and the...
The Rio Summer Olympic game athletes are going through 450,000 condoms. That's right, athletes have come forward and admitted to late night sexual gatherings, and the...
A group of men were arrested in Brazil for the plotting of terrorist attacks against the Olympic games in Rio de Janeiro. Officials do not think...
A group of men were arrested in Brazil for the plotting of terrorist attacks against the Olympic games in Rio de Janeiro. Officials do not think...
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