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The Boston Herald: “Biden’s Platform Is a Risky Love Letter to Social Justice Warriors and Those Who Believe Capitalism Is the Root of All Evil”

American newspaper Boston Herald endorsed President Trump for reelection. The country doesn’t need the “unfeasible spending spree in the name of a progressive utopia,” according to the newspaper. It said that this would happen if Joe Biden wins.
“The 2020 presidential election is about what people don’t want as much as what they actually do want. For the left, getting Donald Trump out of office tops the wish list. It’s been that way since the day after the 2016 election. For them, everything the president has done is bad, every move sinister, and every policy one more nail in the progressive coffin,” wrote the Herald’s editorial staff.
The article also mentioned that the president has not “done himself any favors with his incessant Tweets.”
“Biden allegedly offers a return to ‘normalcy.’ But, what’s normal in 2020? Biden’s platform is a risky love letter to social justice warriors and those who believe capitalism is the root of all evil.”
The editorial staff also talked about how the former vice president wants to increase the corporate tax rate – mentioning that The Hill “cited an economic study by Kevin Hassett and Aparna Mathur which concluded that corporate tax hikes lead to a substantial decrease in wages and spending, and spurred businesses to move out of the country.”
The writer concluded the article with a simple sentence: “The Boston Herald endorses Donald Trump for president.”
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