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Election 2016

The State Department Is Covering Up For Hillary



The State Department Is Covering Up For Hillary, see more at:

The State Department Is Covering Up For Hillary (Image: MGN)

  • State Department officials are claiming that they believed that Hillary Clinton was using her personal email to talk with friends and family members, not to send or conduct official business.
  • Not only did a member from Judicial Watch offer to set up a computer for her, specifically for personal emails, but Hillary told them that she “does not know how to use a computer to do email.”
  • The FBI is still investigating possible mishandling of classified information from Hillary's personal email.
  • The officials from Judicial Watch also, originally, suggested that Hillary's computer be connected to the internet but not through the system of the State Department.

A longtime State Department official said he assumed that then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was using her personal email to “stay in touch with family and friends”, not conduct official business.

In a two-hour deposition with the conservative legal watchdog group Judicial Watch last week, Lewis Lukens also said he offered to set up a “stand-alone” computer for Clinton to check her personal email account, only to be told that she “does not know how to use a computer to do email.”

Lukens' testimony was released Thursday, the day after the State Department inspector general released a report criticizing Clinton's email setup, saying that it violated federal records rules and cyber-security guidelines.

The FBI is investigating possible mishandling of classified information that passed through the server, which was set up in the basement of Clinton's Chappaqua, N.Y. home. Clinton has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing, and did so again Thursday.

“This report makes clear that personal email use was the practice for other secretaries of state,” Clinton told ABC News. “It was allowed. And the rules have been clarified since I left.”

According to Lukens, he first spoke to Clinton's Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills in 2009 about ways that Clinton could access her personal email without using the State Department's OpenNet system.

In an email released by Judicial Watch earlier this year, Lukens initially suggested a computer that could be “connected to the internet (but not through our system) to enable her to check emails from her desk.”

“The reason that I proposed a PC was that it would make it easier for her to log on,” Lukens said in the deposition. “And at that point, as far as I knew, there was no requirement for her to be connected to our system.”

The computer system was never installed. Lukens was told that Clinton could only send and receive email on her Blackberry smartphone. 

Because Clinton's State Department office was considered a secure zone, she was unable to bring her Blackberry there. As a result, Lukens recalled “on occasion” seeing Clinton looking at her Blackberry in the hallway outside the secure area. 

Lukens, who has been with the State Department since 1989, said he could not recall explicitly discussing Clinton's use of a personal email account with other officials, adding that he assumed she was using “a commercially available email account.”

Lukens is the first of at least six named witnesses to be deposed about Clinton's use of a private email server to handle her correspondence during her time as America's top diplomat.

Mills is scheduled to testify on Friday. U.S. District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan ruled Thursday that recordings of her deposition are to be kept under seal over concerns the video might be used “as part of partisan attack” against Clinton.

Source: Fox News

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  • Charles says:

    What more would you expect from a bunch of lying blankety blanketys ????

  • Linda says:

    To many people have worked with and for her over the last few years. Maybe if they turn in Hillary, some of the state department employees would be guilty of crimes also.

  • jim Robinett says:

    They are covering up for the hillary creature because of big payoffs they must be receiving or else they have been threatened with death if they do not cover up for the clinton creature.

  • Bob says:

    Because she is covering for Obama.

  • Jim Croyle says:

    If it looks like a duck ……………

  • Landon Paxson says:

    You can not believe anything our Government tells you Obama administration is so screwed up you can’t believe anyone

  • Jimmy Green says:

    Hitlery is a pathological crook. Herself and the dickhead who married her have been dodging bullets their whole adult life. The evidence is there, yet nothing is done. It’s time to show the world that crime doesn’t pay any more!

  • Gerry says:

    Of course they are right along with this administration, the doj, all of the demoSCUM party, the ss and the FBI.

  • william dexter says:

    she has lied and had so many former scandals, the white house is protecting her so she can repay Obama when she is president, she is not above the law, all politician’s should respect the law, not there own

  • Joe says:

    The State under Obama’s control ,as with almost ALL of the agencies in our govt.Obama and his administration is (in my opinion) the worst ,most dishonest,back door dealing,lying ,two faced group of MISFITS,who,have NO compassion for the American people,ONLY if you are ILLEGAL,then its all for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Voni says:

    We are debtor nation; people have no sense of responsibility and no sense of integrity in America today. Satisfaction is the God of the American Society and at their PERIL.

  • mel says:

    she can get away with anything, after being the first lady and the seceratay she is untouchable, the president will pardon her if she is indited she has enough dirt on everybody in capital hill no one would dare touch her, and the president has told lynch to drag the investigation out so if she is elected to president she could pardon herself, I was stationed at the white house I have seen the crap that goes on first hand you would not believe some of the things I have heard and seen happen.

  • Gail Ghoogasian says:

    The Clintons have been proven to be liars cheaters, and very dishonest…she should never be in the presidential race..

  • hugh mckernan says:

    It is obvious they are dragging their feet on purpose, I think it is so, at the last minute, Obama can pardon her, and hope she takes over as president

  • Name says:

    Others had used personal e-mail servers. She was not unique!

  • Gerald says:

    Because in my opinion Bill and Hillary are tied up in the corrupt government in Washington and she is who they want for president to keep the status quote, this is no acceptable! The American are tired of this and want things changed, government for the people not for Washington or bigger politics, ran by the guidelines of the Constitution not by executive order or what works best for Washington or what the President wants. We want her crimes uncovered and they will probably uncover a whole lot more that are being hide from the American people. Washington needs a shake up!!!

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